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Archive through August 21, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Kyle: You're definitely on the right track- you're here. Welcome!

Think trunnion.
I'm bummed. Took a pic of the herd and misplaced the camera. "tomorrow starts a brand new day my friend".

Glad you got it working!!! Pull the restrictors, they are not necesssary. It should go to full lift height in 5-10 seconds, not 45....
Melody: Need input. When was the last time it did run? You know the drill -- fuel, air, spark, in the proper sequence. Compression helps - head gasket OK? Connecting rod doing its job?

Is a bad answer better than no answer?
Another question, to remove the trunnion shaft do you have to remove and disassemble the hydro pump? Looking at micro fiche it looks like it has a two piece shaft, but its not a good picture. The lever end on the shaft is not removable which is also very worn. Thanks for any input, Kyle

It sounds like you might be jumping ahead of yourself. Check out the trunion repair in the FAQs above.
taking a K301A from a 127 hydro and putting it into a 128 gear drive. any thing I need to know before I start? only difference should be the clutch will have to taken from the old engine and put on the new one, correct? or is there something else?
Am I correct in assuming any implement that will fit a 128 gear drive will fit a 129 hydro?

I realize not all mowers and snow blowers fit all tractors, but the 128 gear drive and 129 hydro are just about identical.

I am considering fixing my stalling problem in the 128 by buying a 129. but the 129 does not have a mower or snow blower, like the 128.
I have a 128 with a k301A with a stalling problem from hell. everything has been tried.

I was reading in a pulling site about the problem they have with some flywheels being removed and the timing marks lost.

would it be worth trying to advance/retard my timing, to see if the timing marks I set my timing to, are off?

I mean, could it be some PO put the flywheel back on incorrectly?

hopefully, this will all be over soon. I am looking at another tractor, and an engine. either one will solve the stalling problem.
Steve Blunier "Mr. Plow"

The loader on my 129 will go to full lift in under 5 seconds.It will slow down if I curl the bucket and lift at the same time if the engine is not a wot.I do think that this is normal operation for the 4 to 8 gpm pump that I used.I have the pressure set at 1200, I should reset it but can`t hurt the loader if used correctly I think. Safety first when lifting and moving with weight in the bucket. Power steering will be my next mod for the 129 this fall.