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IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 15 -----April 12th 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I'm trying my dangdest to get three Cubs ready for Plow Day. Getting the $$$ so I can get the 3pt and A frame and a set of ags for the 782D is my biggest obstacle. (Then If'n I can borrow an extra plow since I only have two then I can put three tractors to plowing. I have a couple of friends willing to haul the Cubs. I'll have the 125 and one 1650 there for sure. Thus far I have a co-worker and his wife (also co-worker). another co-worker (husband/wife and their two young children), a fellow Cubber, a young man in town, and an engineer from work. None of them have ever attended a Plow Day. The family is originally from Slovokia. Since I will have so many guests on my end and I know the guys want to have a try at plowing, I'll be busy trying to take pictures. I know how hard it is to plan such an event. No matter what the weather is let's all plan on having a great day.

I'd bring Clarence along only he doesn't have a Brinly hitch yet. If I could figure out a way to have him pull my double disc then he'd be coming also.
Marlin....I'll have an extra plow ther if you need one....And I'm sure that others will as well
Snow or no snow I'll be there....
It's the perfect weekend away from home.....
Plus I can blow Charlie S*** face to face instead of over the phone.....
Vince T.
Thanks for the offer, but I would rather ride in the warm comfort of a truck/car,rideing on the trailer all the way there could be a bit chilly.

Travis S. & Charlie P.
I personaly would like to see the plowday event pushed back a bit, say like in the fall after the crops have been harvested.

I myself will be far to busy this spring to even think of attending plowday, as I have to prep an area for the carport I am ordering as soon as my tax refund arrives, and I also have to get my cubs all spiffed up for the August show.
4 cubs, plus all the equipiment I have to go along with them. Going to be a busy year for me this year.
Thats what I get for joining the Chippewa Valley Antique Engine & Model Club I juess.

I will get plenty of seat time plowing gardens this comming June, as I not only have my 2 large plots but also my brothers garden who lives next door and the neighbors garden up the road form me, plus new flower garden plots for mom this spring. Where will I find the time????
Note: to Lonny B. Use caution (duck)when loading your Cubs this year.

Hey Squirrel: no more pull startin' those Teledynes.....got me an electric starter.

Hey Charlie & Travis & all. I've been in and out of this forum since '98 and have attended several Plowdays. And believe this...I have yet to plow at one. So point is, I've enjoyed myself be it buying or selling junk or BS'ing.
Probably my best ever plowday was last year when my son won a roll of electric tape as a door prize (he was three) it was the best thing to ever happen to him. The look in his eyes and that smile......THAT's what it's all about.
Hey Rick....No more pullin the Telly?????
That was the only exercise I got last year....
Are you bringing any extra of those????
Kurt, yep I've got a couple around yet. And guess what? I've actually got a plow tractor (1872 SGT w'cat-0)ready this year.
Will I actually get to plow??....
Travis, Charlie and all involved.

I know there are a lot of folk that really enjoyed the event that you fellas put on. My family and I will be attending, and I think my wife and oldest daughter are even interested in taking a few rounds. This is all in part to the over whelming friendly, good natured group of people that we have met there. We cant wait till April and I don't care if it rains, snows or what ever. See Ya!


Looks like everyones having a good time here

Looks like I HAVE to go to plow day now......

Somebody has to open the field and turn under whatever snow may or may not be left......


<font size="-2">...like I'd miss one of Travis's plow days.......</font>
Steve B.
Somebody's gotta do it!

I just checked the extended forecast and if it keeps up like they say, it's gonna be HOT for PD!
Steve B. I will not be late this year and you will not be alone striking a new land. Like we would not be there either!
Like the Illinois Boy's wouldn't show up for a plowday in Iowa. Two turbo diesels and a 982 will be gracing the land again this year. Travis you got to drive the 1772 with a new turbo on it. It's great!!!!!!
Iwouldn't miss a iowa plow day for nothin...not rain snow or sleet will keep me away .

<font color="ff0000"><font face="arial,helvetica"><font size="+1">ITS ONLY 41 DAYS TILL PD 15... BUT WHOS COUNTING


Wait wait wait. 2 Steve Bs, Bubba, Mike M, Me and now Tom! Gonna need a manure spreader for all that Illinois BS friday night.

If I use a snow blade on the front of my plow tractor should I angle it towards the furrow or away??
Glen, 2 Steve Bs, Myself ,Mike M, Mark M, Brad D,and probably some stragglers. Big Il BS session. That will be worth a picture!!!