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I think most of us know what a Cub is worth. depends on if you have one and know what they will do ."IF" I guy could believe what they post as to do they know how to repair one to make a dependable tractor. Well I just "flush" most info they post.I would buy from and trust a fellow form member that I think "knows" what He or She has for sale and tells the true story on the tractor as they believe they have. heck we all know they can run like a charm one day and be waiting for parts the next, and that is not a poop on Cubs because **** happens to the best lol. I take 1nd as the cost we share in the hobby we have (addiction) as to what they post , we all know better and do we really care ? I do hate to see my friends get suckered on a deal, but feel I sometimes had better let things run there coarse , so I don`t have to eat anything .

I`am starting and running my heard today because fall is coming and the Nomad MC has taken over summer fun for me and fall is near. I`am ask constantly to sell some and this fall I think I should .I own 2 acres and have 12 Cubs or should I say tractors lol.
Well, it took awhile but I see it happens again! Hmmm.. "someone" isn't a "real cubber" if they don't post here?!?! REALLY? How many of you pay monies to Charlie to support the effort here? You either? SO we're all deadbeats right! Or, I believe the word was ABUSERS!

Get real, the free posting allows others who have a tractor and / or parts that we all enjoy or need to come on here and offer it to everyone here. That's it, no-one is abusing anyone. Charlie has the foresight to allow good people to come in here and offer something of value to the members of this site. It's just that simple!

Sorry if I was rough on you, to me it's just a bunch of whining. Just my 2 cents.
Mike Frade-

I see you understood my post to a "T".

All I will say is I mentioned "abuse" of the site, not "anyone" in particular. And I can't see where this could be considered "whining"...it was just a simple observation.
Thanks Mike, I had the feeling that maybe someone, even if not a 'full fledged' member, could have something that others may want. After all, they could have gone straight to e-bomb or that 'other' listing place. At least our p[eople may find something they want. JMHO Allen
Wayne - like I said, just my point of view.
Allen - I think if your running one of these old units, AND having fun.. then you're a real cubber!
You probably have as many posts if not more than I do!

I started lurking here back when this was a dos bulletin board! Just a blue screen with everything typed over on the left side. I just had to join when Dan rolled out his little crawler! I (and a lot of folks) were blown away!
Later I watched the "correct police" tear people apart and thinking they were the only ones "worthy". Some of us only wanted to refurbish and use our tractors, but that didn't seem to set right with the police.

I remember when there was only this site and the yahoo club (run by our very own Charlie I believe) some folks didn't think this site fit their "style"... personalities clashed and now there are many C.C. sites on the web.

I'm rambling along because I've seen this pattern before.. someone doesn't think or feel it's right to post here but "not contribute".. where I feel they are offering us a chance to save a tractor or an implement. Sure the price might be high but when you're selling it's easier to lower a price than raise it later!

Again, just my opinion from the cheap seats, courtesy of Charlie, Bryan M. and Kraig M., perhaps I don't say it enough either.. but, thanks guys!
Allen.. No Comment!

I guess I should've said Thank You to Ranger Buck also. He was the pioneer in all this I believe.
The guys that are 1Ndone erk me but I have to have a look at what they got. Never know, you might find something useful ya need, something ya been hoping to find for along time, even possibly local to ya. So as much as it erks me there is also the possibility it's the end of an era for someone and they might be moving to a condo or something.
Hydroharry, thank you 'cause that's my point! We get a shot at saving or finding something that we need or want. It should be a win/win for us.

Not everyone loves a C.C., some folks like other tractors or maybe they joined 'cause they ended up owning a tractor and have no use for it. Who better to sell to, or where better to list it for sale but a club house full of yellow white tractor lovers?!?!

Again, I know it's my 2 cents... LOL..
Just had a thought. (no laughing about this statement!

If EVERYONE loved those yellow and white tractors as much as we do, there would be NOTHING for sale for US to buy!

Maybe that thought will help when a 1-Ndone'r comes along with something and they think the yellow is made of gold.
Vince, isn't that kind of what the "Trading Post" is?
Ok its nice to have a chance at a cub but,,,

cub 1200 with out lights with out creeper and only a 38 inch deck
for 1000.00 dollars
The Yellow Bug bites someone new every day And if I had not found this site I would still be paying top dollar. There is a learning curve in everything . I know from my experience I may have payed too much for my cub , but I did pay what I thought it was worth to me.