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The NRA-Gun Rights- Finding Solutions

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Mike, What is so upsetting is people killing people. Its my opinion that something is seriously wrong with a person who does not support the Second Amendment of America. Those people are free to go move to Communist Russia or China. But the rest of us want our freedom and guns.

Now, where in God's green earth are the anti-gunners? Why did they not protest this NFL guy after he got off the hook from shooting another guy in the face? Because big money and big lawyers say what's what, and this is what we have leading this country. Don't tell me the People elected them into office when there is not one candidate worthy to begin with.

Where were the anti-gunners?
John well said.
I just went back and re-read Cathleen’s original post and she wanted us to discuss and share our personal thought and solutions to the gun problems, without getting petty and ranting and raving. If I’m guilt of that I apologize.

I have rifles, shotguns, and pistols. I have owned guns for over 60 years and whenever I want another, I can go and legally buy one. I have never had the Federal Government come and try and take any of my guns, even though the NRA has probably been telling me they are going to for the last 40 years.

I believe in the 2nd amendment, but don’t have a problem with restrictions on assault rifles, large ammunition clips, hand held missiles, tanks, and armor piercing bullets.

I don’t blame the Federal Government for all the gun deaths. If you want to hold the Federal Government responsible, then you have to let them do something, even it that requires some restrictions on our purchases, free medical treatment for people with mental problems, and forced incarceration of unstable people.

The gun killings will continue to increase with, mentally unstable people, accidents, suicides, road rage incidents, along with some from Bad guys with guns.

Here is an interesting thought.

That's just it...you really can't share and discuss this "problem" without ranting and raving as long as the people in control keep barking up the wrong tree. It pi$$es me off that I can't find a simple box of .22 ammo. That's something that has been available to me since I was a boy anytime it was needed/wanted.

All that compiled data shows me is that we're growing crazy people in this country at warp speed and doing little about it.

Also, if they were to remove all of the crazy drivers from vehicles then I think the data would show very different stats.
We all agree that the killing(s) need to stop! And we all agree the second amendment must stand preserved!

But there must be some compromise on both sides and that it uses some common sense.

The "name calling" and "demonization" are serving no purpose. Our elected officials are hamstrung because they cannot serve both masters. None of them have the guts to stand firm and face the problems head on.

Of course this is all my opinion and once again say thanks to the mods for letting me voice it! And I wish "Angel" would come back and let us know she is ok.
Richard C. , I and all of the NRA don't buy in to your last comment, quite frankly that was a lot of bs. . If you and the anti-gunners would like to do some thing that would make a criminal think harder before he/she chooses to rob/rape/kill another innocent person, why not have the killer be sentenced to death with in a month.? But don't start heckling my weapons and the NRA. Like the Communist who continue to seek and over-take land, so are certain people with in our own government. No one believes you Richard, that that cant happen, or will never happen. And to top it off Richard, why did not the anti-gunners step in and gawk about the NFL guy who shot some one in the face? That was with a hand gun Richard. Your not making much sense, you know.
Shooting Officers of the Law is instant death, basically. I support that more than 100% But why is it when, a person who chooses to kill someone with or with out a gun, the killer gets to spend his or her life in a costly prison?

And yet we have people in our country that says to take away the assault weapons? Rockets? Tanks? That's the answer? Dumb me down to a single shot, then to a sling shot?

We spend a lot of money bringing down sports players, the NSA cost of spying on our UN friends, and yet we have people trying to dumb down the clips of guns? We have a major problem with BOARDER Patrol and yet we're worried about the NRA?

The belt-way sniper was a good one, right out of the US Military. Lee Harvey Oswald,..... where did he learn to shoot like that with a surplus Italian 6.54 Carcaino? Then of course the Ft. Hood killing spree, The OK City bomb,.....was Tim Mcveay from the US Military too?

Bing: Middlefield Police Shooting . I live about 1.5 miles in the direction the Law Enforcement was headed before they turned around. I have nothing but praise for my local Police, God Bless them!
Since we have a really great forum, I have said all I can say. I don't hate you Richard, Nor the Communist. I will not make another post here, that you may have the last word. This is what happens when we become self govern, most importantly Godless people.

I wish you all a fair well in this thread. Sorry, I love to read the knowledge on the main forum!
I said I was done posting on this thread. Maybe this time.
I am not taking sides with anyone, seems everyone has a good point or two.

After much thought, I have come to the conclusion that one good thing for this problem would be education.

Every person should be required to take a concealed carry class along with a proper handling and use of a firearm class. I say everyone, because a lot of people think that legal citizens who carry guns are walking around just waiting to shoot someone, and we know this is not true.

