RYAN - With the age the tires on these old CC's are getting weather checking is common, especially if a tractor was left outside with flat tires for years. I do ALL my own L&G tractor tire work so My cost is less than most but YES, if the tire has good tread and the hole isn;t big I'd install a boot, a MUCH bigger boot than the hole is now, then put a tube in. Problem with a small boot is the tire casing will continue to deteriorate and the hole will get bigger.
ALSO, LOCK-TIGHT is great for LOTS of things but those six set screws on the PTO clutch is NOT one of them, Like Kraig said, use anti-sieze. The second set screw locks the first one in very securely, the problem isn't "Keeping them IN, but getting them OUT!" Also I've never made a big deal out of tightening the lock collar one way or the other, get the set screws tight and it stays put.
RICHARD C. - I appreciate why IHC had to go to elec. PTO clutches, for the ability to shut the mower off when you leave the seat, shift into reverse, etc. but it's REALLY hard to beat the mechanical PTO clutch for reliability and simplicity. Too bad IHC couldn't have still used the mech. clutch on the Q/L tractors but I guess with the engine wobbling around on those rubber bushings they couldn't.
BRAD M - IH tractor radios were available from about the mid-1960's until about the mid to late 1970's when they became available in tractor cabs. We never actually had an IHC radio but every tractor DAD had that spent any time in the field had a radio, NOTHING like doing fieldwork with WLS from Chicago BLARING on the radio. There were many other popular brands besides the IH radios, which were actually made by some outside supplier. AUTOMATIC was one of the first radios, BIG square box about a foot square, just AM, but had to be able to work on 6V & 12V and pos & neg ground equipment. I got a TENNA for my birthday in about 1968 that's still on my Super H, but the original radio "died" and I put all new SONY guts in it, now it's AM/FM/Cassette with two co-axial speakers. My local Case/IH/NH dealer still has a new radio on the end of the parts shelves next to the parts counter, I'm not sure what brand it actually is.