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Archive through November 04, 2003

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Art, and that came from, where? Did you get a scanner?

Mike scans are already on file, send me an email request and I'll send the scans in a reply or to the email address to which you want them sent.
Does this help?...

Sorry, couldn't help toyin' with ya...
Hey. For the Northwest guys in particular, but for all. This would be a good event to plan a vacation around next July. More on this as it develops.

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Hello, my name is Colin Rush. I am part of a club that is putting on an
all-International Harvester event next July 8, 9, 10, and 11 at the
Western Antique Powerland in Brooks, Oregon. I am contacting people in
clubs in the western US and Canada to let them know, and to arrange to
mail some info to the different clubs to put in their newsletters or for
distribution. Thus far, I have called all of the chapters of ATHS west
of the Rockies, and am now starting on the tractor and gas engine and
steam clubs. I have a flyer that I could mail to you, if I knew who to
send it to, and a mailing address. Please let me know who to send them
to. Those of your members that are interested in attending can contact
me at the number or address on the flyer, and I will put their name on a
mailing list to receive an information packet to be mailed out when it is
completed in a couple of months. Again, this event is for anything and
everything made by International Harvester, of any age, condition, or
function. Please let me know if you are interested. Thank you.

-Colin Rush/Portland, Oregon<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Travis, Shirtman -

10-11 gallons! Are you using tubes? my 8.5's started squirting back fluid at just under 4 gallons!! I put tubes in mine, and I can see how they restrict fluid intake.

Also, my clutch started slipping. I have never adjusted this before -- the manual makes me believe it is adjustable -- are there any tricks, hints, o-my-goshes you can share. And at what point do I need a new friction disc?

Thanks all

Up here in Jerry B's and my neighborhood we got a bit of the white stuff and colder than a well digger's butt. Here is a pic of my Dad back in the 1930's when they had r-e-a-l winters in eastern Montana.

Time to stir up some activity.....

Does anybody know the approx length of the crank that should be sticking out the front (PTO end) of a 14hp Kohler?

My 149 has a replacement 14hp Kohler and I'd like to make sure the PTO is going to be in the right location if I install the PTO bearing flush with the end of the crankshaft per the manual's instructions. I'm guessing if the PTO location isn't correct I'll have issues with the disengaged mode.
Charles McC. - 10-11 gal is correct for a 26-12.00X 12, as is 4-5 gal. for a 23-8.50 X 12. Tubes really don't restrict the amount of fluid capacity. The tire should be aired up to 20-25 PSI to properly seat the beads of the tire on the rim, and this will cause any trapped air inside the tire but outside of the tube to escape around the valve stem. Then the full capacity of the tire and tube can be used for fluid AND air. 75% fluid and 25% air. You have to have some air in the tire.
Thanks Nate, although based on Charlie's comments I was happier with Steve's measurement!

Looks like just a tick shy of 3" should do it...

Thanks guys
George Vic Doehler mentioned redoing his 129 He sent me pictures I think he did okay, asked and got permission to post a couple.
