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What's up with the ammo shortage?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2009
Reidsville, NC
Marty A. Gwin
Ever since the shooting in Conn. ammunition has gotten scarce. Is it that way everywhere? I have heard different stories as to why the suppliers are not able to fill orders. Anybody heard anything?
Funny you ask. I noticed the same thing at the local Fleet Farm this past weekend. I asked the guy behind the counter if they were just 'between orders' or if something else was at play. He said, "No, we've been getting our normal shipments, but guys will come in here and clean us out by the cart-load."

He went on to say that people are now asking when the .223/5.56 ammo is going to arrive, then they will show up early that morning to get it, and they buy it by-the-case.

I'll skip the politics, but I think somebody said "assault rifle" and nobody's been the same since.

All the ammo/gun dealers around here say they cannot get any handgun ammo, especially 22LR. I went looking for some today, and couldn't find any decent 22's for a reasonable price. I don't have an assault rifle, and don't need one, but I would like to find some decent 22 ammo. I think the "AR" style 22's have made 22 ammo popular.
I guess almost everyone thinks Washington is going to ban all guns or something!

I don't know about that, I saw a box (50 rounds) of lead tipped 22's on the internet for $25.00!

What have you heard?
I'll stick with Art and not go the political route, but suffice it to say, if you got'um, you better not tell anyone and HOARD anything you can find without buying retail! NUFF SAID!
I'm the farthest thing you can find from a prepper, but NO ONE knows other than me what I have other than my 16 and the Browning I brought home from **** land!
And if anyone reading this is offended by the word ****! BITE ME!
Bullets are scarce down here also.
My friends and I are buying all we can afford,and several have begun re-loading.
Assault style weapons or not,things are going to get tight for a while. Most of it is panic,buy 'ya never know....
Our area gun dealer is a police supply store which supplies most of downstate IL. A friend of mine works there and said that they usually sell 10-15 grand a day. The 2 weeks after the shooting they sold over 100,000 a day. Just kind of an indication of how on edge we are right now... BTW same thing is happening here Art... Ammo is scarce.
All ammo has over doubled in price (when you can find it) in my area. The gun shops in this area are having problems restocking guns and ammo. A lot of women are in the gun stores buying Small calibur guns. 410 gauge shotguns are imposible to find here.Just maybee someday our politicans will start working on the correct end of the problem, and all this will level out.
The way ammo is flying off the store shelves is the same thing that happened four yrs ago. There's no shortage of ammo being made, just people stocking up pending whatever the Gov't decides to do.

MARTY - think I was about 12-14 yrs old when Dad got me my first 22. A box of 50 shorts, longs or long rifles were 50 cents, 55 cents and 65 cents. A "BRICK", ten boxes of 50 were around $4.50, $5, and $6/a brick. Seems like a lot of ammo, but my one buddy back in HS had a really good arsenal. We plinked away at some bottles & cans in their trash/junk tank for a bit one afternoon with his 22 caliber 6-shooter. We went thru a box of 50 shells in about ten minutes.

I was at my local Farm & Fleet back around early Dec. and the ammo shelves were full. Was there a week ago and they were empty except for a couple boxes (3-4) of 22's.
I've been reading along. I went to the conspiracy site that was linked up in a converstaion. I also read other articles there, and I thought, ok, I just hope people are reading as a form of entertainment and not as this all being the gospel truth.! Some will take anything they hear or read and believe its the truth. I mean after all, its printed, or spoken so it must be true? I would think as adults who have the ability to use discernment, that anyone who is buying into all this fear and paranoia, aren't thinking rationally, and maybe they are the ones who shouldnt own weapons. For anyone to believe that you have to have semi automatic weapons to protect yourself from intrustions and crimes, I sense fear and stupidity. Sorry, but guns for mass destruction have played into the common ground of men, and look at what is manifesting? Every single day this week the local state paper has been publishing just a few stories about people killing other people. Of someone going into their place of work and getting even. Of killing a family member...on and on. Within my own family history there is a tragedy. It was a suicide/murder. It happens in alot of familys. You never know when its going to hit, but chances are you have a greater risk of being killed by a famlily member then by an intruder. Really? I dont know, but I am thinking the percentages would probably lean in my favor. Can we ever feel safe again when we go out in public? probably not. For we neve know who or when someone hell bent on killing/getting even is going to strike and chances are, you aren't going to be informed ahead of time to avoid this person at this time in this place. Life is a risk. Is breeding fear and stupidity a happy medium to enlist in, when the odds are so high? Life carrys high risks, every single day and we never know when our last breath will be, if we'll be killed in a car accident or at the hand of deranged killer wishing to offer hell upon us. Its a toss of the dice. Do we run with the fear and demand that we have the right to use assault , not intended for personal use, have become personal. for personal use? I dont k
I've been reading along. I went to the conspiracy site that was linked up in a converstaion. I also read other articles there, and I thought, ok, I just hope people are reading as a form of entertainment and not as this all being the gospel truth.! If its printed or spoken it must be true? I would think as adults who have the ability to use discernment, that anyone who is buying into all this fear and paranoia, aren't stepping back and taking in the whole of things and are only seeing weight and value in limited truths/OR untruths that continue to emerge every day, in endless formats.
( I am not demeaning or saying any thoughts shared here by others are not of value. I value and respect all others beliefs and truths, but at times we need to be open to something strange.. a strange new way of being logical just might make us more keen about how we live our lives.

