I've been reluctant to post this but figure now might be a good time. Some of you that have been here for at least 10 years might remember that back on March 31, 2003 my youngest brother Kent was murdered in his home. (Hard to believe it's already been 10 years) He was shot in the head twice after being held at gun point for several hours. The evil guy first broke into his uncles house and stole the handgun. Then he went to my brother's house and knocked on the door and when my brother open the door he kicked it the rest of the way open and pulled the gun on my brother. The evil guy was the ex boyfriend of a girl that my brother had worked with and was good friends with. The evil guy was jealous. During the time he held my brother at gunpoint he had my brother call the girl and told my brother to invite her over. His intent was to kill both my brother and himself in front of the girl. She figured out that something was not right, my brother was somehow able to infer to her what was up. (My family stayed in contact with her for a year or two after.) She called the police informed them of what was up. When they went in the evil guy shot my brother twice in the head, first shot was a glancing hit, perhaps my brother tried to escape somehow... second shot was direct. Bad guy then shot himself in the head once. My family, Mother, Father two older sisters and my other younger brother did not in any way blame guns, we blame the evil guy. Still don't blame guns for any of the evil acts, we blame the evil person that did the act.