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The NRA-Gun Rights- Finding Solutions

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Bill J.
Your right, I should have said hysterical, I had a Jeremiah C. moment.
Cathleen, I’m not going to introduce myself, since I have already done that a while back on the main board. I use this site to gain information about the 102 I own. As a 43 year old father of three, I don’t have time to post. However, this thread, along with the other which spurred this one, just gets me going. I don’t think the thread is boring……..but, from my point of view, it’s unnecessary. I live in a primary rural area, and quite frankly, the folks that live in the areas with the tall buildings may need better gun control (from their point of view). But, we don’t out here where the corn grows.

The current gun laws are largely not enforced and the criminals don’t obey them anyway. The left feels that anything which can be done to save just one life (or anything for the kids) is justifiable, except for the unborn, or course (they have no rights). But as far as the gun control debate, what about my rights? The word which needs to be defined in this thread is “infringed”.

I’m not some gun-toting lunatic that believes that anything goes when it comes to guns. Sure, we need to close the gun show loop-hole, but I will staunchly oppose any legislation which will implement a gun owner registry and/or legislation which attempts to require back-ground checks for person to person sales. That’s not necessary. The NRA opposes most everything because they know that if you give the government an inch, they take a mile……and they’re right. An assault weapon ban is just stupid. By definition my Marlin Model 60 .22 rifle (semi-automatic, 18 shot tube magazine) is an assault weapon. The last time assault weapons were banned, it didn’t change a thing. It just makes liberals feel good, because for some reason they think the 2nd amendment was created to allow me to deer hunt. The 2nd amendment is a check in the system to stop the government when it decides to employ its tyrannical tendencies. The high-capacity magazine is just another way a non-user of firearms would like to try to provide control. You ask why anyone feels they need clips (you mean magazines) that hold more than ten rounds? You state I should be able to hit my target, enemy (home invader), or bear in ten shots. It’s a PITA to constantly be reloading magazines when I’m target shooting (especially with the high range fees these days), home invaders don’t just come one at a time, and the dogs, fox, and coyotes that attack my livestock typically come at night in large packs. I won’t even get into the reasons why I’d want a large magazine when I have to fight the government when they come for my firearms.

The NRA’s idea about protecting our children by providing armed security in schools is not a stupid idea. But, like I said above, non-users of firearms get scared when a firearm is around children. Hey, how about this idea……let’s make firearm safety a requirement in schools. Educators seem to think its ok to teach sex education, the gay and lesbian lifestyle, and evolution (but not creation) to elementary students. Why can’t we teach them how to safely and properly handle a firearm?

My beliefs by now should be clear. But, I get tired of the same argument. It is clear that you, Cathleen, have your beliefs, and this post will not change them. But, you’re not going to change mine, either. Therefore, I don’t believe there needs to be a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. My right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. It is clear in the constitution. There might be a problem that needs to be fixed because certain individuals choose to use firearms to shoot people, but the solutions thus far are trampling on my right. Find another solution.


Cathleen M.
Last I heard, I could post any damn where I pleased and to be honest, I don't need you of all people telling me where and or why I should post!

Reading your post, I'm under the impression that you feel your above average in intelligence and better than anyone else in that respect.
You really want to get into a back and forth with me!

Bring it on! I can keep up with the best of your kind. I have and will, if the need arises.
And if I need backup, Bryan will chime in as well, LOL

And the last I heard, I own this SOB and can damn well do what I want, when I want!

If you or anyone else has a different opinion on what I can or can't do, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Under Delayed Edit!