For anyone to believe that you have to have semi automatic weapons to protect yourself from intrustions and crimes, I fail to understand that logic, unless we lived in a completely lawless land. oh hell, maybe we do. Is that our reality? is that the truth of it all? Oh, I have heard WHY they feel they need assault type weapons, One SHOULD be able to use any type of weapon they feel is right. Of course I hope that those who tap into this form of protection are highly versed and know how to handle their weapon in ANY kind of scenerio. Sure. Go for it

when the unthinkable happens, when there are no laws to protect us from ourselves, the tradedys of life play out and those we never think would be violent turn violent and deadly. That is a fact of life. It is unstoppable. So How do we deal with it? With implementing some logical rules for the game of life, or should it all be open to our personal truths? ...

Every single day this week the local state paper has been publishing just a few stories about people killing other people. Of someone going into their place of work and getting even. Of killing a family member...on and on. Within my own family history there is a tragedy. It was a murder/suicide. Anyone who has this type of violence in their history, usually has a different view on guns and family violence. it strikes everyday.. It happens in alot of familys. You never know when its going to hit, but chances are you have a greater risk of being killed by a famlily member then by an intruder. Really? I dont know, but I am thinking the percentages would probably lean in my favor. Can we ever feel safe again when we go out in public? not without hesitation in light of what has manifested and got up in our faces lately. For we never know who or when someone hell bent on killing/getting even is going to strike and chances are, you aren't going to be informed ahead of time to avoid this person at this time in this place. Life is a risk. Is breeding fear a happy medium to enlist in, when the odds are so high? Life carrys high risks, every single day and we never know when our last breath will be, if we'll be killed in a car accident or at the hand of deranged killer wishing to offer hell upon us. Its a toss of the dice. Do we run the risk of self destruction if we believe we have the right to use ANy weapon of our choice for protection? Heck yes you say?

Will our second amendment right to bear arms for self protection be voided by the governement? Of course not. Those who think about it all in a rational sense, know that won't happen. Those who are running scared are breeding undo fear. inbetween the lines you come to understand that the greater good for the whole is dependent on our personal truths.

I hope more will stand on their personal truths by creating a stance that is for the good of the whole and not just for themselves. Whatever that may be, may it hold up with integrity and stepping into the truth that we all need to be peace keepers. However you envision that to Be, may we be responsible and logical, and not base our truths in fear. Fear destroys all values.


Note. I dont mean to disrespect anyone or your viewpoints. It can be bleeped by management or you may attack my words. I hope somewhere in between the lines, you understand what I have attempted to offer. Sometimes the still in the quietness brings new realities and truhs.

I'm sure you've heard that if guns kill people then pencils misspell words.

We have a terrible mental health problem in this country...not a gun problem.

I've heard rumors that cost of ammo is how guns will be controlled and that's the main reason for all of the crazy buying. I read recently that Walmart is limiting the buying of ANY ammo to 3 boxes per customer per day (or something like that).

I got my first rifle, a .22 at age 8. My father taught me well how to use it and what it would do. Mostly he taught me how to handle it safely. I don't think I could become mad enough at anyone to point a gun at them. Sure, there are guns on every street corner but that's not the fault of the gun.

I think I understand what you are saying but knives could just as easily be the problem. Also, it doesn't matter what type of gun or how it shoots; a single shot can be just as dangerous as a fully automatic weapon in the hands of the mentally deranged IMO.

