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Cathleen, We really have the same laws for CC in New York state. I didn't have to pass any kind of tests to prove I could shoot a pistol or even if I knew the laws of carrying it. I did have to go through a very thorough background check that for most takes 6 months. In the county I live in, it only takes about 3 months. Another peculiar thing is that I actually had to have access to a firearm before I could get a permit to carry it. For most people that don't know someone with a Carry Permit in NY, that requires one to actually purchase the pistol, the store keeps/stores the firearm until your carry permit is approved. You then go to the store to pick it up. Now in my case, I had quite a few relatives that already had registered pistols, so I just had to get them to sign a form that allows me to use that pistol as mine for purposes of getting the permit. In a way that also works out for other causes. When my brother died a few years ago, because I had all of his pistols registered on my pistol permit, we did not have to turn over his pistols to the state.
Here is another Concealed Carry anomaly. I have a Concealed carry permit, so at ALL times, my pistol MUST be concealed. If I am wearing a jacket with a shoulder holster, I have to make sure that my jacket does't open enough to make the pistol visible to another person. If it shows, I can get ticketed for it, unless I am using it to protect myself. I can carry a loaded pistol on my person while driving, yet if I put the pistol on the seat or under the seat of my car, it must be unloaded, and the ammunition must be locked in a portion of the automobile (like the trunk) that I don't have easy access to.
Most of that doesn't make sense, but we have our illustrious Governor Cuomo who this year made some of the magazines built prior to 1994 when the AWB went into effect, that hold more than 10 bullets illegal to own. Also, I can only put 7 bullets in my 10 round magazine. No-one has been able to answer the question of whether the 7 bullet rule applies to "just" the magazine or if we are allowed to have 7 in the magazine and 1 in the chamber!!! So glad I live in NYS.
It may seem like common sense that it is ok to deny a blind person a concealed carry permit, but that is a violation of their rights. You are assuming that they can't see (anything). Not every person who is legally blind can't see. My co-workers son has tunnel vision. He's legally blind, but is perfectly able to use a firearm.
Nobody assumed anything ...... but - let's at least prove proficiency with a firearm before issuing a concealed weapons / carry permit - OK? That's the same as any other applicant, at least in our state, has to do to get a CCW....
I am vision impaired and have a CCW permit, I only have one eye that I see out of and a prosticit eye, last vision check was back in July of this year and I still have 20-15 vision in my good eye, still vision impaired by law but am able to anything anyone with 2 good eyes can do cept get a CDL or join any branch of the military.

So having being vision impaired is no reason anyone should be denied a CCW permitt.
Took a while but it seems I sturred up a few things...
Lonny...I think a license bureau has to make some sort of detirmination as to the type/amount of vision disability. It would be fine by me to allow YOU to have a weapon, you can see! I believe the origional artical was trying to refer to people who couldn't see worth a hoot.

It just irks me when someone thinks that just because someone has a disability they should be excluded from enjoying life as much as non disabled folks do, no matter what the disability is.

Did you know that disability is actualy known as differently abled.

Also do you know that 3 halfs make a whole.

I am
half blind (one good eye)
half deaf (60% lose in 1 ear & 40% in the other)
half dead (over 45 years of age)
but a whole person.
Lonny: Hang in there, life begins at 60.

Edit: Right, Allen?
To get a carry permit In my state you have to qualify by firing 50 rounds at a target from different distances. Also 3 hours classwork. This would eliminate any impairment that would be a problem. I am almost blind in one eye but had no problem with the fireing range.
Luther.... that's what I was referring to as far as showing proficiency. No different than getting a driver's license...

Lonnie.... I'm fortunate, I'm 20/400 in one eye, but it's correctable - the other is almost as bad. I applaud you for overcoming your challenges and would in no way support denying you your constitutional rights, but if you were totally without vision, I'd sure as heck want to see those 50 rounds at a target, with most of 'em hitting it before I issued a CCW to ya..
I absolutely agree with you. Who better to determine your abilities than you. Should the mechanically challenged be denied from owning tools? Should we ban those people from owning cubs??

"I went to sears the other day to buy a torque wrench and they turned me away!!"
Allen S.
I'm thinking that IF he really did ask for something anywhere and PROBABLY standing a a good foot or two above whoever he was talking to, I doubt they would give him any crap, LOL
Now that is stupidity at it's best. No word about the Navy Ship Yard shooting, except that we need to give up our AR-15's. Anti gunner crap! So, where are the anti gunners? Why don't they stand up and point a finger here? Why, because it's another typical Military - government related person who even had a CCW permit, and this and that. I'll tell ya, what a real piece of ***** those anti gunners are.

Oh, but look how "Civilized" this world and world leaders really are. Don't give up your AR 15, to these wack jobs, stand up and fight the good fight! Glad the shooter was shot dead, as dead as dead could ever be. I would have fired all 6, myself.

