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What's up with the ammo shortage?

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I'm OK with background checks, just I don't want anyone to tell me what kind of gun I can and cannot have or weather I can carry or not.

I wish everyone of our young adults could go to other countries and vist and just see how socialism really works.

<font size="-2">Was that political?</font>
Digger, yes you are correct, I have never spent time in a non-democratic country. My words reveal? I am aware of other countries, cultures and their relationship with firearms, violence lawlessness and the fight, the right to attain freedom, democracy where all are equal and allowed certain rights.

The criminals will never be accountable and countless others will not be accounted for due to the loopholes, the rhetoric of the mentally unstable in our society, in any society really. It is they who create a problem for the whole. Yes, they do and it is growing into an epidemic. There is little money, and nothing but red tape when it comes to assisting those in this country who are mentally ill. Instead of making their care and caregiving a concern, its easier to just point fingers and say it's all their fault that law abiding citizens have to deal with laws being enacted to protect them. they dont need more laws, they can protect themselves by being armed themselves, so whats the todo about? I dont understand the train of that, when you create more laws to protect the innocent it will make it a stronger case for the criminals and not those who hold their second amendment right to own and bear arms. HUH? Logically that just doesnt make sense. Any citizen who is law abiding shouldnt fear a law that will protect us from those who aren't mentally stable in allowing them to easily gather and amass weapons to kill many with simple ease

I have been on the tragic side, the deadly side of firewarms by the lose of family and friends due to instability and criminal activity. I am not against the owndership and the right to protect onself. Never said anything even with the hint of that. I dont understand though how we as a society can sit and say, its tragic what happens when the unstable act out, killing one or to many souls who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then we have the tragedy of a society where violence is excalating and gun violence has become the norm. Its scarey to live in world as it is. We are never really assured safety as we navigate our world.

And you talk Digger about what might, more the likely willl happen in our future, unwritten history, when the sancity of life is at threat. its bound to happen, given the current reality, it doesnt seem that far in the stars. The Milky way looks pretty close in restropect as to what our future as a society with guns will face the future. OR, can we, in this moment, do something to switch up the unwritten story? Can we create different realities then those we see with clear prophecy? ummmm, pondering.

I have not said that I am against guns or ones second amendment right. I would be along side my brothers and sisters in defending that, but as well, as you said the times are changing and in light of that, guns in our society have played a role and continue too. from the times of the wild wild west to the manic killing of the innocent in the now, The ways in which it is all changing, I think we have to have a conversation regarding life now and in the future with the use of firearms and violence being so prevelandt, and not be afraid of it or laws to protect us as a whole. Just as the mother of the young man who did the mass killings in Newtown, she had no business allowing her weapons to be accessible to her son. But oops, she wasn't thinking. She lost her life because of it. Yes, she had a desire to own an shoot guns, but in light of her personal truths, shouldnt she have been accountable for her choices? Or was it just all her son's fault.? That can be debated on both spectrums. . What was she thinking? We will never know, but instability in the home leads to instability and grave consequences for the WHOLE, as that story reveals.

Fear is manifested by the unknown, not by what we already know.In some aspects of our lives, we might be fearful of change, and in other area's we welcome them. It is the fear and the panic that keep us from growing intelligently based on past truths or behavior. That is a fact. Taken from my studies in socialogy and psychology. We have to look at the whole of it from the viewpoint of society. Yes, guns play a role in society. That can't be disputed, BUT with our awareness of the pain caused by mental illness, firearms and the inability to have little control over who can and cannot own a firearm, legally has created the tip of the iceberg in relationship to what you were talking about with self protection and the future. perhaps in time man will turn against the government and overtake it, as is reality in other countrys, but we have a difficult time believing such chaos and tyranny could ever happen in America. We should know better. Man is capable of what ever he choses to bring into his reality. living in such a society and thinking only about us and what affects us personally isnt advantagous to the whole. YEt the whole of society affects us, regarless if we want it or not.

just like the revelations of the preppers and what they are doing to prepare themselves for a reality that has only been entertained in movies and our thoughts, is that the reality to come? every man for himself? We all need to understand the threat from deadly weather to deadly people. It should be accomplishment with measurement and thought. can we do something now to change that reality, so the future generations might live peacefully and without fear? or is that just a story book idea?

I'm sure I have just infuriated some guys here. and I'm sorry if I have. I am not about taking away our second amendment right. I am about empowering it so we can live peacefully as possible as a society

Hey Jeff B? I loved your response to our interesting conversations.

I'll join you...
for popcorn

and if anyone needs me, wants to talk..you'll find me here..

