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On the soapbox again

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A year ago gas in these parts was $3.169 for regular and $3.439 for premium.
Today premium is $3.269 and regular @ $2.999.

Still way to high in my book.
Yeah I know the oil companys are in business to make a profit, but come on already, just how long will the american public put up with being blead dry by the righest companys in the world, and I aint just refering to the oil companys. There are a lot of other companys out there over charging for their cheap products.
David R.
No gas under $3.00?

Spokane Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $2.979 $3.086 $3.239 $3.183
Yesterday $2.990 $3.097 $3.251 $3.204
Month Ago $3.022 $3.131 $3.286 $3.015
Year Ago $3.077 $3.187 $3.345 $3.321

Seattle-Bellevue-Everett Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $2.885 $2.989 $3.138 $3.190
Yesterday $2.901 $3.005 $3.155 $3.197
Month Ago $3.045 $3.154 $3.311 $3.006
Year Ago $3.048 $3.157 $3.314 $3.281

Tacoma Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $2.865 $2.967 $3.115 $3.156
Yesterday $2.881 $2.984 $3.132 $3.176
Month Ago $3.029 $3.137 $3.293 $2.972
Year Ago $2.981 $3.088 $3.241 $3.256
Ok in SE Washington state Walla Walla currently 3.11 is the low looks like an average of .13 above the nations average,thats the price 1 pays for being off the beaten path Spokane isnt Seattle isnt Tacoma isnt Olympia isnt
$2.59 at the Petro in steamy Dothan,Al. We feel lucky even if is 102 F.,and 98% humidity!
They are predicting gas to drop to $2.649 by December here in Wis.
Yeah, Lonny, you know how that works, though. They lower the price in early December, then raise it even higher for the holiday travel period (and forget to bring it back down after the holidays). It's all so frustrating, and yet neither I nor anyone I know is lining up to go live in any other country. (Except our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, etc!) Despite the faults of some of her citizens, corporations, etc, America is still the 'most bestest' place in the world to call home! (Don't get me wrong - I hate the gas pricing game they're playing at our expense, too.)
Even though the price of gas is higher than is reasonable here in the U.S. it's still lower than most places in the world but since in most other countries the elite are the only ones who own cars it doesn't affect them as much as it does us here because they are rich anyway so what do they care if they have to pay 6.00 a gallon for what is to them a luxury anyway?
Uhhhhh Henri: "since in most other countries the elite are the only ones who own cars" ???? You think we're the only working class in the world that owns vehicles ?? Yeah, right and we're the only ones with cell phones, computers, 'lectric lights and all o' the rest o' them thar fancy gadgets, while all 'o the rest o' them countries got dirt floors in thar houses , huh....

The truth is the rest of the industrialized world has learned to deal with shortages of resources long ago and for instance in transportation built their vehicles to match available energy....
If'n my tired eyes read today's paper correctly then gasoline will be going up again. Something to do with needing the funds to repair/replace all those old/outdated/functionally challenged, etc. bridges that are across the U.S. Geez, if the boys and girls representing us would take a pay cut and quit giving our money to those countries overseas so they will like us.
Don't know about the other 49 states but if the WI budget passes we will be the highest taxed state in the union by far. If the state takes 30 precent of my wages form my employer and 25 percent from me before the feds gets their share another 5 cents a gallon can't seem to bad I may as well not worry about picking up my paycheck.
I know ot but if we payed the boy and girls (thay sure act like that) for the results we get they would owe us money. I wish they would do SOMETHING or anything connstructive for a change.
I dont know if it is happening down your way yet the due mostly due to high fuel/gas prices and the low price paid to the farmers for milk and other goods they product, more and more farms are being bought up by the Amish/Menonites around here and I have not heard one of them complain of the high price of gas.
I am begining to think that they may just be onto the right path and may have to invest in a horse and buggy to get back and forth to work.
Lonny at least you could use the environmentaly friendky "exhaust" for fertilizer.
Kendell, we own more automobiles in this country than any other country in the world , do YOU know any one that is an adult who doesn't own at least one? Hell I don't know anyone who doesn't own at least THREE. And as far as the "industrialized" countries go in the regions away from the cities which vastly out weigh the urban areas yes they do still live a hundred years in the past, many with no electric,running water etc. Now, I must agree the folks who manufacture autos should go another route and figure ways to use renewable energy sources but thats just not profitable is it.
Henri: Your generalization was "since in most other countries the elite are the only ones who own cars"....

Do a Google on "vehicles per capita by nation" and you see that while we're at the top of the list (I included just the top 20), you'll see that many countries with much smaller land area are right up there. Also note that Australia with similar land area is also high in per capita - I'll grant you that not all of the Aborigines have cars, but it's more in all of these countries than just the "elite" and we're all feeling the pinch worldwide....

#1 United States:765 motor vehicles per 1000
#2 Luxembourg: 686 motor vehicles per 1000
#3 Malaysia: 641 motor vehicles per 1000
#4 Australia: 619 motor vehicles per 1000
#5 Malta: 607 motor vehicles per 1000
#7 Italy: 566 motor vehicles per 1000
#8 Canada: 563 motor vehicles per 1000
#9 New Zealand: 560 motor vehicles per 1000
#10 Austria: 558 motor vehicles per 1000
#11 Japan: 543 motor vehicles per 1000
#12 Portugal: 537 motor vehicles per 1000
#13 Iceland: 522 motor vehicles per 1000
#14 Norway: 494 motor vehicles per 1000
#15 Belgium: 484 motor vehicles per 1000
#16 Spain: 471 motor vehicles per 1000
#17 Cyprus: 450 motor vehicles per 1000
#18 Lebanon: 434 motor vehicles per 1000
#19 United Kingdom:426 motor vehicles per 1000
#20 Netherlands:417 motor vehicles per 1000
Iraq would have more if they'd quit blowing them up ...
oh and gas is 2.579 yesterday
Kendell, to be quite blunt I couldn't care less if the rest of the world is feeling the "pinch" I, unlike many others don't give a CRAP about any other country but the good ol' USofA. I didn't GOOGLE anything about the PER CAPITA amount of automobiles owned throughout the world I made my statement based on a news article I saw a few years ago where it was stated "in many other countries only the elite own cars" so I stand by my earlier comment.Oh and by the way many of the countries listed are "AMERICANIZED"