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My 1512D for dog rebuild

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Ready to change the oil in my smoker. Well I can`t find out how much oil this 15 hp kubota needs for the filter and crank case. Can some with a smoke post the oil amount please !
later Don T
They hold a drip or two over 3 qts (US Measure)including the filter. My personal choice in the c-c-cold is Shell Rotella Synthetic 5W-40, great stuff!
Jim D I used castrol gtx 10x40. I want to get everything fixed and run it some and then go to a Synthetic oil later, I don`t know if I can get the Shell Rotella Synthetic 5W-40 here , but i will have a look . thanks Don T
I'd be surprised if you can't get Rotella up there....it's sold EVERYWHERE here. Even Walmart. I would recommend only an oil that's intended for a diesel engine.
Matt Gonitzke
I looked in Wallyworld tonight and No they don`t have it on the shelf in there oil section. But then I keep going to NAPA also to get things posted here you all get There and no go NAPPA Canada don`t handle the same stock as the USA .

( I wish they did)

Later Don T
Diesels need diesel oil. Any good brand oil should be fine. You can get Shell, Mobil Delvac, or other brand up there. Just get Diesel oil it is different. I wouldn't run it too long with the gasser oil in it. Especially, if you are going to work it.
Don T Synthetic oil is specifically NOT recommended as per inside hood decal. I even called local Kubota dealer--he said use regular Diesel engine oil! I'd prefer synthetic & still don't understand why not...

Take into consideration the age that decal was placed on the inside of that hood; back then synthetics were horrible in a diesel or even an air-cooled gasser.

ALOT has changed in the quality of synthetics since that 1512 was built, however I will defer to your statement and slowly recede into the lurker mode from now on. Rotella and it's synthetic sister are ideal diesel oils, very high in zddp, critical for long camshaft life in flat tappet engines. But whatever....
used castrol gtx 10x40. guys I want to flush the engine and as long as I just idle it for awhile so I can drain it again. I will use a good diesel oil when I change it again. Later Don T

Have you guys ever bought a car and added diesel fuel to the oil and give the engine a good cleaning. Don `t drive it just let the engine warm up and drain the oil again and put on a fresh filter and new oil. I had a FORD 2.8 v6 that rattled the valves and after i used the diesel fuel it was quite and ran smother and it had 346 th klm when I sold. I don`t believe that what I`am doing will hurt the engine if not worked
Thanks Don T
I will use a good diesel oil when I change it again. Later Don T
Don..I don't think you'll do any harm, I've done the same except with ATF in place of diesel fuel. I also use a spray bottle with water in it to de-carbon the combustion chamber. The water turns to steam and ya know how good that cleans, sometimes you would be surprised how black with soot the exhaust will blow out. Just need to keep the r's up while doing that.
Up date.... The drive shaft has arrived and I took it to have the end machined to take a pin on the pump side. The front is a direct bolt to the plate the po had there.,Held on with three bolts. I have cleaned the parts and have them ready for repacking with fresh grease. Thought you might what is there in this CV set up. I will have add roll pin in the end of the pump just to be on the safe side lol. This CV shaft is much stronger than the rag joints and I want the shaft to have a weaker point so if it stops working i`ll know that I broke the roll pin.
Here is how it goes together. I hope this will be maintence free,Grease a few times a year.
Good luck, I couldn't even touch the coupler with a cobalt drill. Mine was hard as hell.
Just picked up the new glow plugs for the Diesel, they were $19.08 each. I can now do the mod and install them in the AM. They are NGK 2031 Y-103v

This is for those that want to know what the part number is and a price amount. Later Don T
Well the new glowplugs are installed. Looking for a starter now lol

Don T...Are you missing a wire between the left and middle glow plug? or is it hidden under the feed cable. Thought you said these were 12v gloplugs...which means a wire from relay to the top of all 3 plugs.
Allen Schumacher
Its there ,just hidden under the 12V feed wire.This really makes the diesel start fast. I counted to 8 and gave it a try and it started right up. I hardly rolled at all and it was running. I just ran it after I got it all back together and let the thermostat open and it will restart great. I`am happy with the engine , but I do want to take the starter off and have a look at it. Later Don T
did some on my drive shaft today,went to town and well we took round stock and made a shaft . We center bored a hole for the hydro shaft and then centered drilled the shaft for the pin.( also reamed the hole on both sides)Started with round stock the other end we cut a pin end at .75" by .5 " deep. next we took plate and cut it to match the Cv drive shaft od and center bored a .75 hole and the rest will be done later. Just welding and back on the lath just to clean the welds up and true it up.4 hrs working at a 451 snow blower and the drive shaft and i`m

Sounds like the "plan" is coming together, I am glad it is all working out so well. Please keep us updated and include pics of that driveshaft. You may have to make up kits and sell them!!