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Archive through May 17, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Knowing the homes that are around each I would have to guess it was Birch Park. Both are within a 3 mile radious of the intersection of county V & E. My parent's farm is 1 mile due west of Birch park. I have an 8 page brochure for Birch Park from the 1960's.
Kraig -- send me the full size scan of that narrow frame lift diagram if'n ya gots it man ! I've never seen anywhere on my 127 to mount the lift casting. Check profile for new improved email addy .

Well I'm dilated , no I'm not pregnant (just looks that way) I got my eyes checked today and I have perfect fibroses. The doc couldn't even get his bright , painfull light to penetrate through it. No wonder I can't see ! So now it's $2475 x 2 to get the laser work. I'd sure like to get it done so I can go back to spotting cubs and whistling at da womenz

<blink><font size="-2">thanx Digger</font></blink>
What don't you have a brochure of?????;o)

Foundry update.

I have ordered the crucible and the burner is almost complete. I will be using an old well tank for the furnace shell. I really hope to be pouring iron by the forth of July. The refractory is sitting at a warehouse here in town. I just need to start busting up my cast iron into 1-2lbs pieces. I have decided to go petrobond II for my casting sand. Since I am not building the cupola as of right now, I don't need the 1 ton of sand that I was going to need. 2-3 hundred lbs of petro II and I will be in good shape, and it will be a lot easier to store.


(Message edited by jluckey on May 18, 2004)
Ken, the 1x6/7 requires a bracket that the other models don't. Drawings should be on the way soon.
Jonathan, I could use a brochure that has the Cub Cadet 169 in it!
Kraig -- you didn't send it to the old TCnet email did ya ? You know the mail link that is in blue because I have no power to get into the system and delete something that is 3 years out of date ?? The new address is down at bottom.

<blink><font size="-2">thankx Digger</font></blink>
Ken, I know your new address. I'm surprised you let a certain someone get away with that name. :eek:)
Ken, if you still have it, check on the Volume 2 CCP&D disk under "Manuals".
well what can a bum do ...

I threw a fitch bit cause I DON'T weld slag ! These shade tree buzzbox welders around here do on their log trucks though ... I even turned one guy into DOT. (now I'm not bad mouthing the "buzzbox" welders because I can take a little 225 and burn a 7018 with it as good as my 460 amp Miller ... but that's ME!)

<blink><font size="-2">thanx Digger</font></blink>
<font size="-2">damn this is getting old</font>
Ken, that's all greek to me I don't know how to weld. :eek:(

Did CP make you put that blinking thanx thingy there?
yeah I get paid for advertising , trying to up his image

<blink><font size="-2">thanx Digger</font></blink>
Yeah I got it ! Thanks Kraig. Now I see how the bracket goes on. I knew it had to have a piece in there somewhere but didn't know how it would be made. I see that the 129 casting wont fit but the one off my 122 will and I reckon the connecting bar should too. Now I can use that 4" bore cylinder I've been saving

<blink><font size="-2">thanx Digger</font></blink>
<font size="-2">thanx Kraig</font>
<font size="-2">you don't rate a <blink>blink</blink> yet</font>
Would you quit that! I'll have Kathy slap you silly!
BTW Kraig, he approved it!!!!!
He really wanted STUDMUFFIN, but it was already taken.

(Message edited by cProctor on May 18, 2004)
Ken, yep a 122 rear 3 point casting will work with the special bracket but the 129 casting would be a tad too wide. The connecting bar and other parts from the 122 should also work, the 129 version again is different.

<font size="-2"><blink>Kraig</blink></font>;op
She almost did a while ago , I went in the house to get a Pepsi and I thumped the living room wall as I went by. I do that to keep the Yorkie on his toes ... she was napping on the couch ....

Hey it's thundering and getting dark ... and I wanted to go fishin tonight !

<blink><font size="-2">thanx Digger</font></blink>
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

a 122 rear 3 point casting will work with the special bracket but the 129 casting would be a tad too wide<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

I thought all of the narrow frame 3-point castings were the same, but just used the "adaptor bracket" to make up for the difference in width...
man if it gets any darker the street light will come on ... and very bad humid and spooky ... Digger want to go fishin ??

Kraig -- the needed scan was in the 1.1 cd

<blink><font size="-2">thanx Digger</font></blink>