Yesterday I stopped at Wal-Mart to pick up a few items and kill some time between my "day job" and "night job"...
I don't normally buy ammo at Wal-Mart, but thought I would take a look at their cabinet as the shelves at the local Fleet Farm have been empty of most pistol ammo for weeks now and I was in need of some .40 S&W rounds.
Much to my surprise, the cabinet was almost completely empty of rifle and pistol ammo. I think there were maybe a couple boxes of .243 rifle ammo, and 4 boxes of .40 S&W pistol ammo. All of the other calibers were gone, but their seemed to be plenty of shotgun shells.
I asked the elderly gent behind the counter if I could get a couple boxes of the .40S&W. As he came over to unlock the cabinet, he said, "We had 8 boxes of that stuff this morning. I'm surprised there is any left at this point."
As we walked back over to the sporting goods counter so I could pay up, he said, "Yeah, I don't think I'm getting much on my truck-order for tonight. As a matter of fact, let me look.." He then pulls a sheet of paper out from under the counter that looks like an Excel spreadsheet which is full of items and has 4 of the rows highlighted with a yellow marker. He starts pointing to the highlights, and goes, "Yep, one box of .357, one box of .45ACP, and 2 boxes of 30-06....that's it!" I asked him if he meant "cases" or just single "boxes" and he said, "Oh no, we don't get this stuff in cases anymore. It's all just single boxes. Most if not all of this will be gone before the McDonalds next door is open for breakfast in the morning. That .40S&W stuff you just got was put on the shelf about 6hrs ago and now we're down to one box."
He went on to say that he's getting calls from all over the country from people looking for ammo. He also said there was a guy, traveling on business, who was from California that couldn't even find shotgun shells so he bought a case here and had it UPS'd back home.
When I got home later that night after work I found the exact same .40S&W ammo on with starting-bid prices more than DOUBLE what I had just paid at Wal-Mart. For the exact same ammo! I don't mind the guys who want to slowly build up a stock of ammo by buying "a box here and there", but this hoarding and reselling stuff is killing the casual shooters like most of us!!!