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Do you know any Idioms ? Of course you do !

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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As big as a barn.
Your barn door is open.
On the end of the cows tail.
One rung down on the ladder.
The lights are on but nobodies home.
"Busier than a cat trying to cover $hit on a marble floor"

"Busier than a one legged man in an a$$ kickin' contest"
Drier than popcorn farts....
Colder than a witches tit.

Colder than a well diggers a$$.

Faster than greased lightening!

Not the sharpest tool in the shed.
My father-in-law has some wonderful idioms that he picked up in over 40 years of practicing psychiatry and counseling patients. My favorite (not posted on Allen's referenced site) is:

"Hotter than a two-bit pistol in a border battle."
Of course, my father-in-law is old enough (over 90 years old) to remember that a "bit" is 25 cents, or the price of a shave and a hair cut way back when.
From my wise Father...Good thing Henry Ford didn't invent man....he would have put his "A" hole under his nose. Needless to say he didn't like Ford products.
From the words of my great-grandfather...

"It's windier than a sack of a$$holes!"
"It's about to rain like a cow pi$$in' on a flat rock" ......(and if you've every seen the real thing you'll RUN for the house when somebody says that to you!!!)

"Tighter than a bull's a$$"

"Runs like a raped ape"
"You ain't got enough brains to drive a piss ant's motor scooter around a Cheerio!" -family friend