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Sometimes... just sometimes... I truly wonder if it would make a difference if one of those so-called "other" political parties were in the presidential office. It's sad that it has been reported that happenings that took place as far back as the year 2000 (when someone else was in the president's seat) are also responsible for what has happened with this oil mess. Throughout life I've discovered many years ago that it is too easy to blame someone because they are convenient or don't share the same opinion, happen to be in office and not belong to the same party affiliation, or the proverbial whatevers that I do. As I've alwasy maintained... if the President (no matter who) could do all the wonderful magiccal good things they promise then why do we need a Congress? AND for that matter vice-versa? It's Good News Week
Marlin - That's getting to political to be able to comment on it.

What caused the disaster is the fact that BP only did 6 of the 21 anchorings that Haliburton told BP to do. There are several more things done wrong but I don't remember them.

BP cut to many corners , either for cost or speed. Either way it would have meant getting the oil flowing for greater profit.

The oil rig was doomed from the start. They were having problems every day that was not the norm.

1)It all boils down to BP and their greed.

2)States not wanting a safe rig within site of land , forcing them into deep water.

People have got to learn to keep their damn mouth shut and let the world turn. Like the wind farms they wanted to put off Cape Cod. "Not in my backyard !" You can't want progress and independence but not allow it to go forward for a view. The other 49 states that need cheaper power don't give a damn about their view , but it's like everything else these days , the minorities yell the loudest so they get their way.

I think they did finally start the wind farm though ... ?

If you want gas for your car , heat for your house , gas / diesel for the firetruck to get to your burning house ... we've got to drill. If you don't want oil leaks like this again then we have to come back to the coast line , not out in a mile deep water !

I just hope the BP decision makers rot in hell for this. They have killed the earth for a couple of fast dollars.
From Fox News.com:

Rep. Cao Suggests BP Exec Commit 'Hara-Kiri' Over Spill
I'll even loan them the same huntin knife that went 1.25" in my chest !
Ok up here in the great wite north,we Have hyd valves on whells at bedrock or presure locked .That means no hyd pressure from drill no leeks.Funny your side missed that safety issue, and Kemtuck had a fix with them plugs.I have seen tasting on fiberglass pipe at high psi with welch plugs and with a clean cut they could insert them and they will hold.Must be to many fingers in the pot, and that will come out much later. I don`t think the big guy got much choice cause he would have to have the answer that for a few days noone has!
I said it befer and Iz sayin et again ... IF they had took the pipe off at the FLANGE they would have had a nice FLAT FLANGE to work with and could seal it or pipe it !!!
See the FLANGE right under where they cut the pipe ?


Who the HELL is in charge of this BULLSHEET ??
Have they got a damn BRAIN in their FREAKIN HEAD ??
Why has the USA not adopted the basic saftey standars as other have done in law for years.As we wanted more they answered the call is what you will be told soon.Don`t take that and insure that it can`t afect so much again.Only takes a bill of how many sigs down there(lower ) to prove a point for all. do it KenTuck
Yes, it is greed... and everyone in a way is to blame, not just BP. How many of us like driving these shiny V8 four wheel drive trucks, SUVs, cars, nice big boats, etc. I have some very wonderful friends that emigrated from other parts of the world that have informed me of how in their countries they long ago learned that for economical reasons it was necessary to drive smaller more fuel efficient vehicles. As one recently stated that gas in England was around $12.00/gallon. Gee... that 20 gallon gas tank would be $240.00 to fill. If I recall Rudolph Diesel invented the diesel engine to run on peanut oil. Sure it ran poorly only it was basically a first of its kind. You would think someone with all of today's technologies would be able to get it to run on peanut oil. When in the 70s the first big petroleum shortages occurred did everyone demand smaller more efficient vehicles and then not purchase those big shiny cars that Detroit offered? Nope ... we still had to have those GTOs, GS455s, Cadillacs, etc. In essence, we accepted what was offered and asked for more.

So much of our everyday world products that we use are petroleum based. How many things have been invented that would replace the petroleum in these products that isn't used. Something has to change and perhaps this is truly a wake-up call and maybe this time we should hear it and heed it. If the technology isn't there then we need to actually demand that things take place to set the wheels in motion. Or... we can continue to do as we have in the past. And that is called... acceptance.

In no way do I condone what BP and how many others have done for the sake of profit and to please their shareholders. How many shareholders have in the past or even now demanded that the companies they own stock in do things that are healthy for the enviroment and actually make the world a better place for future generations. Again... I wonder...
Marlin - That's a lot of BS and you know it !

Pull a trailer loaded with a farm tractor with a 4 cylinder. Pull that 40 foot semi trailer with a little 200 horse V6. Go run a tiller or blower with a 7 horse Cub Cadet that has been loaded down with California smog devices and a catalytic converter.

Look at Hong Kong for instance with shoulder to shoulder bumper to bumper little hacks , that's what we'd look like if we had to haul (1) 40 foot semi contents in 40-60 hacks.

You think that mining needs to go back to mule skinners ?

The biggest engine I have here is my 4.3L V6 and when I brought my boat home from the dealer I had to go to 3<sup>rd</sup> gear to get up the hills on the interstate. My boat has a 50 Merc on it (piece of junk that it is!)

What we <u>don't</u> need is bull like "The World's Largest House Boat" that I posted a link for in the Huntin & Fishin thread.

What we <u>don't</u> need is Al Gore's house ... or his lying ass either !

What we <u>don't</u> need is Pelosi spending $18k rent per month on her office.

You can change ALL the internal combustion engines to electric or natural gas or nuclear power but what about the people that can't afford to go buy everything new again ?

My buddy started that crap about no need for V8's until I pointed out a few of these to him ... then the exceptions started.
There are NO exceptions when it starts.
How bout we leave the politics out and get back to watching the gulf be destroyed. Blame is what you make it, what's done is done and we can't change it!
Thier well on the way to sealing over the source for the midwest rainfall. No rain long enough no irrigation, no crops, nothing green, no livestock----no people. they have got to get this fixed
Some more interesting info. The failed well is also suffering leakage below the surface which is eroding the supporting sea floor. The failed blow off preventer just below the cut-off riser weighs an incredible 450 TONS, and is found to have started tilting some as the well pipe and soft seabed are losing the ability to support it.

The sea floor itself is beginning to drop around the well, like a tire deflating. A huge sudden sink hole may occur, scientists say, which would not only result in more massive oil leakage, it would cause a gigantic tsunami which could impact the entire gulf and adjoining areas.

These huge oil reserves are estimated to contain 4.5 billion barrels of oil, yes barrels, not gallons! These are contained in four seperate, yet adjoining reservoirs. A sudden collapse of any one would likely allow the reservoirs to collapse into each other, meaning the leak would be of unimaginable magnatude.

It is a real life race against time to get the relief well(s) drilled before the leaking well head does "tip over" due to lack of support, thanks to the failed blow off preventer (remember that weighs 450 tons!)and undersea currents. I sure hope the relief well work can be completed ahead of schedule! I seriously doubt that it will be......
When's the movie comming out?

Maybe the Mayans prediction is comming true. 2012?
I think the movie's titled "The Dead Zone" or "End of the World", somethin like that.

Stick around, we may see it live.
JimD - The floor is collapsing because under normal operations they fill the void that they create when removing the oil/gas. Now it's making a hell of a cave with untold tons of pressure on the ceiling !

I just got home from a night out on the fishin hole so I haven't heard that or anything ... but I did catch the last 10 minutes of Congress giving that curly headed guy that wants his life back ... I heard someone on the bench say "we could do his job" ... I doubt it , they don't do their own half the time.