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On the soapbox again

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Ken "free" health care works for a few special cases we need to make sure the children are take care of, along with the elderly and handycapped. The whole idea for "free" for the whole country is nuts. Do we really want the government taking the choice from the patients and making the decisions for us? I've seem the mess it can be with the VA and that is only on a small scale compared the current system. The people in washington can't even agree on the fact that the problems are American problems and not Republican and Democrat problems.

Even the kids need to learn at early age there is help but "There is no free ride" somebody has to work to pay the nations bills.
POLITICS,POLITICS,POLITICS,the people bribe the congress,the congress bribes the courts,the courts bribe the president......... oh wait we aren't supposed to talk politics are we?
Heading out on a trip in my motorhome and expect to see some different prices on gas. Hopefully I can make it from Flying J to Flying J. With a 85 gallon tank I can go 500 to 600 miles with no problem. The problem comes when I have to payl
Richard - Keep an eye on the weather in the Gulf !
If it gets worse or if Dean heads our way you may get slammed with a sudden increse in price !!!
I would would say that the gougers are all ready in action down near the gulf just in case a tragedy occurs.
Hey gang if the gas goes up blame the storm, Not me

Hate to say it but I was almost over joyed to get gas in a small town today at $2.879 a gallon.
When I gassed up tonight it was $2.49 a gallon. I felt a little bad, some poor oil executive probably went to bed without anything to eat.
Gas went up here from $2.849 to $2.959 yesterday. And I read somewhere a bunch of oil rigs in the gulf got evacuated because of the tropical storm...GRRR

Richard C.-

The storms a'comin, the storms a'comin...raise those damn prices...QUICK!!!!

This morning, gas was $2.74 (not like that is all that great), and by lunch time it was $2.95...good thing nothing had actually happend by then but a 'prediction' of the storm coming.
Well, the holiday came and went and the price of fuel didn't raise? Somebody must be slipping in the gouging dept.
Henri C. Maybe not in your area. Ours went from $2.68.9 a week and a half ago to $2.89.9 on Friday. I'm finding myself using the 782D more and more for mowing. Of course when the neighbor helps then both the 125 and the 1650 come out to play.

Right now, us upper-midwest types are getting the shaft. Check out this map of gas prices.

<font color="ff0000">Kevin's right - we've been thru this before - that's a COPYRIGHTED image.</font>
Try this one on fer size ... $264 electric bill this month ... I'd burn the freakin place down but I can't afford fluid for my Zippo
Kentuck, my bill looked like that too. It seems the electric co. quietly raised its kw/hr rate by 20 % in June.

<font size="-2">PS, can send you Zippo juice if ur insurance is paid up!</font>
Allen - The ol lady's house is only 1150 sq ft !! My garage is bigger but it's not airconditioned and I'm not repairing backhoe buckets anymore ...
That might work if Charlie lived next door, otherwise ...

The problem was last month's heat. Starting on the 3<sup>rd</sup> through the 27<sup>th</sup> we had temps and/or heat indexes of triple digits... and no rain.
Wish I could have stored the heat for this winter, untelling what propane prices will be.