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Do you know any Idioms ? Of course you do !

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Well-known member
IHCC Supporter
Aug 23, 2006
Allen Schumacher
Any of you know an idiom ? <font size="-2">and no, I didn't misspell it.</font> You probabily use them frequently.
I bet you know 95% of these. Have fun...
I got an IDIOM that lives across the street. Every week he hauls his little 3 or 4 year old kid around on his , gulp, green lawn mower while mowing!!! Sends shivers up and down my spine every time I see people doing that.

Dave S.
I thought it was "as busy as a one legged man at a barn dance"
As nervous as a hooker in church.....
Thinner than a hammered red nose hair.....
Finer than a frog hair split four ways....
As good looking as a Cub Cadet 129.... (grin)
Colder than a Northern Minnesota spring..... (heh)
Nice Gerry. About hairs..when I started repairing mechanical equipment the tech I paired up with described fine tolerances as various hair thicknesses...needless to say, they weren't nose hairs !
Uh huh, but this is a family oriented site....
Years ago in electronics we had a saying;

Measure with a micrometer, mark it with a scribe, and cut it with an axe...
tighter than 2 coats of paint

tighter than a gnat's a$$

sensitive enough to detect a frog fart at 50 feet

just adjust the how-do-you-do on the goomsy-gamma there..

good enough for who it's for

close enough for government work

can't see it from my house
I've cut it twice and it's still too short!
Jerry, <font size="-2">(I did that many years ago trying to make a sink cutout in a piece of counter top. Did it correctly on the 3rd piece! And I was sober!</font>
The whole kit and kaboodle...
Lock stock and barrel.. = everything.
That's the neatest (coolest) thing since sliced bread.

It's fine as a frogs hair.

Fine as wine.

It's amazing what types of threads will take off here on the forum while others start and stop with one post.

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