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On the soapbox again

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Lonnie - ouch !!! (Murder Cycles ???)
Gonna go on a 100 mile ride tomorrow on my (real)motor scooter (Cushman). I <u>will</u> be careful - most of the two wheel/four wheel accidents can be avoided by the two wheelers if they ride like everybody is out to kill 'em. (Of course it does take some of the fun out of it...

I agree with you on most of the population being asleep at the wheel - I started counting people on cells going the other direction or turning in front of me one day ( I wuz in my truck). More than half the people I saw on my way home were talking on a cell phone !!
Since cars nowadays run with computers I say automakers need to put in a frequency cutout. When a cell phone is turned on in an automobile the engine should cut off !

I like the guy I saw in town going around a curve holding a phone to his ear swinging his other hand in the air steering with his chest ... I didn't have time to get my 45 out ... I felt threatened ;)

I think people ought to quit posting until they learn how to spell ... any comments ?

If you ride a motorcycle you need a color like this so they see you, also I have a switch so I can turn on the oscillating headlights, it really gets their attention. Then ride with a good helmet, protective clothing and remember every other driver out there is an idiot.

Richard, that is one nice looking bike! Beautiful background too! Hey, didn't you post that photo once before? Well worth seeing again.
I'm in a coffee shop on a wireless connection in Las Cruces NM and not having much luck posting today.
All right, gotta voice my .02 . Easy one first: It is law here in NY if you use a cell while driving it has to be hands free, mine is even voice command, but no one gets ticketed for not using the hands free phones. Every trooper you see is also holding a phone.

I have been riding motorcycles for 25 years. So far I've never had any problems with large wildlife. The biggest problem is ignorant and irresponsible drivers in cars. Mabey everyone in cars should be required to spend 10 hours on the back of a bike to see exactly what we have to put up with. I never have a problem seeing bikes when I'm driving a car or giving them their space. Some drivers just plain don't care about the motorcycles around them.

Had another point but my wife called from work and now I forgot

And exactly where did we lose track of the conversation here? I suggest we get back on track before this thread ends up like the rest.

I see a theme, though. Those that participate in a certain hobby or mode of transportation will always blame those outside of their activities. One of their own could never be an "idiot"...

Kinda like the people I hear from all the time, wondering why the train didn't swerve to avoid hitting so-n-so. It must be the railroad's fault, it couldn't have anything to do with trespassing on the tracks...

Maybe we should go back to the "invitation only" Garage and kabosh the Sandbox - I'll bet KENtucky's got some material ready to post
The part I forgot would have streightened out my post: young punks on crotch rockets
wasn't gonna bash EVERYONE behind the steering wheel
Bact to the correct topic, our gas finally dropped to 2.87. I see alot of cars set up for that E85 but no where in NY to buy it so whats the sense of wasting the extra money on the cars here. It's listed as having stations on the thru way but they are private, must be for the DOT.

$2.87 over there thats pritty good its still 2.95 over here in ulster county NY. The E85 on the T-way is supposed to be for DOT cars but the DOT dosent have any yet. We just got the natural gas pumps all installed for the cars and now there switching to E85. Makes no sense at all.

Rich, nice bike..
Bryan - the thread is.....ummm.... oh - gas prices !
Gas went from 2.81 to 2.99 while I was on my 106 mile ride today. Wife got the notice on her cell phone and got it before it went up..
KentucK - Firefox has a spell checker, my mistakes are on purpose.....
2.66 in Leitchfield today don't everybody rush down here and buy up all of our cheap gas
$3.09 here in the dry north central part of Wis.

I suppose it might drop to $3.00 a couple of weeks befor labor day, just in time to take another jump to stick it to all those trying to get in one last fun weekend of the summer.
Coming home today I stopped in Lordsburg NM to fill up my motorhome at a new Flying J truck stop, gas was $2.49 plus the discount. I couldn't find my discount card so I went in and got another one from the manager. I was telling the manager it was a really nice facility with a good restaurant and I was glad they opened up as I go through there quite often. She said a guy had stopped earlier today and she thought he must have owned a gas station as he told her that Flying J had messed up the gas prices from El paso TX to Phoenix AZ. She said she told him "thats funny, none of her customers had complained".
I guess I took my vacation to Carlsbad two weeks too soon. It was an average of $3.15 all through the Texas Panhandle and western NM.
I keep my Flying J map with all of the locations handy when I am in my motor-home. They always have the best price on gas no matter where you are traveling. They let you fill your tank with one swipe of the credit card. A lot of stations cut off at $50 or $ 100 and when you have a 85 gallon tank that may be several swipes and that gets to be a pain.
To bad I live in Wisconsin (inside the Cheddar curtain, but hey the cheese is awsome) Gas prices are still higher than I think they should be but then I'm a cheap skate.

Richard is that Cub Cadet yellow??
Gas hit $2.65 here yesterday, at a few stations. Diesel at $2.89.(N.C.)
2.65 ga and just dropped below 3.00 wow you should feel lucky here in Wa. state we havent seen prices like 2.65 in over 1 1/2 years below 3.00 1 year