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www.weekendfreedommachines.com Spring Break April 26, 2003

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I like the "Shock and Awe" pic. Lots of lookin' by the Green Guys.
On the subject of s--t, did anyone notice how all the cow patties were mostly in one area?? Just goes to show you how out of the normal every day "drag" your mind can get when your havin' fun.
Tom H,
I think you might have been out in the sun just a tad to long there buddy!!!!
And no I dint notice it and I doubt anyone else did either, snicker
Most of 'em were in the non-plow swale area. Must be better eatin'/digestin' grass in the wet areas.

Geezzzzz! What a subject of conversation.

(Message edited by thoffman on April 29, 2003)
Tom- Can't take the picture credit, Amanda took all but 3 of the pics all day. She didn't take as many this time because she got tired towards lunch.

I did notice all the cow patties. . .and now that I think about it most all were at the south end of the field. I kept hoping that none were too fresh and would end up getting SLUNG up by a slipping wheel!
Thanks everyone for posting all the pics! It sure was a fun event. I was glad that Bryan took a ride on the 1782 diesel plowing a nice furrow. He sure looked right at home driving it,maybe a Super GT in his future???

Special thanks to Kevin D for bailing me out when I was trying to finish up a portion of the field and got hung up. He used pure WI muscle power to get me going again.

Can't forget Steve B,thanks for stopping to take the time to help me with my plow setup. Next time I'll have those turnbuckles spinning freely by HAND! PB blaster is in my toolbox.

Art A: You sure have some luck at these things!! That look on your face when the Plow special handed you his shift lever was priceless!! It was great of the guys to help get you going so fast! You sure seemed to like making a pass on the diesel also!

Fianlly,special thanks to Robb and Mike,as well as the Kraft family. All of you are very appreciated by all in attendance! Without all of your hard work and planning this event could not have happened. It sure was fun!!

Keep those pix coming in guys!!
I was a bit disapointed that more people didn't hook their favorite tractor to the pulling sled.
Ryan did awesome with his 1408 Plow Special!! Man,that thing did not want to quit. A real strong running machine. Given more time,I think more people would have taken a turn on the sled,it was just too nice plowing etc to stop I guess. Bryan helped quite a bit,Thanks Bryan!! Nice pix also while on the move.

IF we ever get a plow day closer to my home Brian and I will get the elimnator sled here to play with. we would put down a real track and maeasure the distances pulled,just like the big guys. Maybe seperate it by HP and round up some prizes etc. Trouble is my place is only 40 acres,you guys would proabaly plow up the whole works in one morning!!
I too was surprised that more people didn't pull the sled.

I was very pleased with the performance of the 1408PS, even when Bryan stepped on it, the wheels kept turning. That MSC clutch really makes the difference!

I want to get a faster 2nd and slower 3rd in the tractor for a little better plowing/pulling setup.
Jim, I was going to try the AC620 with your pulling sled but when I drove it over there, no one was around. :eek:(


Thanks to all that have sent pictures, there are now over 200 images (294, but some are duplicates) in the WFM Gallery.
Sure looks like we had a good time.

Oh, and the photo you guys are calling Shock and Awe is actually "Pissed and Angry". I was standing in a furrow that was more than 10" deep. Next year I think I might make the dpeth guage stick out of heavier material, like a 2x4. Might make a bigger impression that way.
<BLOCKQUOTE><HR SIZE=0><!-Quote-!><FONT SIZE=1>Quote:</FONT>

I think the picture you guys are calling Shock and Awe is actually "Pissed and Angry".<!-/Quote-!><HR SIZE=0></BLOCKQUOTE>

Come on Robb... I think "Stuck and Spinning" would be a more honest quote for that picture.

It happened to me when some of the "big boys" decided to use the 7-10hp area as their "plow tuning" section. I didn't mind because they got themselves out of the way of most of the crowd by coming over to "our" section, but I did get high-centered a couple of times becuse of it.

That said, this is proof of what happens when a smaller (less capable) tractor is used amongst the bigger, more capable machines!

<FONT SIZE="-2">Ducking from the intense gunfire, which can only be described as "shock and awe"....</FONT>
Perhaps I should have adjusted the hitch on the AC620 to see how deep I could plow with Art's 12" CAT-0 Brinly, I bet I could have left everyone high centered.
Sorry Kraig! I was hoping that people would just hook on and try it out for themselves,maybe they would prefer to try it when we aren't around(?) so they could see what it was like . Next time??
Art,you weren't alone in getting high-centered! It happened to me on the diesel too when finishing up a part of the field. That stinks!
If a 18HP 'tractor' can't handle a 10" furrow, than it is a lawn mower. My 71 can handle a 10" furrow without too much trouble.

I did get the 1408PS stuck once. .I thought I would be a good guy and get rid of the remaining dead land. Wheels strattled the land and my front weight bracket brought me to a halt. Robb and ? helped me get out though.

Yeah, we kinda took over back there for a little while....really had Chad V. and Tedd hung-up until Robb layed over a 5" furrow to get you guys back in the mix.

The wrong combination of bump/hole/cow pie/furrow could get you stuck in the pasture too.

Hey Keith, how did my 129 keep up when you "burried it" and "went deep" in front of me right before Mike showed up with the stick????
Didn't leave any tire marks on the back of your moldboard did I??????

(Message edited by sblunier on April 30, 2003)
Oh Man.... Seems like I always got stuck finishing a dead furrow at PD. They were tough even with full size farm tractors. When Wyatt, Apostle Ken & I were at the WI IHCC PD last year We were plowing fairly deep most of the time....good 6-7".. maybe a little deeper at times. The depth holding ability of a Brinley plow varies some with how hard/easy it pulls. With My little 23-8.50 F'stones I start dragging the rearend with anything over a 6-7" deep furrow. Kraig has the ULTIMATE TRACTOR for deep plowing.....

I had the spring loaded hitch on our little 2-16" Case trailing plow let loose one day while finishing up the dead furrow.........land wheel slipped off of the ledge and into the other furrow.

Ever wonder how far you can stretch a hydraulic hose in the time it takes to push in the clutch and get her shut down????
Jim, there wasn't anyone around to step onto the sled.......... but then I guess had I hooked it up people would have shown up. Next year perhaps.

(Message edited by kmcconaughey on April 30, 2003)