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On the soapbox again

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OK, Henri, you win....
I have been reading the posts here with a great deal of interest as resident of one of
the other countries in the world. I can now understand how some of my countrymen perceive the USA as the land of the terminally insane, I don’t agree with them as I have been treated exceedingly well by all of you on this and other forums which are predominantly American, but it only takes one ill considered comment of a bigoted nature to destroy international goodwill at any level.
You must remember that these forums are read worldwide by people with an interest in IH Cub Cadets and we are all our country’s ambassadors.

Robin across the pond
Well stated...

I believe the majority of the people in the US understand the need for change (whether it's liked or not) and also that we are not the sole inhabitants of the planet.

Gas has hit a low here in Mid-Michigan, we're back to about $2.70/gal. One of the issues that has been going on locally is that the Marathon owned gasoline distribution plant needs a new pipeline run (the old one had a leak about four years ago in an area about ten miles south of Lansing) and the route for it has been blocked by the City of Lansing lawsuits against the pipeline owner that are now apparently going to the US Supreme Court (its a NIMBY thing..). State Law in Michigan says that the State, not local jurisdictions, have final say in pipeline routing. Hence we get to pay more for gas in the immediate area. We have been able to drive 15 miles north to St. Johns and get Speedway gas for a dime/gal. less....
Kendell - Simple solution , put a pump at the break and sell cheap gas there ;)
If you're comin' <sub>(hurry my yard needs mowed)</sub> down you better do it before the winter blend shut down begins.
Henri is just showing that we are THE LAND OF THE FREE and voicing his opinion.
Look at China, their Goggle Search was limited to what their government felt appropriate... yet our country still wants to import their ...
... well you know.
Lots of stations here in Phoenix with gas from $2.51 to 2.57. If I want to drive to Eloy AZ it is $2.45 and if you are traveling through Lordsburg NM. it is $2.39. I finally figured out why it is cheaper the farther you get away from the big city. In the big cities we get our gas through a pipe line while the remote places have to truck their gas in, that must make it cheaper.
Thanx Ken, GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!! 2.59 here and I'm still not satisfied.
Hmmmm..... Seems that I read awhile back that the greatest majority of vehicles blown up in the Middle East were imported from the United States or to be more upfront... "They were stolen here and somehow managed to end up over there..." That way tracing ownership to the vehicle is harder. Now THAT is what I call a great shipping venture.

Like the Kingston Trio sang on their album: The Kingston Trio at the Hungry I .... They're rioting in Africa..... They're starving in Spain... We live in a world of catastrophies.... And Texas needs rain.... .....Geez. Now THAT dates me big time.

Really we shouldn't complain. We truly have the best politicians that money can buy. And by continuing to vote them in office so they can get seniority and experience... we allow them to do what they do best... govern themselves accordingly.
Marlin who's money? I'm so feed up with the whole gas price thing I just got a 21 speed bike to pedal my kester to work and back. The big old gas hog Dodge hasn't seem the road in nearly a month, to dang expensive to drive.
Dean S. Definitely not my $$$. I can't afford to play with the likes of the people that can purchase a politician. On the other hand though I really have no desire to even if I could. You remember the story in the Bible about the three daughters that got their father drunk and then seduced him? Something about the father and daughters thought they were the only survivors left on earth after God had destroyed Soddom and that other city (CRS anymore). The daughters thought it was up to them to restart the human race and thus the deed that they performed. Well from what I heard their children and childrens' children became plentiful and are still around today many generations later. Now you ask what are their children called? Simple... POLITICIANS. And now you know ... the rest of the story.
Just got the one hour warning from our Meijer store.. Gas on the way up from 2.70 ... Nice being retired, dropped what I was doing and filled the truck and a couple of 6 gallon mower cans. KentucK - wife has my honeydo list running up into November now
I went to vote in the straw poll this past weekend.

It was apparent who had the money. I didn't vote for him, by the way. My guy took 4th.
Marlin, not my money either. I was being sacastic I give to much of what I have so the government can give to the ones who don't want to work.
None of the little people (comon) in this country can buy a politician. It's to bad The People don't understand that there is something that can be done, VOTE THE BUMS OUT. Course that will will take a real effort to get the people to actually vote and not acept the satus quo. But then would would vote out the guy that gave them free taxpayer healthcare, low income gov't housing, price supports for certain products that seem to defy the principles of economics 101, the list goes on for hours.
I would like to vote them ALL OUT but you can't do that, you can only vote someone in, and when you look at what you have to pick from.

Anybody running for office has to have ten times more money than he will ever be paid just to get his name on the ballot so you know he is already up to no good.
One third of all elected officals at the federal level are up for re-election every 2 years. Voting for the "new guy" or non-incumbant is one way to get rid of them. A none of the above line on the ballot would sure send a message too. If none of the above wins start over with a whole new bunch anybody that is now in would have to be off the list. Of course the politicians subject to this would have to make this law and that will never happen they wont let there jobs go that easily.
Dean - I think you need to rethink your "free taxpayer healthcare" statement. Without it there's hundred of thousands of kids that would have no healthcare.