Bruce Nolte
You should be able to take your pressure plate to a machine shop, along with the shaft to have them bore, and bush it. I would make sure the shaft is not worn in that area, I'm not sure what the best bushing material would be in this case, bronze (oilite) or cast iron. It's also small enough you could mail it to someone for the work to be done. By the way cast iron is one of the best bushing materials available, however oilite may be better in this case.
You should be able to take your pressure plate to a machine shop, along with the shaft to have them bore, and bush it. I would make sure the shaft is not worn in that area, I'm not sure what the best bushing material would be in this case, bronze (oilite) or cast iron. It's also small enough you could mail it to someone for the work to be done. By the way cast iron is one of the best bushing materials available, however oilite may be better in this case.