Personally I think EVERYONE needs to take a deep breath and QUIT taking offense at simple inquiries about anything! If anyone is to thin skinned to think that simple questions offend or question anyone for doing or saying anything, It might be a good idea to get off the web for a while! This site has been up longer than any other GT website and has done quite well without today's I'M Offended or I'm feeling picked on. If ANYONE can't take constructive criticism or is easily offended by what people say. There are other sites that cater to those that feel that way! Just sayin! This and OCC are NOT the site for you.Holy cow this blew up!!
That manual came from Roland's website, I dunno why I didn't just look for it on here. Impulse just told me that I knew it was on his site. Didn't mean to "offend" anyone by posting that link and if I did then I'm sorry.
At the end of the day I was just trying to help this poor fella out. That IS the purpose of this site, isn't it?
Roland and I are real good friends and talk almost weekly, so I know where his head is as well as mine.