Or BUY it from me and do what ya want!
Well I can't take it anymore, have to jump in.
It amazes me that so many put their trust and faith in "government" to provide and protect. I'm not a doomsday prepper or conspiracy theorist, but there could come a day when it all comes crashing down. I look at my weapons as I do my home and auto insurance. Don't really think about them much, but should the need arise, it's there. A magazine ban will accomplish nothing but give the government a foot in the door for more legislation. I trust government, especially this current regime, about as far as I can throw them, which isn't much. Look at history and I can guarantee there will always be individuals who desire to control people/populations, make no mistake about it. Just because we live in a so-called democracy, does not mean it won't ever happen here. Look at what "freedoms" have been lost in the last twenty or so years in the name of "safety and security".
And please tell me what is wrong with allowing a qualified individual permission to conceal carry in current "gun free" zones. I'm not saying we should REQUIRE armed individuals in schools, etc, but if an administrator, teacher, custodian, whatever, desires, trains, and continually updates qualifications, why not. And post a big sign out front that states these premises may be protected by armed individuals. It's the unknown that works. The last few crazies that shot up places didn't exactly strike me as the Rambo type, but were wimpy individuals who took the cowardly outlet and went after those they knew were unarmed.

If I wanted a clip that holds 10, 15, or even 30 rounds it's for the same reason I drive the kind of car I drive or go to the church of MY choice, or eat what I want to eat...freedom. The progressives want to chip away at our freedom and they're doing it. I don't want to sound too political here but lets face it, this is a very political subject including the NRA. The 2nd amendment says I can own guns and this was written by law makers of the past. The progressives really want to change this and I pray they fail. Should they succeed do you think they'll stop there???
Here is a good one I found on face book.
Cigarette's kill people, maybe we should ban them for everyone? No free choice in the matter, it shouldn't matter that you enjoy them. I disagree with them, so that's all that matters. I have a better idea, lets put a label on gun boxes saying that if used by a criminal it can cause serious bodily damage or possibly death, just like on cigarettes! A thought, I respect you for what you enjoy and in turn you respect me what I enjoy. We must show tolerance for each other. You are Jewish, Muslim or Catholic that's fine. You are Straight or Gay that's fine. You want to own guns or you don't that's fine, but we should never take away the choices and limit individuals in this great nation to only one choice or we will become a dictatorship, not a free society. People come on, you give up your freedom of choice, the right to bear arms and the pursuit of happiness (my happiness might be different than yours) by banning firearms and you give up one of those precious freedoms. Those freedoms that so many Americas, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters gave up THEIR lives to protect. You make their sacrifices worthless if you give up those freedoms so easily. I will not give up those freedoms which my family fought and died to maintain. People remember It's a slippery slope when you give up your rights! Take a little today, a little tomorrow and in a few years you will have no real rights left!
It's nice to find like minded people to converse with and thank you Charlie for giving us a place to do our thing.
I knew it... too much testosrone and not enough common sense. Let's see if I recall what I've learned over the years... About having a machine gun and LOTS of ammunition for when Three Come A Callin'. Machine gun locations are amongst the very first items on the checklist of soldiers to kindly remove as they are deemed a high nuisance to the other soldiers. One or two well place mortar or tank rounds and
. so much for the macho/Rambo style machine gunners out there. Actually knew a couple of offbeat guys from Virginia that liked to make homemade cannons. One day they zeroed in on a mile away neighbor's barn and put a nice hole in the roof using a restaurant size can of baked beans as their round of ammo. As they said... "It doesn't take a rocket sicentist to make a good enough cannon to take out anything that you want to." Geez these two off-beat guys made me laugh with that remark. they weren't even into guns.

Now about getting your buttom side whooped by a teacher or principal forty to fifty years ago and then going home to face the parents.... My thoughts only... First of all if you were truly that stupid (yes... stupid) to get into that kind of trouble perhaps you deserved what you got. Thank God my school didn't have that kind of punishment and a lot of good people have graduated from there.

