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Archive through May 08, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well I got my deck back last Friday. I was surprised at the amount of repair that I recieved for under $100.00.


Hardened runners


New support plate, hoops around the blades, brazed in two holes, and primer paint.


Welded old wheel support back on and added extra support rods.

Now I get to add some paint and hope this lasts a few more years.
Ok. For all of you who now think I am a complete moron for the questions I have been asking, I apologize. Here in Mississippi we don't see too many older Cubs and I haven't had much luck or time to research.

This is back to the sleeve hitch. Someone (keeper of the photos?) posted a diagram of a sleeve hitch complete with part numbers. Judging by this diagram, that's what I have. Is there some kind of adapter that I also need to get to attach implements such as a box blade, plow, etc.? There are no other arms to hitch anything to on my tractor, and I haven't seen an implement up close to see what that side looks like.

P.S. I have a 782

Thanks for all the help so far!

Kraig: thanks for the loader pics.

What's everyone's opinion on the loaders...am I better to look for one of the these third party loaders and adpater it to my cub (if so which one works best; can they still be found?) or am I better to build my own (say from Nate's plans)?
Jason, what you need are both the Cub Cadet 3 point lift (note, not a CAT- 0 3 point hitch) and a sleeve hitch adapter. The Cub Cadet 3 point hitch is a cast upper piece that mounts between the frame rails, a lower U shaped bracket and a bar that mounts between the upper cast piece and the lift rockshaft. Here is a cutaway view of an older model Cub Cadet with the 3 point and a parts diagram. These are for a different model Cub Cadet than your 782 but should give you the right idea.



Below is a sleeve hitch adapter.


Your IH dealer does carry lettering & numbering kits. Maks sure it's an IH part and not a CaseIH or CNH reproduction, have them look in the moctofilm #'s of the depot and order one through there. they're pricey, but if used as a reference it'll work.

I've had a problem with the CNH and CaseIH graphics, a very POOR reproduction of the originals. The INTERNATIONAL decals on my plow came right out of the Depot.
Calvin- Opinions differ, but talking to a couple guys who have built their own loaders, you are better off buying a loader made for your tractor. A backhoe is a different story though!

As usual, the sponsors above can help you out.
While we are discussing rear hitches and accessories: the 28-tooth tiller rake (circa 1971-1975) - was that a uncommon item? Any known weak points to that accessory? I don't recall any discussion on this rake.

Here is a pic of the adapter that I am building for Ryan. We all know Ryan is hard on stuff so decided that I better add some support. I also had to get the 1 inch drill bit out to fit Ryan's balls (insert laugh and rude comments here)
Thanks for the info. We have an hour to kill between the boys soccer games this Saturday, to I'll head on over to the Case/IH dealer.
BTW: re "CNH": Did CaseIH and New Holland merge?
Dad's new disk mower (haybine for you not in the know) says it is an Case IH but it is really a new Holland. About a $1000 bucks cheaper too. I really don't get that.

What can I say, I have a big shaft on my balls!

And of course, from AC/DC "I got the biggest balls of them all!"

Anybody else have as much problem with UPS not finding their house? Jon Luckey, Keith Ehrecke, Charles McCarty and numerous other people from outside Indiana have found it, yet the local UPS guys mark is "No Such Number" 3 out of 4 delivery attempts...

The latest was the Brinly DD-1000 (Cat '0' disc) parts I ordered Monday of last week...Takes 5 days to deliver 200 miles from Jeffersonville, IN to Wabash, IN...Fed-Ex and Airborne never have any problems finding my house though...

(Message edited by rmull on May 10, 2004)
What is the difference between a driveshaft for a 129 and one for a 1250? What about the drive cup that attaches the crankshaft to the driveshaft? What needs to be done to make a 1250 shaft fit a 129?
I would look in my manual, but the newest tractor I own is a 109, so I don't have a manual for the 1250, etc.

I was writing about the Rake portion. The Blade portion wasn't in the same section of the CPE-2 Parts Catalog that I'm looking at, thus I didn't know they were marketed together. It appears from your posted brochure the mounting frame is used on both pieces of equipment. Very smart!
As it was sooooo well put last night on Survivor. . .
"Don't be stupid, Stupid!!!"

This should be a sign in your front yard, Ryan.

Also, please go to CBS.com and vote for Rupert to recieve the 1,000,000 Survivor money.



(Message edited by jluckey on May 10, 2004)
Roy, (I think you meant Kraig...) The blade rake unit were a hot item a few years ago seemed like everyone wanted one. I have no idea how common they are, but if I had to guess I'd say they are not very common.

Sure did, quite a while ago. NH sold off the Genesis and 4wd platform to Buhler so VERSATILE lives again! Tractors are common platform. Dunno what's going to become of the famed TR combines, if they make combining the Axial Flow and Twin Rotor it'll be the best thing since sliced bread. Bad thing is that some of the graphics that are "still available" are more bastardized than ever. So far so good on parts availability, I just bought all new bearings for the project tractor, wasn't cheap but they're still available.
I voted for Rupert this morning.

Ryan Mull, I'm in the same boat as you. UPS says no such address for my place. I even called them and gave the directions to the driver. I still ended up picking the items up at there docks....and no discount for picking it up myself.

Also, I dont have my manual here at work with me. What size socket do I need to remove the blades from my 48" deck? I'm going to Fleet Farm after work. Thanks
Hi folks,

I used to visit the "other" IHCC website," but it seems to have evolved into more of a social club than a problem solving forum. Not that I mind socializing, but heaven knows, my 5 Cub Cadets have loads of problems!

The most recent involves a 100 with a newly rebuilt K241 (0.01 over piston, 0.01 under crank, new Kohler piston, rings, valves, and seal kit (ouch). It runs great, but removing the plug, the thread insert in the head came out.

I would like to replace the old head, with tall head bolt bosses, with a newer head having short bosses. Does anybody know what bolt sizes I need? Also, will I need spacers?


Save that head, or at least don't send it off for scrap. Some folks would be more than happy to take it on at least partial payment for another head.

I'll bet someone here has a parts list for the later model cylinder heads with short bosses. You'll need some spacers for the studs that serve the additional purpose of holding on the muffler shield (or whatever it's "proper name is"

. . . . then again, that's assuming you're running a muffler and not the "pepper shaker" silencer.