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Archive through March 26, 2013

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Wow! Love that 125! I wonder what a brand new 125 is worth these days.
Melody: A trip to Virginia and $3600 will get ya that one.
Mike P.,

Any charger that puts out 2 amps or less would be ideal.
Are you sure you checked ALL of the safety switches? I personally eliminated all of mine so I wouldn't ever have to face that issue. Believe me, they will eventually get you!
Frank, thank you I had the same question as Melody, and in retospect thats a good deal compared to todays junk they put out.
That means I gotta pay the G'kids $9.61/hr to run the Cubs around the yard??? AND furnish the gas?? And sharpen the blades??

Somethin' I woudda done for nuttin' back in '61!!

Dave S.
Hey - that price doesn't seem way out there compared to the "rarity" of the tractors condition, inflation, and the true cost of a complete refurb. In fact, if you were to calculate the actual labor cost involved in a refurb (and in my case damaged kitchen countertops and sink/parts washer) it's downright cheap! And last but not least, am I jealous? Heck yes!!
Alright my parts came in for the 169 while I was out of town. Guess I know what I'll be working on tomorrow.
Reggie, refresh my memory, what parts are you going to be fixing? Any day spent working on my cubs is well enjoyed. Hope all goes well.

P.S. have you helped Art with the 169 data base, we could use all the info he gets. thanks
I'm working a bit on my 169's. I've got one serial number plate that has been sand-blasted so the black paint and lettering is toast.

I'm looking for my restoration options.
Option A.
Wanted: High resolution picture of an excellant condition serial number plate.
I can use this file once "cleaned up" to have vinyl replacement decals made for the black and lettering portions of the plate.

Option B.
Has anyone done option A already and have parts ready (I'm guessing not)