What my school DID lack was with one student in particular. THAT student's parents were pillars of the community and had four children. Three were treated normally and got good grades. The fourth child started out and to this day I believe would have been a very smart individual and contributed a LOT to society. However that student's parents picked on that child every chance they got and almost drove that idividual insane. Now... What did the school do?.... interstingly not a darn thing... they looked the other way and even though that child would have the right answers on a test they would erase over and over and put down the wrong answer and then repeat ... Each grade that child was "slided' through even through graduation. I found that out at our ten year class reunion when one of our fellow classmates told us "THE REST OF THE STORY" and that that now adult was to have to spend the rest of their life in fear and therapy. So much for forty to fifty year ago schools and parenting.... Art Aatay... YOU'RE a teacher... how would you truly feel if you witnessed that child put their instrument down while the band was playing and look totally frightened like YOU were going to jump down their throat like their parents would just for playing the wrong note. AND YOU ALSO knew that so called rest of the story community secret so well hidden from the children of the school. Would YOU tolerate such a thing?

This whole thing started out NOT as an attack upon gun owners or their rights. It simply started out with a heartfelt desire to try and find suggestions to send to our "evil" as so may of you doomsdayers put government to fix these atrocities going on. NOT ALL of these shootings have been by young kids. This thread was started as a way to get GOOD THINKING people to start thinking of rationale solutions and not go off like a half cocked gun and go back ranting about your stinking gun rights. <u>SOLUTIONS PEOPLE</u> to stop/prevent anymore of this shootings from happening and so that there is NO further take of taking away ANYONE's right to bear arms.
Darned few of you probably have the intestinal fortitude to keep your back turned to a convicted felon that carry's a knife and is threatening to kill you just because he is P.O.d at his boss and you're his nearest venting post. Darned few of you would simply keep speaking calmly and advise him to just take a walk and cool down and that you'll cover for him should anyone ask. How many of you would break a sweat or pee your pants knowing this guy had already done jail time for voluntary manslaughter.

I've learned a lot over the many years that God has blessed me with upon this earth and one of them is.... DAMNED FEW veterans speak about war once they've been subjected to the true horrors of it. The few that have privately opened up to me have blessed me with their stories. They told them to me not for glory but as they put it ... "To help them try and let go of those haunting memories."

Angel has NOT ONCE said that she is against banning guns. Neither am I. However if you're one of those contributing to the ammo shortage just because you have enough darned money to do just that and buy any weapon that your little heart desires then I say... "Go for it. get that one of a kind custom made Cub Cadet mini Army Tank. Go out and start knocking some sense into those kids that YOU think need a good whooping..." Truthfully... Looking at this from an outsiders point of view and someone that did get whoopings sometimes for no reason at all ... just because my Mother suffered from Manic Depression/Bi-Polar "Before it was now able to be fully treatable in most cases." I survived and learned and grew from thsoe experiences. Now I've learned to look as Angel does for solutions and not just keep whinging about the same stinking rhetoric that went on on the "What's Up with the Ammo Shortage Site". Remember... It took me less than five minutes to actually really find out about what is REALLy up with the ammo shortage.


I just gotta close with this... Remember those who have knee jerk reactions... end up shooting themselves in the foot.
OK, I'll bite.

The topic is "The NRA-Gun Rights- Finding Solutions"

How about this for my and others rights.
No magazine size limits.
No gun restrictions because of cosmetic differences.
No background checks.
However, it is OK to limit access from people with felonies.
I don't think the felony charge should be included.
My friend was caught in a stolen vehicle over 20 years ago (wrong place wrong time) and ended up with a felony from the small town sheriff and now he can not have a gun to protect his family and farm.

Yes he knows a lawyer can probaly get it erased but unless some one does it pro bono he will have to use knives and bow and arrow.
Jeff B.

I somewhat agree, as I have a brother with a felony charge, wrong place/wrong time.
I belive there should be different classes of felonies to be charged with.
However I will will back the no felons with guns until the laws are changed.

A simple solution to ending this gun volience is to stop all the media coverage and making the villian the top billing in the news for weeks on end.
My solution is this, if you are caught committing a murder, you are taken out behing the court house and eliminated.
No lenghty trial, no mass media coverage, no millions of tax payers monies spent prosacuting the villian.
Now this would only apply those who are caught red handed, no mistake in who done it, you get caight doing it by the law, the law puts an end to it swiftly.
Lonny, don't get me wrong the Law is the Law.

