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Signs of Spring

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Charlie, Kraig, Thanks for sharing some of that snow. I almost forgot what it looked like... It's snowing here right now.
Yo Ron, no more snow down here, I saw a big Blue 4X4 working some high ground last night (7 PM ) less than a mile from home. A lot water standing in other fields all the way south past the state line just north of the POTUS' home ground. PS local tank spreaders are busy this week applying the liquid ground gold!
I don't know what's up with this thread, I started it so that people could post pictures of flowers and other pretty things (I'm looking at Keith O's grand-daughter as I type this), but people keep posting pictures of snow storms and Moose-in-Bank shots!

Anyway, I finally got around to uploading a shot of a beautiful dogwood I spotted on my way home from work. It is located in a family plot right at the Duplin/Wayne county line in eastern North Carolina. The road it is on bears the name of the family buried on this lovely spot, on a small knoll just as the road drops to cross the creek that forms the county line. The creek is hidden in the trees just beyond the field of view. The cattle come up in the afternoon to graze in the pasture just to the right. I just couldn't think of prettier spot on this earth to "rest in peace."


Edit: The dogwoods have now passed, but some of the azaleas are still blooming. I'll try to snap some shots tomorrow on my way home. The weather has been cloudy lately, but the sun is shining brightly today and hopefully tomorrow.
Jeremiah, it was in the 70's here today. A bunch of the snow melted away and only a few small piles remain. With any luck some wildflowers will be popping up soon. When they do I'll be on them with the camera!
We had a heat wave come through today, we actually had a high of 52!!!!
First time since about mid Sept. LAST YEAR! LOL
I took this photo this morning. Note the little remaining snow under the left side of the White pine.

Looks great Kraig, trees budding and no snow in site. That looks like shadows under the tree.
Keith, there's snow there, in the shade, and a branch that the last snowfall broke off. Here's a closeup.


There's still a few other isolated (ICE-olated?
) piles of snow around the yard but if it keeps getting into the 70s they won't last long.
It got to 81°F yesterday and then we got some rain last night. There's still some snow under that White Pine and elsewhere in the yard this morning! Sigh...
Charlie, That deer looks cold, maybe you could let it borrow a bear rug for a while...
Keith, beautiful!

Sigh, this morning the weather guessers are predicting 6 to 9 inches of snow this evening into tomorrow.
To all (and Kraig in particular), as promised, pictures of the Azaleas still in bloom, despite cool, wet weather. I snapped these shots a few days ago. In the process, I noticed that many people put the flowering shrubs to good use under the cover of pine trees. The azaleas take up the space around the trunks and give a good effect to the yard. There are two other properties I see on a regular basis that employ the same landscaping tactic, but I think you can get the idea.

I find Azaleas absolutely astounding. Most of the year they are a pretty scrawny shrub, but for two to three weeks in April, they are ablaze with color. Absolutely amazing!



I think the picture above would make a good jigsaw puzzle, and I had to crop it to get it to load, the full version is even better.






The last property is definitely "show case" but what the heck, we all like a pretty yard, whatever the size.

Aside to Kraig (and Charlie), the weather has turned cool again, but the trees are already greening up, there is no stopping Spring's advance giving way soon to the arrival of Summer. Again, I hope the weather soon moderates for you both, if the earth is still tilting on its axis, you're bound to get more sun and warmer temperatures soon.
on top of trailer


and on the pickup


No pink flowers here yet, Did see a few bluebird and some red-winger blackbirds, so maybe spring will still come or straight into summer.

Jeremiah, I love Azaleas (and Rhododendrons) they can certainly be stunning. Beautiful landscapes, thanks for posting them.

Thankfully we didn't get the 6 to 9 inches they were predicting. All through the day yesterday the weather guessers kept decreasing the amounts. We ended up getting maybe 2"



Ron, wow! Looks like the snow stayed slightly South of me. I guess I got lucky this time.