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The NRA-Gun Rights- Finding Solutions

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Personal agenda and greed is a human affliction that will only be solved by evolution which is doubtful given the violent nature in all of us. Maybe the meek will someday inherit the earth and the stars. Fighting violence without violence is not working. I don't believe we can find a perfect solution in a society built on money, sex, and drugs.
I was listening to the radio this afternoon and the guy says, what did any of these guys do that did NOT already break various laws!
SOOOOOO, WTH are more laws going to accomplish!
Not a dang thing!!!!
No clip laws, no background checks, no assault weapon bans, no nothing is going to change anything at this point in time.

Did ya notice that the goof that stabbed a batch of people the other got ZIP for news coverage, LOL

Just set back and watch what transpires in the next year, you might be surprised at what rights you will loose.

Kinda like the DNR bitch that showed up at my place last fall when the bear got nailed. She wanted a detailed list of firearms in my possession, just for the record!

My reply was!
Yea right, now get the hell off my property, LOL
Gerry, Just up the road from me, at a place called Chardon, Ohio a young man named T.J Lane was caught red handed when he unloaded Ruger MK111 .22 semi-auto pistol on his fellow school mates during class. That is what Lonny means by " red handed ". Understand the difference better now? So as the story goes, the young murder of 17 years of age has the right to belong onto the earth the remaining days of his life,.....all free to him while you and I pay for it because these "human rights" experts say so. At 17 in Ohio, there is NO execution of a minor. Too bad to the dead kid's family, huh?

He should be drawn and quartered by horse, as to let all of America know what fait await those who choose to live by the law of the jungle.

Oh, and don't forget what the government of japan did to china in 1937.
John - the point is WHO are you going to set up as Judge,Jury and Executioner and how do you guarantee absolutely there will be NO abuse of that power??

The issue is mental illness, irresponsible adults, onlookers unwilling to "get involved" and a legal system that has absolutely gone nuts in protecting individual rights over the good of the many - and that doesn't mean going to vigilante justice.... BTW - I too have a Marlin 60 (the most produced .22 rifle in history) and also a bolt action Mossberg 22 that holds 17 LRs ... Of course the 60 is a semi-auto , so I guess I'd better figure a place to conceal it....
Jim D, yup ur right !
Gerry, You made clear to me some valuable points. Abuse of power is across the board. The real issue is no one wants to be held accountable for their own actions, so we call that a "mental issue". I don't care what you may say, but for killers like T.J , he deserves to be put in front of the firing squad.

We are politely trying to figure out solutions for killers, thugs, perverts, who use guns in crimes. A immediate death sentence is the ONLY way to get the message across the nation. Look back at how the Old West was tamed, and the GOOD that then flourished. If we as a civilized people fail to remember history's past, make no mistake about repeating the self governing ways of the past. And that's how I feel,... the law abiding GOOD people of the Nation don't have to suffer because of fool's mistake/sin .

I cant help but wonder about much of crime committed using a gun. Was that person just released from a prison? How many of these law breakers had a perfect and clean record before the crime was committed? Well, this bent government that is to work for us, MUST SHARE the blame for gun crime and human violence.

A shame in this world that none of us can agree on how to tie a shoe lace,......disgrace! My heart does in fact go out to the victims of human violence, and agree something can be inforced to prevent much more of the growing problem we as Americans face in today's society.
Since this thread is about finding solutions.......after looking at the news this evening, I have figured out a solution. Let's pass a law banning bombs. Oh, i'm sorry, they are already banned. That law did a lot of good, didn't it!

Kinda like any law that bans guns; it will only apply to the law abiding citizen, because the criminal don't give a crap about ANY laws whatsoever!
I HATE what has happened in Boston and my heart goes out to the innocent victims. There will be a payday for people who commit crimes like this.
Whether it is by bombs, guns, or any other means, evil will abound. No law of any kind will STOP these acts (don't know if it will even slow it down or not), because evil people do not pay any attention to any laws.
2-n-done on this thread 4 me.
Marty, to the white dust/smoke looked like exploding target material. Guess what is next that we cant have,.....................
Not to sound like a dick but are they going to make the Americam Pressure Cookers Assn. stop making pressure cookers now???? Same thing different delivery source.
Which brings us to the REAL issue. In the WRONG HANDS these things can be EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and we as a society simply cannot afford to have pressure cookers out there that are completely uncontrolled. We are talking about some common sense laws. First, most people do not need high capacity pressure cookers. Limiting pressure cookers to a quart will make society safer. In addition, with all the documented instances of pressure cookers being used to construct explosive devices, and in light of the numbers of killed and injured, two things are clear: pressure cookers are lethal and we are in the midst of a pressure cooker violence epidemic. There is no need for pressure cooker nuts to run around with their pressure cookers without any regulation and oversight. Mandatory mental health evaluations and federal background checks will help to ensure that a pressure cooker doesn't fall in the wrong hands. Should people convicted of felonies and domestic violence misdemeanors be banned from owning pressure cookers? ABSOLUTELY! Even if it saves just one life, it's worth it. How about that soccer mom? Well, it depends. What if she loves soccer but hates America? Do you REALLY want THAT soccer mom to have unfettered access to something so potentially deadly?
Someone should probably delete that one. Totally off topic and mean. Sorry guy's, I should really think more about the end result of things I write.
Sorry. It was taken off a news feed comments.}
Kieth, I took it for what it was. A beautiful piece of scarcasm! <font size="-2">You could gone on as to the sale of nails, more than one backpack, large quanty of steel balls, etc. I already know of some places to get brass balls !
Let's also not forget that cook stoves have been cost reduced much like my MTD Cub Cadet (even though it starts every time and cuts better than my IHCC's) and as such may not be structurally able to support a extra large pressure cooker full of beans. Were the gal-dang pressure cooker to cave in the top of the stove with it's weight and the stress induced by the natural frequency of the harmonics of the little jiggle thingy on top AND you ain't got your IH asbestos cooking apron or steel toadie sandals on, you could suffer injuries that could render one to microwave cooking and drive thru's forever or as long as you survived - GREAT JUMPIN' CATFISH!!!!

On another note, my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of these terrorist bastards.
Obama, pack your bags and get out along with your failed gun control bill! God bless the U.S.A !

Thank you NRA, and the American people!
Just replace the words preasure cooker in Keith's post with guns and it is makes perfect sence.
Than replace the word gun with exacto knife and it sounds sarcastic once again.

However these are the tactics being used to try and ban guns, same reteroic.
Here is a very good example.


When we finialy get around to putting the blame where it belongs ( on the person(s) who commit these horriable crimes) and not on the item used to committ the horriable crime, maybe than we can all see justic served and we will not need to ban guns, ammo clipd, preasure cookers, exacto knifes, ect.
John C. Lazar After reading your comments, I wonder if you think we should tell the families from Tucson, Aurora, and Sandy Hook that were up in Washington pleading with the Senators for some minimal gun control to pack their bags along with Obama and get the heck out of this country too.
The victims of those incidents were nothing more than pawns used by a shameless administration to further their agenda. Nothing more than a play on their emotions. Of course they have strong feelings after losing a child or loved one, but to parade them around and hold them up as examples has to be a low point for our so called leaders. I truly wonder how some of these people sleep at night.
