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Signs of Spring

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Probably 6-8" it's hard to tell, just now stopping so you may have more coming.
Keith O.
It's never to deep for a Cub!!!!
I feel so bad for you Charlie; way up North .Our snow should soon be gone I hope!

Keith - I sure hope the white stuff will soon be gone.I want to aerate my lawn and some other chores . I want to get some seat time in . It has been a long winter
Jeff, great photos! I love taking photos of Spring flowers. Your daughter did good.

Charlie, weather guessers are saying 2" to 6" by Friday morning for my area. Sigh...
Normally I don't like the date stamp features on photos but I thought it might be a nice touch for these.


Not really a sign of Spring but I figure this is as good of a place as any to post them. I took these on Monday. Poor thing must be hungry climbing up into the crab apple tree looking for a snack. Little did he know several dozen Robins had been there just that morning and stripped it of the remaining crab apples. Unfortunately I didn't have time to get photos of the Robins.



Signs of spring? OH yeah! We got one heck of a storm yesterday. I thought the wind was going to bust the front storm door (full view glass).
Today is much better.
Another sign of spring........


Jeff: Love your daughter's pictures.

Marty: Congratulations on bagging the turkey, no one at work has been able to match your feat.

Dogwoods and azaleas are in full bloom in eastern North Carolina, pictures to follow.

Charlie: How is the moose doing? (Dare I ask?