Most anti-gun people know little-to-nothing about guns, or how to use them.
A lot of gun owners know little-to-nothing about guns, or how to use them.
Notice I did not say everyone!
I am saying everyone needs to be educated!

Yes, there are a lot of people who know a lot about guns and how to handle and store them. I am not talking about them.

If everyone were to take these classes, they would know that a gun can only be used when their life is threatened by another person with a deadly weapon.
Everyone should be required to take a proper use and storage class, in order to slow down some people from "taking guns from others" and using them. This has happened in a lot of these shootings.
Now for the criminals:
Every law concerning guns does not apply to them because they are criminals. They are going to get guns just like people get drugs; illegally!
Guns, like drugs are on almost every corner and neither will go away, no matter how many laws are passed.
Just like drugs, guns cannot be totally eliminated.

Along with education, there should be laws enacted to punish those who use guns in crimes.
Criminals can use any type of weapon they desire. They can have fully automatic weapons with 1000 round clips because they are not going to abide by the law anyway.
Honest law abiding citizens ought to be able to protect their lives with more than a double barrel shotgun!

If you like guns or not, everyone still ought to take classes in order to be better informed. I guarantee more people would not oppose guns!
There are no "fixes" to this problem, but there could be some "helps".
John C. Don't run away, I thought we were having a discussion here. You posted a lot of things about me, mostly wrong and then you don't want to hear my reply?

I think we both probably want basically the same thing for our families and this country, we just go down different pathways.

I would like to explain where I am coming from and why I reach the decisions that I do. At the same time I am interested in what you think and why you come to the conclusions you do. We may never agree, but it doesn't hurt to hear different sides.
Yup, good one Kev. Take God out of the class room and replace with guns. Makes a lot of freeking sense. Public schools are a failure, period.

How about the US Supreme Court to release a 1000 criminals from a California prision,...?

Praise the Lord, and pass the ammo!
It's more like 10,000 prisoners being released.

They are just being inconvenienced too much so the legal system says to just let them out.

Yep, this country's simply doing all of the right things.
BUY LOTS of Starbucks products/drinks this Saturday August 24. The anti-Gun Lobby are boycotting Starbucks on Saturday August 24 because of the "PRO-GUN" corporate policies of Starbucks!!


Starbucks does NOT restrict open carry or CCW carry in any of its stores where such carry is legal, unlike most large retail operations.

Here is the Starbucks press release on the issue:

Here is the boycott info....
Exactly Allen.!!!

Living here in Iowa, our grand state made national news last week-end when the Truth came out about the insane gun laws we have and who can and cannot carry a concealed weapon. The laws are full of holes,not just in regards to legally blind and blind people being legally capable of packing a loaded firearm in public. About the only law/restriction is the obvious. Those will criminal records/felons aren't allow to own/carry weapons. We know how well that law is working. lol..in any case

Here in Iowa, you don't have to even prove that you can shoot a gun. There is one test/course you can take on line, that requires nothing but reading, no proving you have the wits about you to be able to have any knowlege about weapons, nor do you have to prove you can safely handle a gun and to shoot at a target and HIT it. What is wrong with this? Everything!!! There is nothing against the blind protecting themselves within the confines of their own home, but in public.? I know their hearing is far better then those who don't have an seeing issues, but could a blind person safely shoot and hit its target and not hit an innocent person? Is the one who is threating their lives going to give the blind person verbal cues, so they know where to shoot? snicker, snicker..hey hey, over here..hear me? over here..aim where you hear my voice.!! ooppsie, sorry, I missed. Now that I have major seeing issues, I could not imagine toting a loaded weapon in public. I know that I would be risk to the general public.

Aren't these seeing impaired people using any logic in pursuing a concealed weapons permit? OF COURSE NOT. Here in Iowa, you have to have over 2,000 hours to be a certified cosmotologist. You have to pass a written test and a driving test in order to get a drives license, but In IOWA, you don't have to prove anything to get a permit.

I hope our law makers will return to this years session and PASS vialbe and locigal gun laws,to ensure those who are capable to handle and shoot a weapon with knowledge and accurately are the only ones who can carry a concealed weaspon in public.

Cathleen - I hope your law makers have more ability than those in my state or in Washington...

I know it's not a funny situation, but one of the comments was that the sight impaired must shout "Marco" and the target has to answer "Polo"....

Most people that I know about with sight problems are actually more aware of their surroundings through their other senses than those with every sense intact, but none that I know of pack heat and only one I knew of drove ( a moped and he was continually running into lamp posts)..