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The NRA-Gun Rights- Finding Solutions

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I think we need parents more than anything else. We are going to have to have a deterrent to crime with speedy trials and sensible judges. There is no reason to house a guilty murderer for years.
Luther - I've always said that a murderer needs to be hung in the town square. Make it mandatory public viewing and do it when they walk out of the courthouse.
Of course tho a few would be hung that weren't guilty as every now and then you hear of some poor soul being in prison for 20 years then DNA proves they didn't do it.
Kentucky had the last public hanging in the country ... bring it back !
We also need to bring back good ole butt whippings. They call it "child abuse" now. When coming up there was more than one gun (always loaded) leaning in certain corners of our house with 3 children. We knew NOT to touch any gun and none were ever touched. Our mother was a specialist with the wire handle of a fly swatter and there was Pops belt.

I got my first .22 at age 8 too and knew how to handle it because it was driven into my head. Try that with an 8 year old today. Chances are he doesn't have a full time dad.

There are 10,000 people killed by drunk drivers each year and no one bats an eye to this. "We have laws for this". Yeah right.
Agreed, Rodney...
Why ain't the media hounding the AAA over that stat??
Or the DMV???
Or the Federal Highway Administration?
Or the DOT??
Or Detroit??
You all have given lots of good points/solutions that have all but been forgotten by society and government.

They say: "If it were against the law to have a gun, none of these shootings would happen."

It's already against the law to shoot someone.

Someone needs to inform society/those geniuses that a criminal could give a rats rear about ANY law, because they don't go by the law.
If they did, they wouldn't commit crimes.
As of now we are only working on the political end of the problem. Until that changes things will only get worse. We need lawmakers and law enforcement that don't put their politics before their country.
So there’s been a knife attack in Winchester MA by a nut who snuffed out a promising young lady who was studying medicine in a library of all places ..who knows she could have cured cancer thanks a lot nut ball,at least the media around here is covering it.....like I’ve said and said and said,if some fool has a head full of bad wiring and has i mind to do something terrible there going to find a way to do it!!!!guns don’t kill people kill.
I doubt very much that the media will be hounding...
America's Test Kitchen...
or Better homes and gardens
or Martha Stuart
or Wal Mart for selling knives
etc etc etc
A 16 year old boy shot himself in the hand at school in Ky today.
One of the parents gave a really good tearful interview on the news saying she was tired of this and that something had to be done. She's also pulling her senior son out of school.

Well I've got a news flash for her !
I'm not the one that shot the kid , it was the kid that shot himself !
It was the PARENTS that last seen the kid leaving home WITH A GUN !!
Blame everyone but yourself !!!!
Kentuck,that’s today society “its everyone else’s fault”and the idea of personal responsibility has been tossed out the EFFing window.i know after I got home from the hospital being patched back up my old man would have put me right back in there for touching his guns.
They arrested 3 a couple days ago for threats. One of the boys was 10 !
This is why back woods and fields of the north look good to me. I've lived in my truck before, reason why I put a cap on back, which would be the Ritz compared to reality of up there.
But, that would be running away from the problem. I try and get my voice heard by the ones called "my representatives" and will keep doing it. My dad didn't have a gun when I was growing up, but friends and family did. My buddy when we were 7 wanted to show me his dad's deer rifle, I yelled to his neighbor where his mom was and we both got a beating for even going in the den. I did get a pie to myself after it was figured out what happened.
One of my older cousins and showed me pictures of before shooting a gun at a living thing and after.
I have a gun, have no problems with hunting or shooting at a range etc. Those pictures told me that I need to respect not only guns, but anything else that can kill. I run industrial saws and fork lifts moving thousands of pounds at a time. I've almost cut my limbs off not paying full attention and almost lost my foot when some equipment failed. I fear injury and death, therefore I respect anything I use or store.
think I want to blow off some yard work/aka seat time with my 125 and take my 1903 Springfield to the range.......and maybe my AR,we’ll see
Ethan - Taking a battle rifle to the range ? You're liable to start a war !
Watch out snowflakes !!
I sold a '03 about 23 years ago, still had the cosmoline in it ... been crying ever since
I've been in the machine shop all day other than to come out to da shack to sit and cry ...
I'd take my 6mm '98 Mauser to the range but it weighs 18 pounds and I'd be out here in da shack crying again ! My back is "F"word today !!!
I've not gone to the range in 4 years. Use to I could step out the door and walk less than 100 yards and have a 650 yard range ... but I moved.
Our local "shooting range" is a joke @ only 100 yards , that's pistol range for me.
Kentuck-I stubbled on my 03,my boss stopped at the gun store up the street from the dealership I work at,he said an ol timer was there selling a bunch of krags..and he heard someone at the counter say in passing “03” my boss told me about the krags so I stop up at the shop and inquired about mystery “03” the guy behind the counter pulled it out from back and said it was a Krag.....so I had to instruct the kid about guns a bit and classic battle rifles.after some dickering I got it for $600.its a 1917 rebarreled in 1944 and picked up and new lower stock in the cmp I’d guess I love that gun it dead nuts on and gets some attention at the range from the black rifle crowd LOL