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It'd have to be a wee bit bigger

Thank's fer BP's propaganda feed , I was using Fox News live feed.
I should have saved more frame captures

Along the length of pipe laying on the floor there's at least 2 more ruptures plus the end that I posted. I seen one rupture had a big long jagged rupture leaking as much oil as the end of the pipe I posted.
It's sickening.
Yep ... except for one thing.
Mr. Coveralls is wrong about hay not sinking. I could show him several bales on the bottom of a pond. It would work if the oil soaked in first to repel the water otherwise it will get water logged and sink.
Kentuck some how I imagine you could show us alot of stuff at the bottoms of ponds
I heard that this morning. You'd think they would have tried that FIRST !

But it's not exactly what you said. It's not an actual "cap off" , they hope to be able to siphon off the oil.

They're still not concerned about the crime to nature they have committed nor the loss of income to the fishermen or the tourist industry or THE ELEVEN LIVES LOST ... they just want their freakin oil !!
The "Heart Surgery" is bull crap ! They say it could make the leak's flow worse IF the cut is not within 1 inch.

One of two ways to do it right:

1) Make a fixture to clamp around (360°) the pipe for the cutter to run on. Hell I've used (wish I owned it) a fixture that you can clamp onto an "H" or "I" beam and make a perfect straight cut with a torch all the way around the web and flanges, almost as if bandsawed.
As simple as a travel torch works ought to give them a clue. A clamped on track around the O.D. of the pipe with a hydraulic driven motor for the blade and one for the travel. If hydraulics wont work in that depth due to freezing the fluid then use a crappy B&D cordless saw !!

2) I could design a top cap with sides to slip inside the pipe with a sealing gasket to seal off a diagonally cut pipe. Surely "the world's best scientist" can do the same !
Ken are you sure they're cutting? The only thing I saw was a repeat of divers from 5/20. If any live feeds please share the site.
Jim - The link Charlie POSTED
Nothing going on now. They cut some kind of thing off the pipe then it took 5 minutes to get the saw hung back on the peg/tool hanger. They bumped ROVs too ... greenhorns

They had started to do more but I had to go lay down for an hour or so and now nothing's going on.
Right now the ROV with the saw is a couple thousand feet above bottom.
The AG Holder is going down to the Gulf ... heads will roll now
All that cutting they're doing , I don't see them putting any coolant on the blade

Now they're talking nuclear explosion as the only way to stop this flow. I also heard there is a larger flow that isn't being talked about at least by congress or BP. I think they're pizzing in the wind with this rov crap.

I think this is simply unbelievable and what you said about the water color being darkened by the oil and raising the temps could make a very interesting hurricane season.

Could this be the beginning of the end? (or has it already started?)
Some guy on the news that put out the Iraq oil wells said nuke'em about 3 weeks ago.
I don't see that doing it. All it'll do is make a hole but I don't see it filling back up.

Then again that's one thing I've never done ... Radio Shack quit selling the good stuff by the time I got interested in electronics.

We need more radio active fish now that they've about got rid of the lead......... Somebody needs to tell these guys to STOP and THINK before they do anything, I mean anything !!

Yes the end has started ... I watch the NEWS eleven hours a day. This little bit here that little bit there , it's adding up.
Watching them sawing away much of the smaller tubes and supports around the "big one" today for clearance.

My question is "How are they going to see what they are cutting if oil is leaking from the cut?" Won't that muck up the view from the ROV? At the rate they saw, this will be one long process I would guess?

Man, I hope this ends well.....but I am really doubting it can.
I heard this morning that the US Government was talking about "taking" over BP !

Hasn't this administration commandeered enough ??