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Signs of Spring

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Don, Birthy Hapday! Hope you have a great day!

BTW, if you get too far into that Scotch ya might want to refrain from posting for a bit...
No need for a PUI (Posting Under <font size="-2">the</font> Influence) infraction.
Jeremiah, yep and now the grass is growing so fast I'll have to mow in a few days. I better get the mower deck mounted up tomorrow...
Charlie, I'll take a truck load or two. I have a spot I could pile it up to keep it from getting too warm to soon here.
Spring is advancing around my place.

Blood Roots are in full bloom.








So are the Spring Beauties.


And the Sharp Lobe Hepatica.


And the Round Lobe Hepatica

Great pics, Kraig..... Also belated Birthday wishes to the kid, up there in Heb's crossing (only 61??)..
yep spring is here and summer is right around the corner and my kids are already using this.
When the days get warmer, and the dogwoods bloom, I can't help feeling that "Spring has Sprung." Although I'm posting these pictures about a month late, perhaps everyone will be enjoying a touch of Spring about now, even those who live in the frigid confines of states like Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North Dakota.

This particular dogwood, on my current commute, caught my eye. You don't often see a dogwood that towers over a house.


My "back" yard at this time of year is generally a very sorry sight, and this year is no exception. I wish I had never followed my friend's advice to spray Round-up on my yard in late winter "because the only thing growing is the weeds." Centipede never goes dormant, and Round-up WILL kill it. I plan to try fertilizer this year; but better drainage and more sunlight is the only true solution.

Jeremiah, that is one very beautiful Dogwood! My lawn is all weeds, I don't dare put any weed killer on it or my lawn would be all dirt.
Every day I commute 50 miles one way through eastern North Carolina, across two rivers, five counties, four stop signs, and three stop lights. This time of year I am treated to the sight of dogwood trees in bloom at literally every turn of the road, including the one I shared with everyone last year.

Today I stopped to snap shots of less than half the trees I saw in bloom. The dogwoods have started to fade after the heat and sun of the last few days, you can tell by the green buds opening up and the faded color of the flowers themselves, but they are still enough to perk up my day, and I hope they perk up yours as well.

The two dogwood trees in my yard, first as seen through the pine pollen on the windshield of my truck, and then in the clear.



Some shots taken in county #1 before crossing the first river:




Pics from county #2 before crossing river #1:



In town #1 after crossing river #1:



The last one was from the "other side of the tracks," and the dogwoods don't appear to discriminate in their location; in fact they seemed to favor the 'hood in this town, see more below:

Vacant lot, house recently removed, dogwoods still standing:


There were even more dogwoods around the bend in this shot (again, from the "other side" of the tracks):


The next few are from just outside of town #1 headed toward town #2:





One of the more spectacular vistas comes into view as I descend a slight incline into a curve and behold an entire grove of dogwoods on an up-slope directly in front of me:


Some folks like to set a line of dogwoods to mark their property line, as below (still in county #2):


Now in county #3, some folks might recognize this house:


as the home of the owner of the little IH cultivator of which Frank Currier is so fond:


The dogwoods in the background above (telephoto):


Still in county #3:


Now in town #2:



Even the better neighborhoods have an abundance of dogwoods:


Now back out in the country, across river #2 and into county #4, getting close to my destination. The tall bare trees to rear and to the right are money, I mean pecan trees. The farm sells them and processes them for others. The owners have two clydesdales and a flock of the stupidest geese I have ever seen, sheep, goats, the whole nine yards.


A spectacular specimen (again, telephoto):


The bloom has faded a bit, but you can see how the "traditional" dogwood is found natively among taller trees, hugging their shade, but peeping out into the clearing (taken from across the field):


Hope you enjoyed my spring tour through parts of eastern North Carolina --nothing could be finer.
Nice trip, Jeremiah! Thanks! Mixed feelings about the Tuckered Tractor still being there. Watched Strange Inheritances on Fox last night about a restored tractor collection. Still enough snow on our front lawn to reach the top of a rear Cub Cadet tire. Will have to set one out there this Fall for 2016 reference. Guessing we're 4 - 6 weeks behind you - your green looks good!! Have a great day!
Jeremiah...Great pics!! Haven't been in N.C. for quite a while but it has some beautiful scenery. Thanks for the tour.
Thanks for the great "ride" through the country Jeremiah. Today will be our first day at 60 degrees according to the weather guessers.. still pockets of snow on the lawn but they should be gone by this evening.

I guess we're a week or two ahead of Frank.
Jeremiah, wow those are stunning! Thanks for sharing.

All we have here is a few Crocus.


And a bunch of smallish Garlic shoots peeking thro9ugh the mulch.
