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Archive through May 11, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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oops....wrong loader pic.....

manure bucket....

Steve B-

The pix of you on the 656 bring back fond memories... That's one of the tractors I grew up around/on. (tho it's a NF, with mesh grille in front) Thankfully my dad still has it, as that's the one tractor he kept when sold the farm. (Still living out in the country, so he went and bought a 3pt adapter setup and an 8 foot snow blower to clear the snows from all the drveways, etc.)

While growing up, it always seemed that the tractors we had were usually the smaller, less popular ones, Farmall C, IH 656 NF Gas, IH 766WF that po added turbo to, and the last one, purchased in the late 90's was a maxxum 5120 MFWD w/ 7 ft material bucket. (the 656 used to have the loader, but that went away) ... i think my dad is still kickin himself for having to sell the C, which was the first tractor my grandfather bought

But alas, the landlord was being a #$#$@Q$#@#$ after having been renting from his family for 50 years, so the animals and machinery got sold (10 yrs ago now.. wow) (tho somehow he managed to keep his 4 row JD corn planter for planting sweetcorn, and the 656 of course)

So keep on with the 'ol girl!
Hopefully in the next couple years, I'll have the opportunity to help my dad tear down the 656 and overhaul the motor, and get a fresh coat of paint on it... YAY

.... lol sorry for the long soomewhat off-topic post guys, but you know how it is when you remember good things from growing up on the farm!

(Message edited by ctrost on May 12, 2006)
Thanks Fred........ I'll check the voltage.

The ring should be OK as the engine only has an hour on new rings and hone job.
Thanks for the reply, David. I think I am going to try and check compression when it is hot, just to see if that is really what is happening. The engine has never burned a drop of oil since the rebuild, so I just assumed that piston blow-by wasnt a factor. Checking compression on a kohler with ACR will be fun....wonder if I can engage the electric PTO and use a cord to spin the motor in reverse?
Got the lift for the 1450 mounted and the tiller gear box. Just have to hang the tiller and have a go at it.

Never tilled extensivly with these units. I have an acre of sod to till up. Is the 1450 up to the task?? Or should I pop for the rent of a 5 foot tiller on a tractor?
I took the front wheelsfor my 1650 to the local walmart to have new tires installed,they were not very happy about doing them.Hope they can get the the job done,if they dont it will be up to me to change them. Any easy way to change these tires ?
Bruce N. You bet the 1450 is up to tilling...I use a 129 on my tiller and it handles the tiller very well.
I have been using mine for 5 years now...

I thought that ALL Series II KT17's had an oil filter...?????

At 4K hours, ours needs an overhaul...it drinks some oil pulling the planter in soft dirt.

I saw the 666D on the cover of Red Power this month and thought "What a perfect tractor"......

Nope, just the very late ones had a block off plate. All of the M18's did.
Fred "B",
If those guy a Walmart aren't "happy" tell them to stick the tire......well you now the rest! Isn't Walmart the Co. the has the smilie face?

I'd be affraid of any machine labled '666'


I havent paid attention to the hours on the 656, I've only had about 3 hours of seat time on it in the past 5 years... and that was blowin some snow last year, after my dad's surgery. The tractor handles the snow blower fairly well, it will just about kill it if you run yourself into a 4 ft hihgh bank of snow, covered with ice. I konw it uses some oil, but its not bad at all. The fun part of the rebuild will be drilling out one of the bolts for the head.. snapped off some years and years ago. My brother in-law is planning to port the head on it when its off to increase torque, etc. (he used to work for Colberg Machining... which you might recognize if you are familiar with the pulling circuit (he designed colberg's hipo pulling head) anywhoo... fun memories!
Got the tiller mounted on the 1450 today and the hydralic lift sure makes it wonderful!! Gonna dedicate the 1450 to tilling and snow blowing only.
Can't wait to try the snow thrower....... Wait...... I can wait..... forget I said that.
If you had ag tires would chains be needed in the winter for blowing??

I've heard 706 exhaust manifolds are a nice improvement as well.

Some day dad will decide to pull his down, until then it will keep doing it's work.
My 1450 does have ags and it's also got chains.
IMHO turfs and chains are better than ags and chains unless you have the prefect snow for just ags alone, which is rare up here in Minnsnowta.
I think I figured out why the K-321 in my 147 stopped running a couple of months ago.