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Archive through August 21, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I have a question for the pro's. I'm going to pull the k-321 out of the new to me 149 (I've never pulled a cub engine)and looking at the service manual it shows the engine being lifted by just that lifting tab and ONE head bolt. Need I worry about anything??

It shouldn't be an issue, I believe it was a factory lofting device. I have had the K321 hanging on a strap for months on end...
I need a service manual for a cub model 86. It is the best tractor I ever had been in the family for about 40 yrs.I would appreciate any help.
Thanks Bill
Click here Bill!
How about a service manual for a 128? I get to pick it up Thursday afternoon. Can't wait.
Todd H.,
The 86 and the 128 is covered by the same service manual - just click on the link Matt G. provided.
That link is broken,I think,Shoot me an email and I will send you one....
Not much cubbing today but I was in a tractor parade in NY,3 miles long and over 200 tractors of all sorts.
I could use some help. My 125 won't run, changed points, condensor, plug. Have spark at points and plug and getting gas. It has backfired a coup0le of times when I tried to start it. Anybody have any ideas?
A big THANK YOU to all who suggested things for me to look into with my loader issues...I think Steve B. wins, as it turned out to be the relief valve on the control valve. It's now set at about 800 psi, and it works now. I think I'm going to get rid of those restrictors in the lift cylinder lines, as it takes 45 seconds to get the bucket all the way up. Is there any reason to have those, other than to slow it down?

Here's a few pictures, for people who like pictures...



I couldn't resist getting all the red ones out. Left to right, 782, 682, 782D. Sorry, it's only 33.3% on topic.


Melody S.-

Timing is off. Click on the link in my signature line, go to the 'How-To' page, and download my static timing instructions. That should help you fix it.
Dennis F.

When I was in the tool buisness years ago my tool van had a Onan 6.5kw gen set-- that thing was a work horse in the summer running the 2 roof top AC units, you just had to make sure you removed the heads at lease once a year to decorbonize. I forgot how many hours the meter had on it when I sold the van, but it was alot.

It held 60 cycles pretty good---
Man...with all this talk about Onan's I'm worried. If you don't know I just got a 982 yesterday. I got it all cleaned up and and mowed my little yard in town. It worked great! So I thougt I would give it a real test and mow back where we camp. It worked like a champ until I was taking the deck off so I could get it on the trailer. There was a loud squeal and I wanted to shut it off but it seemed to run OK so I didn't.
I got the deck off fast and loaded it up and I thought maybe it would be OK. When I got home it still had the loud squeal so I parked it inside and here I am posting my problem.

I noticed some smoke as I was getting it off the trailer and getting it in the garage.

I am good at rebuilding my 7hp. kolher's but an Onan I want no part of. What can I do?
Matt, I've enjoyed your loader project from the start and good work. Looks great and glad you have perhaps overcome the hydraulic issues.

I lifted the engine out of the 149 with the factory tab...... thanks again to you and Scott for the reassurance.

I just picked up a cub 1250 hydro. Had sat for a year or so, I got it running and it really didnt take much. The problem Im having is that when you move the hydro lever forward or to reverse it takes a few seconds to move and its rather jumpy. Going forward it will actually pop the front tires off the ground. I swapped the hydro relief valves from another rear end and it still does the same thing. I just got done pulling the rear end out to inspect all of the controls. Some things seem pretty worn out. Are the hard parts for the controls still available from a cub dealer? and does anyone have any input if there is something else that could be wrong or am i on the right track? Thanks, Kyle