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Well it seems that the little TopHat is in place and capturing all of 20% of the oil. BP seems to be proud of that! They claim that the extra oil flow around the unit keeps cold sea water out thus preventing (methane) ice crystals from forming in the pipe. Lets give a big razzz to BP.
Oh, Allen, that could work. It would have to be loaded with all the hot air that its become a symbol of.
Frank, woun't sink with hot air, but it will go down like a rock if filled with all the BS I hear from politicians lately...Next election I'm gonna vote for an alien from Uranus!!
Oh man, this doesn't look good at all! See the live feed of the top hat, it is leaking much worse all of a sudden and is actually bobbing and weaving like a punch drunk boxer. Movement on the top of the riser cannot be a good sign, must have closed more top vents. End times???
I am viewing it live on (grrrr) MSNBC's website now. Man, pressure of methane must be extreme.
Why didn't they install a n y retaining device or apply downpressure to the top hat? Heck some good chain from those lunar lander-looking legs would have helped, ol' Kentuck would have gone and fixed this problem by now!!
A man was driving down the road and ran out of gas. Just at that moment, a bee flew in his window.

The bee said, "What seems to be the problem?"

"I'm out of gas," the man replied.

The bee told the man to wait right there and flew away. Minutes later, the man watched as an entire swarm of bees flew to his car and into his gas tank. After a few minutes, the bees flew out.

"Try it now," said one bee.

The man turned the ignition key and the car started right up. "Wow!" the man exclaimed, "what did you put in my gas tank?"

The bee answered,


BP claimed it was leaking 210,000 gallons per day when they finally admitted they had a problem.

Today they say they are catching 630,000 gallons per day.

... must be that new math I keep hearing about ...

Okay here's what I heard when I got home this morning.
Under the Clinton Administration , TAXATION was lifted on the oil companies to help encourage Gulf oil exploration because the oil prices were down.
So this tax was suppose to be reinstated when the oil prices came back up.
The oil companies found a "loop hole" in the bill and slip shucked the government of the tax.
As far as I know they still do not pay tax on the oil ...

... so here's the kicker ...

While we were paying towards $5 per gallon of gas the Oil Companies were selling us oil products that they essentially got FREE !


New oil leak *

There's an oil platform that was seen by satellite that has a 10 mile long oil slick showing on the surface 38 miles from the BP leak.
The un-named oil company says that it has been leaking since hurricane damage last year but it is only leaking 9 gallons per day and that they have been skimming it and collecting it.
So if it's only 9 gallons per day then how the hell does a 10 mile long slick show from space ??
IF they are collecting it how does a 10 mile long slick show from space ??
Fox News learned that this platform has been leaking 12 years ...

...Rest easy , the Interior Department denies any such leak
Ken, also on the news today is the concept of burning off some of the captured oil. Seems they are getting more oil than they have capacity to hold! Supposed to be special high effiency burners that dont smoke. Now they have know for a few days how much oil they are getting at the surface, ya think someone would have ordered a tank ship of some sort????
I've got several 1 gallon empty oil jugs out in the grudge !

I didn't get to hear what the talk was but I reckon they are gonna take the top hat off and replace it the 14<sup>th</sup> or 19<sup>th</sup>.

The Interior Department said that after this mess is cleaned up the Gulf will be better than before ... seems like it was in pretty good shape before ... are they better than GOD ?
I musta missed the bill passage ...
New and improved top hat with Velcro! Yippee! Boy oh boy, that top hat was just shaking and lifting violently around the time this A.M I posted. Funny how that view was not from the BP site, and Fox had a diff'rent view but the msnbc(no caps intended)had a live feed that showed that baby rising up from pressure bursts a good 4-6" based upon my calibrated eyes. It sure looked ready for takeoff.

It that the mile long pipe flexing from currents or simply pressure?

Isn't it bad design to have a 20" riser feed into a 12" or whatever top hat pipe?? Seems I learned that in 3rd grade, pressure differential or sumthin? Works great in carburetors, in oil wells, not so much!
I heard they've already come up with a car that runs on water -- as long as the water comes from the Gulf. Hey, isn't that the Gulf of Mexico? Why isn't this their problem? Maybe I shouldn't say that - if the right people read it any progress might get halted while a comission is set up to rename the Gulf.
I've had to quit watching the live feeds and the oil soaked animals too ... my blood pressure and nerves just can't take it anymore.

I need to go fishin again ... got ran off the water @ 4am due to lightening ... only 2 Walleyes
The Gulf of no life ... the only desert with 385985429 bazillion gallons of water ... and no living creature.
Well as if the oil isn't killing enough life in the Gulf and along with the toxic dispersant to boot there's more bad news. The bacteria that feeds on the oil is growing in such large quantity from it's new found food supply , that the bacteria is now depleting the oxygen in the water creating "dead zones".

The "oil plume" that they finally admitted exists was 6x22 miles in size. I haven't heard of it's size lately but I did hear that it was a mile thick top to bottom.

With 2 months to go before this may be stopped it is going to kill all life in the gulf and with the water currents probably half of the Atlantic too.
If only they hadn't cut off the riser....imagine if they could have twisted it around and around effectively making a restrictive "knot" in the pipe? Sounds almost as crazy as placing a hat over the darned thing that leaks like a seive!!

Ken's right,(as usual) it is a disaster who's effects are far-reaching and devastating to our country and possibly many others.
Did you hear on the news that the TOP Scientist that O'bama has on the crisis was at the control room listening to what and how the little Top Hat was suppose to work. ... put it on and slowly over the course of a few days close the vents to increase pressure ...

They sit the hat on and O'bama's top educated degreed out the bunghole asked ... "Why's it still leaking oil ?"

(I say O'bama as in Alabama , not "bomb a")
Sometimes... just sometimes... I truly wonder if it would make a difference if one of those so-called "other" political parties were in the presidential office. It's sad that it has been reported that happenings that took place as far back as the year 2000 (when someone else was in the president's seat) are also responsible for what has happened with this oil mess. Throughout life I've discovered many years ago that it is too easy to blame someone because they are convenient or don't share the same opinion, happen to be in office and not belong to the same party affiliation, or the proverbial whatevers that I do. As I've alwasy maintained... if the President (no matter who) could do all the wonderful magiccal good things they promise then why do we need a Congress? AND for that matter vice-versa? It's Good News Week