To all (and Kraig in particular), as promised, pictures of the Azaleas still in bloom, despite cool, wet weather. I snapped these shots a few days ago. In the process, I noticed that many people put the flowering shrubs to good use under the cover of pine trees. The azaleas take up the space around the trunks and give a good effect to the yard. There are two other properties I see on a regular basis that employ the same landscaping tactic, but I think you can get the idea.
I find Azaleas absolutely astounding. Most of the year they are a pretty scrawny shrub, but for two to three weeks in April, they are ablaze with color. Absolutely amazing!
I think the picture above would make a good jigsaw puzzle, and I had to crop it to get it to load, the full version is even better.
The last property is definitely "show case" but what the heck, we all like a pretty yard, whatever the size.
Aside to Kraig (and Charlie), the weather has turned cool again, but the trees are already greening up, there is no stopping Spring's advance giving way soon to the arrival of Summer. Again, I hope the weather soon moderates for you both, if the earth is still tilting on its axis, you're bound to get more sun and warmer temperatures soon.