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Archive through November 21, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I was wondering if I need a creeper gear? on my 100 to run a qa36 snow thrower and could someone post a pic or description of one I would appreciate it very much thanks
Can you guys help me with my 1250 engine problem? I am trying to get my parts tractor running. Hate to part it out since it is a pretty nice tractor. The original 12HP was bad so I purchased a K241AQS 10HP with a recent rebuild and complete engine. Though I did find the carb was all clogged up and all the gaskets were petrified. By the way this is a #26 carb. It did start in this condition, but just backfired and ran poorly.
So I did soak the carb in cleaner for a few days and put a rebuild kit in it and started it tonight. It idles fine, but when you advance the throttle, it does not run even and seems to lack full RPM. Also when you advance the throttle, the acceleration of the engine is really slow. You can't advance the throttle fast or it will die. I set the idle screw out 2 1/2 turns and the main one out 2 turns and started there. Adjusting the main jet does not seem to make much difference. I did blow out the carb passages to make sure it was clean and all good. One thing I did notice is that the throttle off idle does not pick up speed until about 1/2 way up on the dash. But even if that is not adjusted correctly, the issue of it not running smoothly is my problem. It is not hunting on the governor either.
Look forward to your help.
Thanks, Mark
Aiden D., it really depends on the snow! I've got a 36 snow thrower, and a creeper on my 73. I have had to use the creeper gear once when the snow was wet and really heavy. Otherwise you can modulate the load with the feed. If the snow is fluffy and light you can take a full bite! If it's heavy, take a smaller bite. Also the depth of snow changes how you handle the work. So, I would say you can get by without one but it can come in handy. There are some pics of creepers in the classifieds, maybe it'll fit yours?
Mark G-

After checking the timing I'd make sure the govenor is adjusted properly. Also, when you cleaned the carb did you remove the main jet after soaking? A lot of times that will be overlooked because they can be a bear to get out.

Just another .02 worth...good luck!
AIDEN D. - I agree with Mike F. I blew a lot of snow with my QA36 even with the K181 (8hp) in my CC. It worked much better with the K241 (10hp).
And no creeper.

First pass anywhere is slow because you have to take a full width pass, but the clutches in these CC's are tough! Just inch the forward slowly. After that even in foot deep snow you can take whatever width cut the engne will handle.

As a rough guess I could take a full width pass with the 8 hp up to 4 inches deep in 1st gear and about 6 inches deep with the 10hp.

I would try your 100 for a year without a creeper and see how it works for you.
Mark - I had a 124 that was doing the same thing. After going through the carb and playing with the timing, I changed the condensor, and problem solved. It seems a bad condensor can cause a variety of problems. My $0.02 anyhow
Mike-That is a good point on the condensor. since I know nothing about this engine, it's worth an in-expensive shot.
Wayne-I was not able to get the main jet out. It was stuck and the end of it was getting a bit stripped after the screwdriver slipped on it a few times.
Scott-I was thinking about timing next as well.

I have some work to do and check these things. Keep the ideas coming!! Thanks for your input and I will update you guys.
MIKE E. - I have to agree, condensors used to be a part that could be left alone and run WAY over the recommended interval, typically 250 hours on large gas farm tractors years ago. But with today's condensors your lucky if they last 150 hours.

I think I have enough old points & condensors stashed around the shop to keep my Kohler's running for a few more years with used old parts.
A drive shaft for a (582) (1606) in between the drive shaft and the creeper gear is their supposed to be a ball that keeps the driveshaft from sliding back and forth if soo what size ball is that between them. The ball should be hidden by the rag joint under the casting.

first time working on this wide frame stuff used too the narrow frame clutches
thanks for the help