Marty, You're forgetting that prisons, whatever accouterments they may have, still are effective in denying the one thing for which the human spirit consistently yearns --freedom. They tell me that when the doors clang shut behind you, something happens in your gut. The "penitentiary" was conceived by the Quakers originally as a place for sinners to change their souls, when it works, it works well; but it is HELL getting most inmates from where they are as individuals to where they need to be as members of society.
Personally, I've always respected Gary Gilmore for electing the death penalty. In my mind, he preserved his honor --a life for a life. Even though he could never make atonement, at least he did what he could. I would like to think I could do the same.
As Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet (I forget the character), "Conscience doth make cowards of us all" --or at least most of us. I suppose that is why it is so hard to get a conviction on a death penalty charge; everyone considers, as the crowd in John 8, "who is without sin" enough to throw the first stone.
It is true that in olden days, the public gathered to watch the hanging, the burning at the stake, the body being drawn-and-quartered (so as to confound the afterlife of the individual, as when Jesse James was buried face down), I suspect the effect upon the crowd was not unlike the reaction to the death of Saddam Hussein --cathartic for those in attendance, who gathered and left feeling that justice was done.
Those justified, however, appear to me like the hypcrite who cried out, "Thank God I am not a sinner like him" referring to the penitent who beat his breast asking God's forgiveness.
For me, the reason we feel we need guns and ammo to protect us from others does NOT do much to recommend our species. I wish we could find a way, as William James put it, to make peace with the same moral force as we wage war. The trouble is, if we take that course of action, we would have to admit to our mistakes, and no one wants to do that!
Getting off my soapbox pulpit now. If this post survives the censor, I do want to say that the opinions posted here do cause me to ruminate on the great topics that should concern our hearts and minds, even as we piddle around on old tractors.
I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow, I'm going to bed after two 16 hour days in a row and another one tomorrow.