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Archive through November 04, 2003

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2002
Don V.

I have only one Q/L Hydeo and have not had it apart yet. Could that bushing be from the Engine end of the drive shaft for a Q/L hydro.


Maybe you could post a picture of the Hydro shaft and the engine mount for a Q/L hydro, i.e. 1250, 1450 or 1650.

I only have a 1450 and as I said, have not opened up that part yet.

Also, Kraig, can you show, or tell me, on a 102, the piece of sheetmetal that covers the head and muffler, is it straight or does it have a bend in it?
William, yes it can. Make sure you turn it the right way. There is a way to reverse it, but I am not sure how. Steve?
Bill Mc,

You can drive it from the rear, CW facing the rear stub shaft.

You <font size="+2">MAY</font> be able to reverse it, CCW, by simply flipping the charge pump over, BUT you better consult the Sauer-Sunstrand people first...it's a model SU-15.

If you just want the direction of the rear end switched you might try flipping the ring gear over.
Kraig ,I saw spirit of 76 decals on ebay I think they end today.
She logged into my computer as me and saw it was my only bookmark.

That was the absolute worst employment experience I had. The place is "family owned" and there's many members of the family working there. President of the company isn't an engineer but he got rid of the cheif engineer and hired this gal still wet behind the ears as "director of engineering". She was the absolute wrong choice for the job. She's one of those women "professionals" that must think that everyone's against her so she's got something to prove, and then everything's a double standard to her. Come hell or high water everyone in her department had to be in their chair at 7AM, but she'd waltz in sometime after 8AM. For some reason she just wanted rid of me, she went looking for reasons, nevermind that in a little over a month's time I had reworked some of their castings that they'd be saving nearly $4000 per year, I suppose she'll take credit for that now too.

I'll find out today if I still have the standing offer from Deere, hindsight being 20/20 I should have just went with that, it was even $10K more per year.

OH and BTW- anyone restoring any equipment, beware of the reproduction decals made by case I think the number was 275306-R1, it's an 8.56" wide white, black outline decal. The IH version I had looked great, the Case version looked like someone hired some artsy fart and used a new font with a shadowed outline, I dunno if Case inherited the IH engineering manual that details how the logos should look but I'd be more than happy to run them off a copy.
Dang Wyatt,
We have a "Lady" like that here. We are lucky that she is not high ranking, keeping the greef to a min.

Hang in there, better things will come along.
Which makes for more current abailable, the stator assembly as on a starter-ring gear Kohler or a starter-generator?

Reason I'm asking is because I'm trying to figire what sort of lights the Wheatland tractor will be able to handle. For right now I might just be over 15A which I think was the limit for the starter-generator.
I remember seeing in the Kohler parts book for the K301 a stator rated at 30amps. Of corse I may have been hallucinating at the time.
I do remember seeing some large numbers though.

Bryan has 5 lights on his 169 and the guage did not show a discharge when all of them were on. I believe that two of them were halogen too.

I have been working on building a blasting cabinet for the last year or so. I like to make things as cheep as possible, so I have been collecting all the needed parts as I go. Just this past week, I collected the final parts for the project. I will have made my fully metal blasting cabinet (complete with gloves, and gun) for under 50 bucks. My cabinet also has an exhaust vent and internal light.

Just to give an example how I saved money. The gloves. To get a good pair of blasting gloves, you are looking at 30-40 bucks. I bought a pair at my local harbor frieght for $5 (18" long) I then took a pair of old jeans and cut the leg bottoms. I (sewed myself) elastic in the cuff to cling around what would become my wrist in the glove. At the cabinet, the jean bottoms are connected with large hose clamps (6-7 in dia). I saved between 20-30 bucks. I can also use my gloves for external blasting.

The blasting gun is another good deal. It is a CH from wal-mart ($12.97). Can't beat it.

Let me know if I can help.

Rich, the guy that has(d) that auction also sells them direct. Thanks.

Frank, I believe that the 102 has the "bent" heat shield, I had a 102 for a few weeks several years ago I don't recall if it had the "bent" heat shield. But I bet the guy I sold it to can answer the query.

Craig C., does your 102 have the "bent" heat shield?

Frank, here is a 1450 hydro.

Here is the engine bay.

Here are the engine mounts, this being one of the various "improved" versions that extend the life of the bushings.

(Message edited by kmcconaughey on November 05, 2003)
Wyatt, according to the various manuals that I have both types of systems have a 15amp rating.
Wyatt, .....but we all know how good the documentation is, perhaps they kept the 15amp rating for the stator systems but it may be capable of more....... On my #2 125 I have four headlights, one tail lamp and one strobe light, I've never added up or measured the load, but it appears to work fine.
WYATT - I think the S/G would be good for more than 15 A intermittantly. 20-25A if You adjust things accordingly. I'd wire lights so You could shut things off You don't really need. Plus You always have the battery to pull off of. Sorry to hear about Your "Boss". I thought I got stuck at a new job with a young Female Boss like that. Lucky Me! That was 15 yrs ago and We're Still real good friends. Sure didn't hurt that She was cute either! Best Boss I ever had!
Have you thought about running a secondary S/G (mounted backwards) off the rear pulley? May solve the problem if you really want to "light up the world."
Geez Kraig, who's filthy, dirty tractor is that?

Frank M. -

There's no mention in the parts book of any bushing for the driveshaft on EITHER end of a QL driveshaft...
Bryan, I hear it belongs to some lady named Julie. :eek:)
Art, if one was going to go to the trouble of mounting a second S/G why not just mount an alternator instead. I think one would have to isolate the outputs in either case though.

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