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Archive through April 29, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I use Paint Shop Pro for all graphics including a few animations.

Many of you may not know that Ken did the graphic and animation for the Oops ! photo upload graphic. He also did the background and the exploded view of the Original <FONT COLOR="ff0000">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="000000">H</FONT> Cub Cadet on the home page of www.ihcubcadet.com.

Heres a shot of ken when he's really frazzled out . . .

Did the same thing back in the early 80's before my first Tandy 4 MHz , just had to do it by hand on 1/8" plywood!

<font size="+2">HEY REV!</font>
Dave -- so what's this little bugger that's giving me fits due to it's 1/32" thickness !

Seth -- I forgot ya ... being that I've patched "read - cut out and replaced with new metal contoured to fit) a lot of decks , buddy I'd look for another skin as that'll be a lot of work. Unless you do the work yourself it'll cost more than a skin.
Boy Ken- beats me... looks like it's die-cast, though... with the parting line right at the lower rim? Regardless, there's more waste than product in that mold!

Gotta go build a boat-dolly, then get back to work on the Diesel-project...
Ken-I would cast the outside profile and then mill out the internal profile
Ya I forgot to mention that I would have to have a "Professional" do the metal work.
Kraig, Travis, Denny, Paul,

that mod makes it fit, but as ws stated, IH went to the upper link style because the tilt style lift make the chute hit my 149's headlight casting if it is turned. this blower was designed for a slant or zig-zag grille cub. i was going to restore the subframe to original and make it adjustable, then i realized the part that ties the blower housing to the subframe would have to be modified (widened). later on this year, i think i will either weld on some more length to the bracket, or fab up an extension adapter to bolt on to the housing. it's a good thing this blower only cost me $50....
Ken/Kraig/Rev -

I got my copy of PSP8 a couple of weeks ago, it's pretty slick.

The deck hanger brackets are and easy fix......the gauge wheel is a completely different story...bad news there.

Find a clean deck with bad spindles, buy it right and do a 2->1 swap.
Is it shift or is it air?

If you've got a pattern can you just try using some plaster and casting some pieces for lost wax?

I don't envy anything less than 1/8" in sand casting.

Kraig- Case-New Holland "Maintence Solutions" primer, replacement for IronGuard primer.
Bryan -- I don't like 6 & 7 as well as I do 5.

Wyatt -- ya lost me on the question ????

Yeah that piece is die cast ... after 3 failed attempts it was time to haul butt up the interstate to get the parts on UPS as he wants them tuesday. He'll get them wednesday like it or not ! Lost my donkey all the way around on that job. Seven heats to get 2 good parts !!!

Tom -- over look Dave , he's sniffin diesel ! Now he's gonna have to get him an air horn and a cb and be a cub trucker !

Dave -- are air brakes on the list ?? Jake brake ??? Spun aluminum fuel tank ?? Nekked chrome womenz mud flaps ??? Sleeper ??? Man I bet that baby be purtty

I wish I was fishin ... at least I ate fish from last fall's catch until I was bustin, fer supper tonight with fried okra and taters ... mmmmm good ! Freezer pert nigh near empty
After having the engine in my 1650 overhauled I was reading through a Kohler manual that I downloaded from the Kohler website. The Kohler manual called for 4 pints of engine oil. My cub manual says that the engine holds 3 pints. Do you guys know which one is correct?