Like I said Bows and Arrows "Bo and Luke Duke" style
Jeff B.
Its far to easy to get a felony rap stuck on your record.
Case in point, ( cut & pasted from another site )
Sam Grant nearly celebrated his eighth birthday party in jail.

The North Carolina boy had been charged with two felony counts of discharging his BB gun.

The parents of a then-seven-year-old North Carolina boy are beyond angry after their son was charged with two felony counts of possessing a BB gun. Just moments before the child was expected to answer to the allegations before a Catawba County judge — the charges were dropped.

Sam’s parents, Ray and Cherry Robbins told Fox News they are both relieved and angry over what happened to their son.

“They considered his BB gun a firearm,” Ray said. “”It’s not a firearm. It’s a BB gun.”

The trouble started last month when Sam was in the backyard of their rural home shooting his BB gun. His mother stepped inside to put dinner in the oven – telling the boy not to run off.

But Sam’s curiosity got the best of him — and he scampered out of the backyard – and fired his BB gun at an abandoned house across the street. In doing so, he accidentally hit a passing car.

Sam was in the backyard of their rural home shooting his BB gun. His mother stepped inside to put dinner in the oven – telling the boy not to run off.

But Sam’s curiosity got the best of him — and he scampered out of the backyard – and fired his BB gun at an abandoned house across the street. In doing so, he accidentally hit a passing car.

Cherry immediately call the sheriff’s department and offered to pay for the damage to the car. The deputy sheriff took a report but said he wasn’t going to press charges and neither was the driver.

Instead, Sam’s parents took responsibility, paid for the damages and administered parental justice.

Sam got punished. They took away his BB gun and made him do community service at their local church.

“We wanted to teach him responsibility so he’s been cleaning up around the church and polishing pews to repay the $350 it cost to repair the car,” Robbins told Fox News.

But their world got rocked when the received a letter from the Department of Juvenile Justice summoning the family to court.

“They told us that they considered it to be a violent felony — discharging a firearm into an occupied vehicle,” Robbins said. “It was crazy. We completely disagreed with the charges.”

Their son – was now facing the prospect of a year on probation, hundreds of hours of community service and a criminal record.

“We couldn’t imagine Sam standing in front of the court — as a judge read him the charges,” he said. “How is he supposed to understand that? He’s eight years old.”

The day before his court appearance, Sam celebrated his birthday — but there wasn’t much to celebrate.

“That night he was shaking – he was so cared he was shaking,” Robbins said. “He didn’t know what going to court meant but he knew that it was serious.”

The following day, they showed up for Sam’s hearing. But their court-appointed lawyer ushered the family into a room and told them the charges had been dropped.

“I really feel like it was a political thing,” he said. “It’s election season in our county and they didn’t have anything better to do than charge an eight-year-old boy. They got the anti-gun people revved up.”

Robbins said his son is a good boy who made a bad mistake.

“My wife and I were just completely torn up over the whole thing,” he said. “My son — he didn’t understand the severity of the charge but he understood the severity of what he did.”

And he was especially angry at local officials.

“It was infuriating what they wanted to do to that child,” he said. “This whole gun control thing is just nuts. For them to use a minor child — to prove a point and make an example — for certain groups — is just crazy.”
No Doubt, No Trial???????? Yeah I'm gonna live in a country where the cops can execute anyone they're "sure" committed a murder. Worked real well in Germany and Russia..........

Interesting discussion here between Piers Morgan and Ted Nugent.
This is a little different than the regular conversation... were you aware that there is no Federal law requiring adults with children to keep firearms out of kids reach ?? In South Jersey, on Monday, a 4 year old went and got a loaded rifle from under her parents bed and went outside and played cowboys/indians. She shot dead the 6 year neighbor! According to my newspaper 3 other people were shot this week by children in the US. 2 are dead, one recovering. Yes, this was stupid/careless by parents, but maybe this situation should be considered by any possible gun law changes.