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  1. J

    Archive through June 22, 2004

    I really have to give credit to Dave Kamp for this modification. Instead of using a non standard bearing, or changing the original tube in any way. I just built up the outside race of the bearing with JB weld and turned it down so that it would be a light press fit to the steering shaft tube...
  2. J

    Archive through June 20, 2004

    Just caught up on reading posts. I was gone all last week. I took my mobile computer lab with me and taught computers at the local MDA summer camp. The kids were fantastic and I had a lot of fun. Now it is time to get back to cubbing. I am putting in a drainage tile for my father in law...
  3. J

    Archive through June 07, 2004

    Geez Digger, I hope that I have one coming my way. You are being kind of a pig getting two, don't you think;o)
  4. J

    Archive through May 25, 2004

    Ryan- If you and Amanda were mowing together, where was Cyrus?
  5. J

    Archive through May 17, 2004

    What don't you have a brochure of?????;o) Foundry update. I have ordered the crucible and the burner is almost complete. I will be using an old well tank for the furnace shell. I really hope to be pouring iron by the forth of July. The refractory is sitting at a warehouse here in town...
  6. J

    Archive through May 17, 2004

    I just looked at mapquest, without looking at her address, because I can't remember it, I would say she is really closer to still water. I would say approx 3 mile radius to V and E intersetion.
  7. J

    Archive through May 17, 2004

    Out side of Hudson there is an old abondon, ski resort (I guess I would say due North). My aunt and uncle's living room view was looking down onto the ski lift. My uncle is no longer living, but my aunt still lives there. Jonathan
  8. J

    Archive through May 17, 2004

    Kraig- Is that the St. Croix River? Jonathan
  9. J

    Archive through May 11, 2004

    Now digger- You leave Richard alone! I would take his card board over most of the schematics I see any day! But I will say, I thought that too;o) Well, I got Ryan's sleeve hitch done before school this morning. Nothing like arc welding at 5:00 a.m. to wake a guy up. Good thing I have...
  10. J

    Archive through May 08, 2004

    As it was sooooo well put last night on Survivor. . . "Don't be stupid, Stupid!!!" This should be a sign in your front yard, Ryan. Also, please go to CBS.com and vote for Rupert to recieve the 1,000,000 Survivor money. Thanks, J (Message edited by jluckey on May 10, 2004)
  11. J

    Archive through May 08, 2004

    Ray- Dad's new disk mower (haybine for you not in the know) says it is an Case IH but it is really a new Holland. About a $1000 bucks cheaper too. I really don't get that. Jonathan
  12. J

    Archive through May 08, 2004

    Here is a pic of the adapter that I am building for Ryan. We all know Ryan is hard on stuff so decided that I better add some support. I also had to get the 1 inch drill bit out to fit Ryan's balls (insert laugh and rude comments here)
  13. J

    Archive through May 06, 2004

    Here is the rest of the burner assembly for my wheel weight furnace burner.
  14. J

    Archive through May 06, 2004

    Ryan I am going to weld the other one tonight. Hopefully the welding will be a little better. Gets a little better with every bead run.
  15. J

    Archive through May 06, 2004

    I have decided before I jump into building my cupola furnace (which is a very fast melter of cast iron) I am building a crucible furnace. This will be a much much slower melting process, but one much easier to handle my my self. I also don't need to have 40 sets of flasks setting around...
  16. J

    Archive through May 06, 2004

    Oh Ryan, I got this finished this morning. I have blurred out my lack of welding ability. It has been about 5 years since I have done any SMAW welding. Mig has really spoiled me. Now that I have arc in the garage, I really need to practice more. I got a couple of good welding lab books...
  17. J

    Archive through May 03, 2004

    That is not all I have for you Ryan. I have just one final weld to put on your sleeve ball hitch adapter. Hope to finish that up tonight.
  18. J

    Archive through May 03, 2004

    Well, if you all remember the aux hydro pumps that I WAS (as in the past) selling, they went through several changes. I am shipping the last three out today. It sure was a nice little adventure, it helped me buy lots of cub tools. Some of the tools that I was going to make were able to be...
  19. J

    Archive through April 29, 2004

    Ken-I would cast the outside profile and then mill out the internal profile
  20. J

    Archive through April 29, 2004

    steering column from a 73 should fit a 123, right? I know it won't be "correct" but should be long enough, right? Jonathan