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Archive through September 17, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Tim, clean that steering wheel up and then give it a coat of John Deere Blitz Black spray paint. If it has cracks in the hand grip fill them with JB weld then sand it smooth before painting.
Hi my 782 has been running fine and starting fine until the last time I used it. It gave a little trouble wanting to start for a second and then started with no more problems. Today it won't do anything like it had a dead battery so I put a new one on and no change the lights would not even turn on with the switch key. Could the switch be shot? James
James C: I think I'd look to see it the PTO switch is in the on(run) position. That's what it sounds like. A check of the safety swith may also be in order.

Myron B
James, here are some schematics that might be helpful. Not sure what the SN is of your 782 so I'm not sure which of these applies to your Cub. (Thanks to Roland B. for these drawings.)


While perusing the archives looking for roto tiller info, I came across a post about how a guy found a model 1811 with a good motor and was going to swap it into his 782 which he noted was identical except for color. Does anyone have a "cross-reference" list that might indicate which models are the same or, at least, very similar? This would be a wonderful reference for those of us on a budget when it comes to "spare parts", etc.
Craig, that would be a nice list if it existed. Some models are very similar and use some of the same parts but sorry to say that there is no such list. This is about as close as it comes and it doesn't cover the early <FONT COLOR="ff0000">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="000000">H</FONT> made models only the later ones. Even in this list there may be differences that could cause an incompatability, for instance a small change that happens part way through a model run, note the two schematic diagrams in my post below.

Hello my 782 is 719999 & under. I looked at the brake safety switch and could'nt tell so I swapped a new ignition switch off my non running 1250 and it cranked right up (brake saftey switch works also). I looked at pto switch and 1 plug was loose (3prong) and I reconnected it. The pto doesn't work and also the lights (fuses are good) with the plug in or out . Thanks for all the help.
Well that list is actually pretty helpful. If I gather correctly, an engine out of an 1710, 1711, 1810 or 1811 would likely fit right into a 782 with little modification. Is that a fair statement?
Now that I'm looking at this nifty list - what are "front outlets"? It looks like a 784 (which I've never seen in my life) is a 782 with front outlets...something else I am clueless about.
Craig, frount outlets are going to be aux. hydraulic outlets for controlling such things as hydraulic angle on a snowblade. Your correct the motors from a 784, 1710, 1711, 1810, 1811, 1812, will fit into a 782 without problems. But the 1810, 1811, and 1812 used the Kohler 18 Magnum engines instead of the KT-17 which was in the 782, 784, 1710, and 1711 and if i remember correctly you have to use the wiring harness from those tractors because the wiring harness from the 782 will not work with the Mag 18 engines. I think that I got that right, and if not, i know others on here will be able to shine a little bit brighter light on it.
Those front outlets are too cool! Thanks for the info. I thought it was probably hydraulics but didn't want to appear dummer, ahh dumbner, ahh dumbber - OK, stupider - than I really am.

I'm gonna go get a beer.
I need help. I have an IH Cub Cadet 147 with hydrostatic drive. The shifter lever is frozen solid. It was always stiff to use, but this year it wont budge. Ideas? The tractor has been stored outside for the last year.
Your best bet IMHO would be to get a can if PB Blaster or Kroil and spray away on the hydro lever parts and linkages under the dash and frame and let it soak a day or so. If that fails, your going to have to take things apart and clean them up. Or at least loosen them to clean the rust out some.
I dare imagine the health hazzards of a fogger! What did they fog?