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The NRA-Gun Rights- Finding Solutions

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I brought up MANAGEMENT removing this thread myself Charlie. I have only asked for those to offer thoughts on the NRA movement. I didnt bring up the ammo talk and all that was written there. Nothing I have written is political. I haven't slammed one political group, I haven't called anyone names, I havent' bashed any religion. Nothing. I Have sincerely asked question..honestly answered questions. I can get real personal if you wish. You want more? I'm not so naive nor stupid as I feel you think I AM.. so I am going to vent ...cuz I knew this was coming. As I told marlin just wait. because I posted this thread..its coming.!!

I do know about guns. I know the difference between a gun and a rifle . imagine that..OH OH and I know how to shoot TOO.!!!! and semi automatic and automatic. gee,I do know the difference and what is military and what ISN'T!!! imagine that. is it political because I feel no one needs to defend their personal space with automatic weapons? That's not political. thats a personal choice. There is a difference for goodness sakes.!! I've been waiting for you to come on and push the subject ever since I posted. So delete the stuff. Its what I say...NOT what everyone else has said. Wanna get that way, ban me too, I dont CARE.! If I can't speak freely as the guys can, they its not where I want to be. I haven't attacked anyone...except to say that anyone that can say kill this bastard or that bastard...that was wrong? BUT someone else said it.!! NOT ME. ohh and I was sexually abused as a child..NOT killed but brutally abused..does that matter..death might have been a better choice.. the pain wouldnt have lasted as long.

perhaps caring, perhaps trying to get people to have meaningful conversations and not the same ole rheotoric, is defensive in your book. if I dont speak as you do, if I dont agree with you and those akin to you, get pissed off. That's the problem. I'm the problem. some people won't even listen without getting pissed off. I dont like the politics. know what I mean. Not when I get singled out. And I AM..

and I did find the dead eater bunny DEFENSIVE.!!! so take that crap down.

You said stuff like THAT doesn't belong IF its defensive to others and the universe is open to the stuff here. That was in really bad taste.. as bad as the dead cat for sale pic in the funny joke thread. Good grief.

now do what you have to do Charlie..or surprize ME.!

Charlie, please remove me as a member. I was not the one who went off topic..MORE THEN ONCE. everyone does.I dont wanna play anymore..thanks

sorry guys. I did go off topic a little in a rant and I said I woudlnt read those by others. I can apologize anyways. right??

killing and guns go hand in hand, so guess that really isn't off topic but it isn't a solution, but to some it could be. matters on opinion. but I am not to purblically rant. I guess emotions of yesterday got in my way of thunking.

No I dont want to leave. I do like you guys to much, even if you dont like me...hahaha.


hope you'll all cept my apology.

(noppers, Digger didnt scold me bout nothingor tell me to apologize..lol ...imagine that
..a surprize! )

What would I do to a convicted killer? Why, I'd let him or her bleed to death ever so slowly.

What are anti gunners? Anti gunners are people who refuse to believe, and choose to go directly against the founding principals of what America was founded on. They MUST BLAME the gun.

People with a clear and moral mindset call the violence HUMAN VIOLENCE . Only humans can misuse a weapon of any kind. Why do they? Because they are self governing, Lawless animals.
Thanks Allen S..!

John L. I am in agreement with you. As they say, guns dont kill people, people do. Its cause and effect. Anything can be used to commit murder. Since the more advanced weapons, the semi-automatic and automatic weapons and the large clips/magaizines are what is being used by those who wish to bring such horrific tragedies into our society, and anger and helplessness is being felt by most everyone from a wide range of feelings. All we do know is this, something has to change. From the NRA to we common people, we know we cannot continue on in this society and survive. We cannot allow the criminals to have the upper hand. We have to help those who are mentally ill to protect them from themselves and US. We have to be responsible for our own lives, our familys. Just as I pointed out that the mother of the young man who commited the mass murger at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Although she was an avid gun collector, I feel she had NO business having gun's in her home, without them being properly protected from her son, which they were not. They should be been in a gun vault. Her personal actions didnt affect just a few, but a whole of a nation and it always cost her ~her life. Such a tragedy. This is a definable moment, a teachable moment that should be strong in all our minds to use now as we all move forward. We all are needed as long as we are a part of this country, and a part of the conversation and also a part of the gun culture, and specially so if one is a gun owner. That is a responsibility that should be readily embraced. (My personal thoughts)

Those who are responsible gun owners shouldnt be punished for the actions of the unstable and the criminals. As Panic has taken hold, decisions are made which reflect that panic and Fear..which isn't good, so that is why I presented this thread.. seeking what is and hoping for solutions..

One thing, children aren't responsible with guns. Even those who thought they were teaching their children to Be such, have tragically found out that at a certain age, they cannot discern such ' teachable' understanding, and we need to understand this. ( I dont want to create any argunments here based on what anyone has been taught..please) but personally and thru multiple news articles this statement is not far fetched. And also thru my pyschology instruction, I do understand this)

Paul...I just made a fresh Batch of popcorn..
here ya go...

Bill J. I guess I was too busy in the back seat to have time to go for refreshments. Actually went to see Easy Rider and never once watched the movie...
I guess it wasn't a dull day on this forum. Everybody relax. I don't think we can solve the worlds problems, just our CC's problems.
I can make microwave pop corn in 1-3/4 minutes and still have time to get back to the main movie...!
<font size="-2">And with some TV commercials its actually possible ! </font>
I haven't posted on this thread, so I thought I would, if only this once.
The woman who had all those guns in Newtown was not responsible in keeping them secured from her son. This was a deadly mistake. All she had to do is keep them locked up in a safe and not tell her son the combination to it. Another mistake is, she let him play all those killing games. If you put that garbage in your head (brainwashing) all the time, it will come out sooner or later. Especially if they are already mentally challenged.
I understand the thought behind banning high capacity rifles, but facts show that only 2 percent of gun related crimes were committed with this type of weapon.
I don't believe restricting "high capacity clips will solve anything. If you can't have a 20 round clip, but you can have three 10 round clips, what's the difference? You can swap a clip in about 3 seconds.
I believe if our government would concentrate on punishing the criminal instead of punishing the gun, some of this mess would slow down a little.
Our illustrious state legislators did absolutely NOTHING in this session to help sponsor/forward a bill to help the mentally ill, that is desperately needed, no pass a bill to train teachers about mental illness and violence, AND ended their session this year since their daily allowance ran out As for any type of gun control...

One of the first things necessary is banning any lobbying of any sorts. Too much "free money" goes into the legislator's pockets.

I actually view it like this... As long as someone is TOTALLY responsible and manages their gun collection responsibly that is fantastic. DO NOT take that right away from anyone that does just that. However if you're a criminal with a weapon and do harm then THAT is another matter. Mentally Ill people.... We ALL know that it is finanically draining along with the mental stress dealing with a mentally ill person within one's family. AND it is a very difficult and delicate situation to no infringe on their rights. However when a family can't afford the expensive drugs or force a person to take them then something needs to be addressed.

Off to work for a little overtime. Everyone have a wonderful day. I want to THANK CHARLIE for letting us continue this thread and help guide us with following the rules (It is HIS site). Who knows... maybe it will be a group of Cub Cadet Collectors that starts the path to things being done what are just and right for everyone.

Bill J. This one is for you. Happier Times}