I hope I haven't gotten too "political" here or crossed any lines.
Ah Wayne, thanks for sharing. I totally agree with you. No, it isnt' guns that kill, but the people behind them, and hence as well with Knives. I had a friend, who along with her son, who was 5 years old at the time, were attacked in her boyfriends home, and the only weapon she had to defend herself and her son was a knife, and let me tell you, she fought for HIS life and hers. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Only to find out, after the fact, that the boyfriend dealt drugs, and they came calling for a payback and she and her precious son got in the way. also I was in a relationship when the guy I was dating and his brother got into an altercation and his brother stabbed him, in the leg in the main arterty, which could have led to a quick death had medical not been called, and I knew how to apply a tourniquet. so Knives are as capable as guns, yep. I dont think we are being political, just sharing views and being respectful of others thoughts and feelings. Me? I've had a gun pointed in my face, at my head as well. Once again, mental health issues coupled with those who abuse alcolhol and drugs are lethal combinations, and you never know when or where you might be in danger or a victim? But I was never armed and had to use common sense and abit of ' protection' from above I believe, so I didnt end up Dead.

Yes, it is the mental health issues that need to be addressed. I totally agree. here in the state of Iowa, those in charge, in the majority, who are the republicans, seem to take away money for that very purpose. They had a whole paper last week-end to the fails of the states assisting the mentally in need. So Laws on all levels need to change. Yes, any gun/knife,physical hands can kill, but personally I dont get with the ways of people needing assault, military style weapons to protect themselves? Thats just me. How are these people protecting themselves when not at home? They actually could use the military style weapon out in public more then a threat of home invasion, I believe? perhaps I am all wrong. I have been on both sides of the issue. My ex was big into guns and such and he forced me to handle and shoot. I hated it. hated it, but I also needed to know how to handle and not handle the weapons. A fact of life is you have them within the home, although they were always in a locked gun away for the safety of others.

thanks Wayne for sharin.

Just how do we deal wtih these real social issues, without looking at all factors

I think its sad that people are so paranoid they feel they have to stock up on ammo. Like what are they stocking up for? for hunting uses or the other? and in the past the government hasn't been able to reign in as they have tried or could have, or wish to, so I don believe in this day and age anyone is going to lose their second amendment right. perhaps some weapons will be put on a do not list, but if thats the worse, and it isn't guns that are used for hunting and logical self protection, isnt that part of the solution? or not?
Do criminals obey the law?

So why have more gun laws that only hurt the law obiding citizen?

Banning assalt weapons will only take them out of the hands of law obiding citizens and the criminals and metally ill will still have them.
My .02.
Cathleen M.
I can tell by your words that you have never spent any time in a NON democratic country.
That being said, there IS a reason for arms and ammo in any society, especially the one we live in right now and the path that it appears to be taking.

As long as we have people that don't or won't take action/stock pile guns and ammo, we will have a much easier time IF and WHEN the proverbial poop hits the fan, which I really don't think will happen in my life time.
BUT, if it does, I for one will not be hiding in the cellar wondering what will happen to my family.
Cross my property line and it will be the last line they will ever cross!!!!
I'll let Browning do my talking.
Shultzie, no of course not, criminals dont obey the law. it can all go terribly wrong with law abiding citizens as well. We assume others are fine, stable..then IT happens. . That truth can be validated time and time again by those who others think are of no threat to themselves or others and then the unthinkable happens. thats the scarey part. From a hunter from another country using his hunting weapon to shoot down other hunters because he had been bullied. To the kid who takes a gun to school to scare someone, a bluff, but the bluff turns deadly. Carrying a weapon always come with an intent. Deadly force being the intent. ? Instead of the law reading that gun dealers have to do a background check, Anyone selling a gun at a show should also have to do a background check. Until you make some laws tighter, the loopholes will make it advantageous for those who shouldnt have firearms, have them. true? Any law abiding citizen shouldnt be upset about a background check if they are purchasing for personal use if buying from a private party. I would think a gun owner would feel that everyone having background checks is good for the whole . Yes, its way to easy for those who shouldnt have assault weapons to get them now. That has to change, so how do we propose to change it? tougher purchasing restraits would help. The law abiding citizen can feel put out and that they shouldnt have to have a background check because they aren't unstable or a criminal, but.....?

"For anyone to believe that you have to have semi automatic weapons to protect yourself from intrustions and crimes, I sense fear and stupidity."

This is all we need to know.

If it's all the same, I'd just like to keep my guns for personal protection - given the violence of today's society compared to when I was a boy. Same neighborhood too.

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