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True GEEKS use an 8 pound fiberglass handled sledge hammer ... and I'm a true GEEK 'cause I done it once !! to a '95 machine.

Get me some salami , got swiss but no salami !!

<font color="aa00aa">Dang Gerry , he made me hungry!</font>
My "IT" guy called ... 1 hour and 24 minutes ...
Gotta go find my BFH ...
'Ya know, maybe Kentuck couldn't load his soft ware because he didn't rewind his DVDs from the first try !


<font size="-2">thnx kraig</font>
Kentucky, I know the last post is a joke but it got me thinking. are you sure your rewinding the casset all the way to the begining? just trying to help dude.
ignoring the peanut gallery...

Matt - Ya got that desk built yet ?
I have a regular style desk that I built one week while working at the boat factory. I'd work 1st shift then come home and design / build it at night then hit the shower and go to work.
I never slept that week.
<font size="+2">WIMP!</font>
Man it cooled down a few days last week , they took the heat advisory off ... now it's back !
Am I going to have to be like Dennis and reminisce about my old working days of welding inside of wood pressure treating tanks out in the hot summer sun or the time I got heat stroke building a Cape Cod house out in the middle of a hay field with no shade for 200 yards ...

That's what being in air conditioning all day is doing to me.

And to be fair, I haven't had time to make my CAD model into paper drawings and come up with a final bill of materials yet, so I couldn't start yet if I wanted to
You think Abe Lincoln had CAD when he built his little cabin ?

<font size="+1">See what COMPUTERS are doing to you</font>
I could do it without it, but there will be far less headaches and mistakes this way. If hand drafting was so much better, we'd still be using it for everything.
Sometimes to get it right ya just gotta do it by hand

<font size="-2">I'm turning this off for a while!</font>

Gonna watch UFO crap on History Channel

<font size="-2">beam me up , I wanna go HOME!!</font>
Be nice if someone could actually prove that some form of alien beings were here long ago and helped build some of the structures that are so heavy or intricate that we would be hard pressed to reproduce it today.
Didn't humanity learn how to produce cement then forget. Was it the Romans that it was an intregal part of thier society, when they got thier buts kicked by a people that didn't use or need that technology it was lost for like a 1000 years.
There is evidence of Egyptions having lanterns that used orange juice to creat electricity.
I don't know how they built the pyramids, hell I ain't even sure I spelled it right. But is it that hard to believe they new how to do things we couldn't even think of now. I know each generation believes in thier heart they were the greatest generation.
So anyhow, I was raised Mormon so really, the alien thing works for me too. either way.
Well computers are shot to hellllll
UNTIL Matt builds his desk ...

A wise man once told me that everything in the world has already been invented , and lost.

I have a theory on the age of the planet that I bet the scientist haven't thought about

We need a UFO thread ... I'm busy doing a GIF for my profile and I need to re-do that blink slinkin fugly 125 ....
Update for Ken since he seems to be getting a bit antsy

I will likely take advantage of this upcoming 3-day weekend and start working on this desk. I bought a bunch of knockdown fasteners on eBay, and I measured my car to make sure I can fit the 2'x6'x3/4" laminate boards fit in it. Everything else but the 4x4' sheet of 1/8" hardboard will fit inside, so I'll have to tie that to the roof. Thankfully I don't have to go far. I will probably have to make 3 or 4 trips, at any rate. The apartment complex has a building with 3'x10' storage sheds right next to my building, so I need to get one of those rented for a month or two so I have space to build it. Tomorrow after work I'll probably go to Lowe's and get the drawer slides and keyboard tray slide so I can adjust my drawings accordingly for their actual sizes.

In other news, I bought a TV tuner card and an indoor antenna that should work well with my presumed TV reception situation, so I'm looking forward to that showing up late this week.
Matt - My math aint to gud but hows you gonna get a 4x4 into a 3x10 building ?

Kraig - That car's probably not even the same color as Matt's anyway.

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