Did anybody miss Cleveland Ohio native Areial Castro? Yet the human rights/anti gunner experts claim " he was a human being" and that he deserves a investigation. I'm still floored about the Chardon Ohio school shooting where now, the killer has the rest of his life free to him to live in a prison.

Another topic on the agenda, is that, it's entirely too easy to not be able to purchase guns from a store because of a minor misdemeanor. I, myself have never used drugs, no where near being a felon. I did however, get into a argument with my uncle a number of years ago. I threw a plastic coffee cup and hit him in the head, which caused stitches to be required. He had been hung over drunk and picked a unwelcome argument. I got a minor misdemeanor out of it, and had to make restitution. Since I'm not a felon, I'm allowed to have a gun{s} . Just can't buy them like everybody else from a gun shop. That's crazy.

So now, the uncle {who I still care about } recently had another up-roar due to the same crap I went through with him because he is an alcoholic and just cant quite put 2 and 2 together yet.
Cath, I seriously have to question your conclusion paragraph from your Thursday, September 12 4:48am composition. I hope our law makers pass a law against being a anti gunner. Hell, what was it, I remember,.....................

Oh, yea! Last November Cleveland Police of 13 officers gun down 2 unarmed African Americans in a whopping hail of fire force right in down town Cleveland. 137 bullets fired. Yes, the car was riddled like what become of Bonnie and Clyde when the BAR surprised the couple while driving, except we still don't have a motive yet for the excessive Police force. Should have seen the Malibu.

Humm, looking more and more like Hitler's Henchmen and how that happened. It happened, and its starting with the anti gunners.

Now, I demand instant death for a gun crime in which innocent people are killed. But wait, this country and Mr. President are very dysfunctional as it is, and cant do their job. What a disgrace! Shoot a cop, and that is instant death. BUT SHOOT SOMEONE WATCHING T.V IN THEIR HOUSE, OR WALK INTO A SCHOOL AND OPEN FIRE YOU GET TO LIVE YOUR LIFE ALL FREE TO YOU IN A PRISION. HEY, AT LEAST YOUR ALIVE, RIGHT?
Oh boy, another "all of the sudden" rash of shootings. How many in the last two months? What ever will we do. The people vote jokers in office who believe its right for out-right killers to live free to them, a miserable life in prison at the tax payer's expense with total disregard for the victim and family. Makes it a big push to dis-arm America, no one is believing, that the sophisticated civilized people running our country who cry "It can't happen!" And to top it off, this has been the worst administration in American History. Spying, lying, scandal after scandal, crime, crime.

It's time for the message to gun killers to be made known. Barbarian- A person who lacks culture, a course or unmannerly person; boor. A savage cruel person, bruit. This definition is nothing short of what it really comes down to. This country was in no-way founded on these principals, and of those whom support it. I support and enjoy the freedoms we have today!
I'm sorry for the rant. But, if we are what we say we are, then there ARE solutions to ensure our Rights and still have directional justice for the Good of America.
Thank you
John C.L. I've read your last rant several times and still can't make any sense of it. Were you probably tipping a few too many when you wrote it?

If your talking about all of the school shootings here recently by kids, who are you blaming? And what do you want to do, kill them? Is that your civilized approach.

And what administration are you blaming for the spying???? Have you studied anything about the history of the NSA?
Thought I would wake up this old thread.
Was watching the news tonight (bad mistake), and they said the local coliseum would no longer be hosting a gun show because of the Florida shooting.

I am glad they are punishing law abiding gun owners for the actions of some wackos. Makes sense don't it!

These young protesters that want guns banned don't even know which bathroom to go to, and they eat Tide Pods for kicks.
And they want to tell the rest of us what we can and can't do?
They really know how to stop the violence, don't they.

Are we going to ban vehicles and alcohol because 30 Americans die each day due to drunk driving accidents?
Why aren't these young geniuses protesting this???

Sorry for my rant, now that I am good and upset, I am going to bed.

Thanks for this forum, so I can have somewhere to go and calm down! Nite, Y'all!
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

By Luther Ray Hinds (Lhinds) on Friday, September 13, 2013 - 05:25 am:

To get a carry permit In my state you have to qualify by firing 50 rounds at a target from different distances. Also 3 hours classwork. This would eliminate any impairment that would be a problem. I am almost blind in one eye but had no problem with the fireing range.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Luther - I use to hit pop cans all day long @ 100 yards with my 45 ... I cut a dog's throat @ 160 yards , he was trying to kill a calf.
Do I qualify for a CCW ? (of course I shake so bad now I can barely hold up my 45 ...)

Marty - The problem is "smart phones" and social media.
What the hell is "social" about staring at a phone ?
Take them away and let / make kids start socializing face to face and actually getting to know someone !
... and I heard (if it was accurate) that 30,000 die each year from knives