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What's up with the ammo shortage?

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Marlin stopped, now surrounded by what he still considered his new friends. He truly thought that this must be some kind of surprise for him after all he had been in town a whole six months.

Ol’ Grizzly stepped out from the circle and shouted to the crowd., “Here he is folks. THIS is the man that we though by his very name was just like us only slightly off kilter by just a tad bit. For weeks now he’s been trying to brain wash the good people of this town and convince us that we don’t all need to carry firearms with all his foolish talk. All of us know what we now need to do and that is to exercise our Second Amendment Rights and get rid of this slime ball socialist. Soooo… I’m going to rejoin this circle. At the count of three when I say three, everyone fire and gun this slime of the earth down like he deserves.”

Marlin froze and his eyes darted swiftly around the crowd.

“ONE!!!” , yelled Ol’ Grizzly.

Marlin now realized that he was totally encircled by a mob that was literally carrying at least one of every kind of conceivable gun powder firing weapon there was.

“Prepare to meet your creator, you scheming and conniving SOB!!!” bellowed Ol’ Grizzly. And then he quickly followed with and even louder…. “TWO!!!”

Now desperate and with no possible way to escape, Marlin quickly looked around at the angry mob and just as Ol Grizzly Thompkins with what one would have sworn was breathing fire from his nostrils screamed….. THREE!!!!”

…..Marlin dropped to the safety of the ground….

And now you know …. The Rest of the Story!!!

© 2013 Marlin Homrighausen

This is an entirely fictious story and in no way reflects or is based upon the lives of a real life people, past or present. It is written as purely fiction and to convey a sense of humor to the reader.
"It is written as purely fiction and to convey a sense of humor to the reader."
It did it's job, here! Thanks, Marlin!
sure is a good thing they aren't taking away our right to free
speech !!

what in the hell would happen then?

Mike C. Oh man!!! I think it is a conspiracy by those greenie guys with their perfect camouflage tractors. I can see it now... They'll wait in the tall green grass with their color matching tractors and pounce upon us unsuspecting Cub Cadet owners at Plow Days and while we're mowing our own lawns.
Just think... If we had those as kids. Our Moms and Das would have dusted our butts big time going through those Oreo cookies.

When You're Nine. CAB records stood for Clark Anthony Burlingame a very popular Davenport, Iowa radio disc jockey on KSTT radio. Perhaps Dennis Frisk will remember him or Lou Gutenberger. AND I just know that my copy of that record is in our Mom's house and that my sister will never let have it.
Just how much ammo does the government need? They have been buying up most of the ammo for months now. It has been reported that Homeland Security now has enough ammo to shoot everyone in the US at least five times!
How about them laying off for a while and letting us have some. Those greedy

It's all "in the plan". I believe we're in for a jaw dropping surprise not too far in the future.

No disrespect, (I like the show too) but Andy never faced the idiots like we have today! If the show was produced today, Andy would have at least a 9mm on his side, and Barney would have an AR-15! The show wouldn't have all happy endings for everybody either. I know that is a crummy outlook, but that's just the way society is. Look at the crap that's on TV now, no wonder people are like they are. I watch a little news, and a few of the old shows sometimes and that's about all the TV I watch.
Marty, If I didn't know better, I'd have thought I wrote what you just posted!

Where has America (at least the one I grew up in) gone?? I somehow don't think this is what the Heroes that came home from WWII had in mind for their Grandkids

Sorry situation for sure.

Dave S.
Marty G. Non taken.
You see if one truly slowly reads my little story about Why We Needed To Shoot The Village Idiot and then remember like I do when I read the newspapers.... There are studies being done that are actually discovering all those growth hormones we put in animal feed to stimulate their growth are beginning to affect us. Other studies on other additives are finding similar results.

With the things I've been posting on this section are designed to not only be humorous however also to get people to start thinking outside the litter box and look beyond our surroundings to find a solution. Just read another article about Iowa State doing research on violent video games and youthful ofenders....
which brings back this.... Click Here.

Everyone have a wonderful day.
Marlin: I don't know what's up with either my computer or your links, but I haven't been able to view your last two postings. The "YouTube" screen comes up, but instead of a ">" arrow, I see a circle, and no matter what I click, I can't get it to play.

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