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Hey Ken and guys...it's been commented that BP doesn't want to plug the flow because they want the oil. The way this is happening it doesn't seem to be a really practical method of getting crude. One thought I had,,,is it possible they don't want it plugged to keep pressure down so when the relief wells meet up, they dont blowout also from extreme conditions??<font size="-2">Pls dont throw anything at me. I think(?) its a realistic situation</font>
Here's a thought that I haven't heard addressed yet >
My uneducated thinking and pondering ...
The oil is suppose to evaporate from the process of nature. Ok then when it does and takes the lethal dispersant with it what then is in the rain that comes back to earth ??
Are we going to see dead animals in the northeast that drink out of a rain puddle ? Are we going to see people getting sick or blistered from being in a rain shower around the globe ?
Is Africa going to finally get the vastly needed rain only to die from toxins ?

Why aren't the scientist talking about this ?
Allen - The relief hole would be like any new drilling. It would have pressure that would be their normal SOP. But now take into account all the gas pressure that has been released from this one and the relief hole wont have as much pressure as a virgin drilling, SO PLUG THE DAMN HOLE !!
Charlie - Here's one more thing I just remembered from years ago ... we don't have "sweet" oil in the US, it's got to much sulfur for our EPA! so we ship our oil overseas where they can burn whatever the puck they want to. SOoooo that's one reason we import so much oil because in the mideast they do have the sweet oil.
Ken,...'My uneducated thinking'...hogwash!! Its been a very rare occasion where practical thought or experience was not included in ur posts.<font size="-2">General bitching not included</font>

But when was the last time you spilled oil and it evaporated??? This stuff is one step above asphault. Think we will be in more danger of eating 'tarpaper' seafood than contaminating the rest of the world. JMHO
Allen they "claim" on the news and The Weather Channel, they say that evaporation is a natural process because oil seeps out naturally in nature.

They're dropping the Top Hat.
But you know the biggest stupid thing I've seen with this new attempt at cutting the pipe (now done) is WHY cut the pipe and hope that you can use a screwed up cut to seal, which failed and now the Top Hat is in play again. But I don't see why they didn't cut the bolts at the joint under their cut. Hell there's a nice big flat flange there to make a wonderful tight seal on and not loose anymore poison into the water.

How many BP execs does it take to wipe one azz ?
We don't know yet but if you let us put it on live spill cam we'll get back with you on that.
I just sent a question of the rain evaporation to the WC to see what they say.
Alright I can't stand this ...
Here's my little animation of My Fix !!


... of course I made this when the pipe was still attached laying on the bottom. Now with a standing vertical pipe it would work even BETTER !!

I've used a balloon before to plug a pipe. An "industrial" balloon type could be made and even in a Kevlar bag if it needed protected from being cut or torn.
Yep , the day after I drew mine up. I was a feared you wuz lookin over my shoulder !
But you just plugged it , I let them get their precious oil out ... thinking that would get their attention
Kentuck...maybe they should try your fix on some BP people, on a smaller scale. Seemed to work in the old days for 'general health'. Think they called it an enema...was suppoded to clear the mind.
Oh no, not another enema !

Somewhere I have a wav file of that ... I can't remember who said it though, to long ago since I seen the movie.
Isn't SEARCH a wonderful thing

and I got lucky and turned on the right portable HD !
<center><table border=1><tr><td>

ENEMA-NO.WAV (41.4 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Not great but I brought home 2 trout and 1 catfish ... when I throw a lure you never know what I'll drag back to the boat. That was a 13 hour trip for naught ! I wanted a toothy critter !!!!

Now it's nap time - 31 hour days are getting old.