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They're going to go back to using the Top Hat on this.
Why the HELL don't they plug this MF! and let the "relief" wells be the one set up correctly and pipe the oil from them !!!
Look at all the flow that has been going since yesterday !!!

My way of doing it would cap and recover this mess.
This is why they should never drill for oil in the Great Lakes. Something like this would destroy the entire Eco system in the Greatlakes, and probibly kill whats left of Michigans failing economy. Does anyone know if the oil leaked out so far is enough to completely cover one of the Great Lakes yet? From the news reports I've seen it looks like it could be posible.
10 minutes of watching ANOTHER stuck blade !!


Well they got it out while I was posting.
There's talk on the news that BP may break up their big company. If that happens then the money will be lost for the gulf.
Jason, good point. No one has mentioned that possibility.
This morning they said if they cant get the saw to work, they were going to use a giant shear to cut the pipe. If they can do that, how about pinching it shut? Something on the thought of a hydraulic press, but with heavy bars on both top and bottom, like squeezing a toothpaste tube. I bet Ken could weld something up in a day. 12 volt hydraulic pump with big batteries to drive it. <font size="-2">Not sure what temperature and pressure will do to to batteries though...</font>
They already used the shear jaws, that's how they got yesterday's stuck blade out.

They don't wont to close it off. They want their oil ...
KENtuck "cap and recover":
I can understand (kind of) not being able to cap it. What I can't understand is why we're not seeing some big, humongous, ships steaming around on a recovery mission. Surely we've got the technology to "suck up and seperate". We can make drinking water out of sewage!
Frank - There is a ship doing that. It captures the oil at the surface with a floating boom then they have a floating suction contraption that then pumps the oil into a big floating {what they called} a sausage.
One ship was ALL I heard doing it. That was a CG vessel. I think they said it was 14 thousand gallons.
OK, KEN, just to help keep you wound up:
Why aren't I taking a nap?

This came from hearing the gubment has just sent BP a 69 million dollar bill. Maybe that's supposed to be a bill for $69 million. I got curious about BP's quarterly profits.
How come I haven't seen the sausage ship? Not on Fox News?
Frank - I watched the recovery vessel on FOX ... but like I posted earlier I watch news 11 hours a day.

They are suppose to show pics that have never been seen from an area that was suppose to be off limits.

Waiting for it ...
I just recorded 3 news updates.
1) The showing of a Brown Pelican stuck in the thick oil. The Brown Pelican is the LA. state bird and was just taken off the endangered species list.
That will change most likely.

2) The never before seen pics (was a let down for the build up) of an area that BP doesn't want shown. A Dolphin carcass on the rocks that they said was full of oil.

3) BP's apology. Lame as it was.

Was that peligan totally submerged in the first two pics or was that another bird already expired? The marine life is the saddest part of this whole deal to me. All they know is water and where it is suppose to be; they don't know what oil is or what it will do to them. I hope bp has enough money to fix and clean this mess up then go completely out of business. If they don't they will try and recover their money at the pumps and we will end up paying for ALL of this mess.
First 2 pics is a R.I.P. Brown Pelican. The 3<sup>rd</sup> and 4<sup>th</sup> pic is a soon to be dead Brown Pelican which is LA. State Bird that was taken off the endangered species list last year and will no doubt be put back on again.

IF I see 1 Bald Eagle covered in oil I may not be held responsible for my actions...


I love watching these on the lake. When I fish at night I'll stay til sunup a lot of times to watch the pair come out of their protected hollow on the lake.
We have Golden Eagles too ... damn those are BIG !
Not to take anything away from those pics, but that stuff sure looks like crude instead of sweet oil.
And if it's crude, it's a publicity anger shot to get ya more fired up.
Well if you watched the leak cam a few days ago (or week) the oil was coming out brown like it is now but then it changed to a thicker black oil , now gone back to brown.