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IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 15 -----April 12th 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Chris, I should be there Friday to get some photos and perhaps some video too. I'll remember to bring a pair of boots.
Kraig - Those aren't boots , they're called hip waders
KENtucky, good point! I got a pair of hip waders and a pair of chest waders, perhaps I better bring the chest waders....
Brian, FWIW, my daughter will not be with this year neither will Art's daughter. You might want to let your daughter know just in case she's expecting to meet up with them.
No, no Ken,
Bubba said "right arm". He won't be needing it to strong arm the plow up.
uh ?

Kraig - If you'd stay away from those dang PD's you could have more time to finish your Cub/KK build up !!!
Kraig/Art - I'll bet it's Charlie's fault that your daughters aren't going to Plow Day, isn't it? He put them to work last year, drawing doorprize numbers. They probably ended up with carpal tunnel syndrome!
They're drawing unemployment , why should they go to work this year
Kraig, I hope you and Art are there on friday, should be a good time. Some of the guys haven't been there in 3 to 4 years. Now, if you could get Dan H. there with a couple of cubs it would be perfect.
I'm not sure about the carpal tunnel, but I know my daughter remembers Charlie...

I asked her if she wanted to go to PD with Kraig and I this year and she instantly went running into her bedroom screaming, "No!!!......Not the scary ugly guy!!!!"

Yea, I agree... Having Dan there with <strike>all</strike> some of his Cubs would cement this in as being THE BEST PD..........EVER!
Speaking of Door Prizes and Raffle items!

It's about that time that anyone that would like to donate something for either one to contact Travis or I and get things rollin along.
I've already received some COOL stuff.
The more the can collect, the more we can give away.
Travis says somebody needs to donate a digital camera

Naw but seriously ...
We should donate bus tickets so Ken could have some fun outside.
Terry - I had fun yesterday ... besides what'd I ever do to you ?

Just shoot me and get it over.
I use to ride Greyhound when I was younger ... fastest way the military could torture prisoners.

I confess I confess , just shut the crying kid up !

Terry, I have one more ride on my METRA ten ride I could donate if that would get Ken a little closer. I also just loaded more bucks on my CTA card if that would help. Now imagine Ken on a morning CTA[Chicago Transit Authority] bus. Maybe Bryan or Ray L. could pitch in and help get Ken to Iowa.
I just though it would be fun if you would come up for the show. You are part of the team you know. I'll even let you plow with the one arm loader.
I'd love to attend a PD ... or even just a BS meeting (if Kraig would loan me his wadders) but that long of a drive would kill me.
Mapquest says 12 hrs but I don't believe it , it took that long to go west of Springfield, MO last summer.
Use to I'd drive 18 hours to my dad's place in East Tx. but I was younger.