I'm done

now its time to
I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion. I really think that anyone using the term semiautomatic as a negative term, needs to get to know the true meaning of the term semiautomatic. Not what the mainstream media wants to tell you. Nearly every pistol that every police officer carries is "semi-automatic". I am sure there are probably a few police that still carry a revolver (six-shooter as they used to be called). All that the term semi-automatic implies, is that every time you pull the trigger, a bullet gets shot. The anti-gun people want you to believe that the guns that were used in the recent shootings were somehow machine guns that spray bullets with a single pull of the trigger like the military has. The shotgun I received as a 13 year old (Remington 1100) is a semiautomatic. With that gun, when I go rabbit hunting, I don't have to do anything for the next shotgun shell be ready to shoot. I don't have to pull back a pump or a bolt.
A so called assault rifle as the anti-gun people want to call it, is no more than a traditional hunting rifle with cosmetic changes. It looks like a military rifle, but in essence, is not more dangerous or does not have more firepower (size of the bullets that it shoots) than the gun my grandfather used for woodchuck hunting. In fact the AR-15 that was used in the recent shootings, isn't even allowed, due to it's lack of knockdown power to be used for deer hunting in New York State. An intersting URL with info regarding what cosmetic changes make a hunting rifle, an "assault rifle" under the new laws that are trying to be enacted, can be found at this URL. http://www.assaultweapon.info I wish I had the picture on my work computer that I wanted to post. It shows 2 identical rifles when looking at their capacity of rounds, and bullet that they both shoot. If it wasn't for the pistol grip and adjustable stock that one has, they both would be legal. Because of the cosmetic differences, one will now be illegal to own.

An interesting video of the insanity of outlawing these particular guns can be seen in this video of a expert shooter displaying the difference in the size of the holes made in a metal wall using an AR-15 along with a number of other semiautomatic guns, all of which will remain legal except for the first one she shoots. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J_K3sUT3d4 I don't own an AR-15, nor do I ever plan on buying one, but if I do want one, I should be able to buy one. The president states that he doesn't want to take away anyones guns, yet in New York State, our lovely governor has rushed into law a ban on ANY magazine that holds more than 10 bullets. To bring it one step further, I am not allowed to even have 10 bullets in it, I can only load 7. Now, I have pistols that hold 10 and a few, manufactured before 1994, the original Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that have 13 and 15 round magazines. Because they were manufactured before 1994, those magazines and the guns that held them were perfectly legal up until 1/14/2013. As of I believe 1/15 or 4/15 2014, it will be a crime to even own one of those magazines. The guns they are for were never designed for a 7 or 10 shot magazine. They are not even available. Also, the governor is not grandfathering any of the so-called assault weapons that again were perfectly legal last month. We have a year to sell outside of NY, any gun or magazine that doesn't fit his idea of a responsible gun.

There has been talk of wide support for background checks for all gun purchases, I'm not totally opposed to that idea. Here is the problem with that. If the guns are all registered, and the government knows who has what guns, then I as a gun owner open myself up to having my name and address posted on a website for any criminal to see, I'm of the mindset that a criminal would love to steal my guns while I am away from home, not necessarily from the standpoint that, owning a gun will act as a deterrent for someone to break into my house. How do you think the UK disarmed their citizens? It was because the government knew who "legally" owned firearms. It didn't do away with all gun crime in the UK, the criminals never turned their guns in.

I know this got a little long, and like I started this essay, everyone is entitled to their opinion. This is mine.

I see the Emporer is in the Twin Cities today and Mn has some serious bans ready.

Glad you are in God's Country up there!
OMG.... Where is John Wayne when you need him the most???
( I know.... He died years ago... however sometimes.... just sometimes... When The Duke is no longer available thank goodness that a BING Search turns up... The Monsters Are Due On Main Street.

Which then brings to mind.... Buffalo Springfield. Oh, but to re-live the 1960s all over again... only in a different way.

John Wayne

Way too busy at work this week to comment here, beyond my link above, or post on the main forum.
Might as well start this page too.
If guns were banned, there would be less guns for crooks to break into our houses and steal.

Just a thought. Hope it never happens though. They will have to dispose of me first, to get my guns.

More worried about the ammo deal right now.
I just had a horrible thought.... All this talk is <u>almost</u> going to make me afraid to go up to a house and ask about ... "That Old Cub Cadet sitting over there in the weeds. Is it for sa..<u>BAMMMM</u>!!!! <font size="-2">Naw not really. What's the worst that could happen? The owner shoots me?</font>

However... should I walk up and start to hear banjo music....!?!? Wait a minute... I LIKE Banjo Music.

Had a first cousin practicing the "quick draw" many many years ago. Shot himself in the leg. You know what they say... "Practice, practice, practice!!!"

Y'all have a nice day and guard those Cub Cadets.
Stephen, I appreciate your sharing the info on what a " semi-automatic is". However, I do know the difference, but for those folks who don't,that info is important in the coversations on what is what. Thanks for sharing your personal truths. I respect your thoughts and beliefs.

Stephen I agree with you on this issue. Thanks for sharing. From what i am hearing i think people are stock piling ammo with the thought that the government will start requireing bullet Id and short shelf life for powder in ammo.Also i think the ammo shortage is being helped along because the government is stockpiling huge lots of ammo with thier orders of millions of rounds. Our leaders don't seem to realize a person can use multiple clips and the outcome is the same as one multiple round clip. I still believe they are working on the wrong end of the problem. A deterent to crime would help much more. Just my thoughts.
Quote: "I just had a horrible thought.... All this talk is almost going to make me afraid to go up to a house and ask about ... "That Old Cub Cadet sitting over there in the weeds. Is it for sa..BAMMMM!!!! "

Funny you should bring that up. I drive by a nice #2 cart everyday, but I know the freak that lives there and I don't want any part of it.
Can you comment about the "short shelf life powder" you mentioned? Does something like that really exist?
Charlie - hey that looks like the infamous "BAR". Even tho I was in the Navy I was fortunate enough to see it used in a shoulder fire demonstration. Are you up for it? (He was a pretty big guy and just fired 3 rounds from the shoulder before going to the tri-pod).

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