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Archive through November 20, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Kendell: When you do the belly blade you'd be doing our world a big favor if you started a new thread in the Sandbox with progression pics. It's been done:

I could probably dig into the archives and find out who to credit this to - I've saved it for 4 years.
I dug. Kraig's got pics of Bob Necker's Original with a grader blade. The discussion was late October, 2005.
but then it would be contained to it's own little world, kind of like Don's 1512D. Picture this: Sicily, 1922. OOPS, sorry, too much Sophia on Golden Girls.
Picture this: Building a Belly Blade for a Cub Cadet: We start with a spare mule drive from a 149 and
That's what I was thinkin'....

Good Cub Day today, Got the fenders sandblasted, and then sprayed with Eastwood's Oxi-Solv to attack the ingrained rust...

Clean battery box....

Here are the engine studs I mentioned a few days ago...



Touched up the steering column I went through a few years ago with TSC rattle can Cub Yellow.. The color is way off until it dries, then it is pretty close....

Onward and upward....
Scott Tanner... The 149 has a 107 playmate now.... Keep them pictures coming,just keep at it. I know what your up to. And Frank !I do think its a good idea to post each idea Mod separate as no to slow up the site for dial up( you to),
. I will post what i`am up to where it should be and I do hope this site all allows all new ideas (mods) to be posted and understood.Its all M&P really. Later Don T

Should have a drive shaft in the am

I like that knurled billet shift knob...
Brad R. I dont consider a needle valve+spring retainer and a float an 'assembly'. If you get a carb kit you will get a valve and usually a retainer spring, maybe an appropriate seat and washers, o-rings as appropriate. Floats are separate items. The tab slides onto the spring and assures the valve always pulls down. Sometimes can be awkard to fit them together, but if you pulled the pivot pin from the float its usually a lot easier to reassemble. Any engine I've worked on in recent years has that tiny pull spring...so dont lose it !!! <font size="-2">(50 cents to buy one...$5 to ship it!</font>