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Archive through May 17, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Maybe you're thinking of Magnevox, one of the dearly departed US electronic manufacturers. They made all sorts of consumer and military electronics. I dont think they would call a picture tube a magnetron because they probably made real magnetrons. BTW the magnetron is a form of vacumn tube that is capable of putting out large amounts of radio frequency power. It is used in a radar set to produce the pulse that reflects back from objects. The distance is determined by the time it takes the echo to come back (something like 12.6 microseconds per 2000 yards). Think sonar that is to high to hear. The magnetron was invented by the Brits in WW2.
Hello all. Last year I did 1 day of roofing and the home owner gace me a cub cadet dynaplow 127. It has been a great machine (except it threw a rod yesterday) but I can fix that. What I can't fix or figure out is how I find out what mower deck I can use on this machine. I live in a small town and there are no enthusiasts here that can help me with this. I haven't found any reference to a "Dynaplow" model and little about the 127 model and what implements can be used. I understand that a 3 point hitch can be installed but haven't been able to determine how that works. Any help or info would be great. I am happy to post pics also.
Jim -- I'm sticking with my first statement / question. As for the history lesson , I already knew all but the time / speed frame , now if I ever need to build one ... hey I could check for low flying geese !
I've seen Magnetron on tube boxes before. Checking through my old tube cross reference books didn't shed any light on anything. I need to dig out the old tube portable tester case and look at the books in it but it's buried under zillions of other pieces of test equipment and books.
... or I could be old enough to think I saw it before

It seems like it was an RCA commercial that had that ... dunno
John -- a Dyna who ? My 127 has no such decal on it.
As for hooking up a deck it's just a matter of what you do have with yours and then getting the size deck you want and a mule drive (if yours is MIA) and the deck hanger (if yours is (MIA)
Dynaplow? That's interesting... post a pic of that decal...

Magnetrons... I've got three on my shelf here... out of microwave ovens. Also have a transformer or two, and some HV diodes.

Not only did the brits invent the Magnetron, they had a tough time dialing it in, and manufacturing it en masse... they also didn't have an immediate use for it, but Alfred Loomis's crew sure figured out what it was good for!

B&S Magnetronic ignition modules- I've found one dead, and I've also seen two zortched by a failing coil... first one worked for a few rotations, then dead... didn't take any chances on the 2nd one, replaced the coil, and it was fine happily-ever-after.

FWIW- I've seen a badge on some Magnavox sets that said MagnaTronic AFC... their way of advertising Automatic Frequency Control.

Ken- I've got something like that... tuned a gunnplexer to one of the 10ghz ham freqs... nice for 2-way audio (if the other guys' got the right freq), but also works great for tracking velocity or finding targets in your path...
Kraig- Ok, that settles it, I can never come to visit, I would be too tempted to take out that bridge. Nothing personal, force of habit

Matt (Kaboom) Manuel
just checking in not many Cub Cadets out here in Grand Junction Colorado_Out here on family buss.Hope to get back on flatland friday nite and be in Iowa Sat.Jonesin for forum had to use dialup,really sucks after having 2.5 MB DSL.
Matt -- you still putting firecrackers in pop cans and getting paid for it ? What they wont pay some people to do when they'd really be glad to pay to get to do it ! Not seen you post for a while.

Dave -- if I had a sub I wouldn't have to worry about geese would I
I still think I've seen Magnetron on tubes ... got an old friend that was in the USAF (worked on B52's) and did tv repair afterwards , I'll have to give him a call tomorrow. (he's a ham operator too but I don't hold it aganist him)

I guess everybody's cubs are running fine since there's not been much mention of problems today , next week will probably be a big bummer for everyone with lots of break downs.
Well, it was a pretty good Cub Cadet weekend. Mowed Saturday afternoon, then pulled the deck off the 147. Changed the oil, put in a new air filter. Put on a spring assist. I don't think I would have attempted to lift the tiller with just the electric lift. Hooked up the tiller and adjusted it.
Sue decided to extend the garden this year. So did my neighbor. I put the plow on the 69. Those that remember it from plow day realize that it had been labeled as a 109, but I figure it has about 6 horsepower left. Since they were real short runs (12 to 20 or so feet), it didn't get too cantankerous.
Used some of the sod turned up from our garden extension to cover the strip still partially bare from putting in a new sewer line a year and a half ago.
Covered our garden with some lime, a bunch of composted stuff, and some peat moss to hopefully improve drainage in the mostly clay soil. Tilled it up. Looks about a thousand percent better. The 147 works pretty well with the tiller, as long as you can keep the tiller from pushing you forward. The 69 manual lift was quicker, but my arm doesn't care. It was much nicer this time, now that most of the rocks had been found between tilling last spring and fall.
If it isn't too wet, I'll hit my neighbor's some afternoon/evening this week, then another neighbor's early Saturday.
Anybody ever tried yanking out sections of sidewalk or patio with a Cub Cadet? A summer project....
While you wont find one on your Cub Cadet, lots of folks find magnetrons on their kitchen cabinets....Try the Microwave Oven!! or the local airport radar.. or the weather channel radar ...ETC...
Kent S., all the Original documentation that I've seen so far indicates that the oil bath air filter was not an option.

Matt (
) M., stop on by I'll keep you busy looking at Cub Cadets and various Cub Cadet parts so you don't get tempted. :eek:)

John R., here's a cutaway view of a Cub Cadet 3 point installed onto a Cub Cadet. This is not the same thing as a CAT-0, CAT-1 etc., 3 point hitch it is <FONT COLOR="ff0000">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="000000">H</FONT>'s idea of a 3 point garden tractor rear hitch.


Below is a photo of the parts that make up the 3 point that would fit onto your 127.


(Message edited by kmcconaughey on May 18, 2004)
Kent S., from the top down: an Original brochure, a photo from the factory.

How much play should that little counter-weight gear have in the Kohler engine? This one seems to rock and roll. Some small engine shop told my friend his con rod is knocking. The rod, wris pin and piston are perfect. I think the clutch is making the noise. Any comments from experienced Cub people?
Chris T., the front PTO can make quite a bit of noise. If no implement is attached try leaving the PTO engaged and it should be quieter. I'll let others comment on the balance weights.
Is that the St. Croix River?

Jonathan, yes it is.

I shouldn't give out to much info or I might get some visitors like Travis did........ :eek:(

(Message edited by kmcconaughey on May 18, 2004)
Out side of Hudson there is an old abondon, ski resort (I guess I would say due North). My aunt and uncle's living room view was looking down onto the ski lift. My uncle is no longer living, but my aunt still lives there.

I just looked at mapquest, without looking at her address, because I can't remember it, I would say she is really closer to still water. I would say approx 3 mile radius to V and E intersetion.