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Charles K.
You'll find over time that 1 in 20 or 30 will thank the person that answered their question.
It's just the way it is.
This forum has helped me and others alike solving Cub problems, lots a times I have got on here and laid out a problem I'm having and some time find a little later that all of a sudden, the solution will prevent itself, or I'll be working on a a project and an entry from the forum will end up being the solution to wat I;m working on,And I try to share my solved problems hoping it will help some one in the future. Most members that I've delt with here seem proffessional,quite a few I;ve met in person and have become good friends, the rest are as Tom put it ' Are here for the money aspect",We know who they are, Charlie doesn't need any more free Cubs!! Marlin, If you need help haulin the free ones back here I;d help
As a "newbie" myself I can't help but feel slightly bitter about this subject. I have posted on the main forum asking proper pre-81 cub question with no response. I ask again for some help identifying my moldboard plow, again nothing. I read this site daily and since I only have a smartphone to work with I am unable to post pics. Again I have asked if somebody would be willin to post for me, nothing. Then there's people like jeff baker who answered my wanted ad and jus like that I have a fully functioning manual lift arm. I guess my point here is you can't lump us all together. I share the same passion for these machines as many others, i jus don't have the resources as others do. I appreciate this site and its members very much for what they do. However, I don't like being lumpes into the 1nd category simply because I'm new. Ok off my soapbox.
J Smith: When I see posts like this, I sometimes take the time to see what was previously posted. SO .... one post vaguely asking for help on a non-IH plow and that some one might post pictures for you (ONE post that I can find) and another post about your slipping clutch - again with a vague request for any ideas, suggestions.. This is enough to make you "bitter" ?? Man, you're lucky you didn't make that comment a few years ago, your ears would still be burning .....No one posting on this forum is entitled to answers, even though there's a societal expectation of entitlement these days..
(OK, I feel better now)
Forget it. Call me a 1nd then. But jus so I'm clear, did anybody even bother to help point me in the right direction? I read the faq's which most of the time answers my questions without the need to post it. All I'm sayin is it really turned me off to the "community". That's my 2 cents so feel free to blast away at me as I'm accustomed to. Have a nice day all.
Gerry and Joseph, let me try to make a little peace here!

1. Jeff Baker is a good guy, and an experienced hand at this forum.

2. Gerry is a good guy, and an experienced hand at this forum.

3. Joseph is a good guy, but not very experienced at this forum.

(Do you see where I'm going with this?)

The One-and-Done rant by Tom Hoffman wasn't about newbies, it was about folks who sign up on Friday, post a "For Sale" ad in the Classified section (at a high price, not in an effort to help fellow forum members), and are never heard from again. Tom takes offense and feels that these users are taking advantage of the forum instead of contributing to it. Many others agree with him, others don't, still others figure it is the price of doing business.

Joseph, I would not classify you in the "1nDone" category -- you've posted at least three times now, even by Gerry's count. However, there is a learning curve to using this forum, and even long-time members (like Tom Hoffman himself) sometimes stray beyond the rules.

What Gerry means to tell you (in my opinion), is that you will get better answers if you can be as specific as possible with your questions. It is a shame you can't post pictures, but perhaps you can find a way. If not, take lessons from posters like Harry Bursell who can describe a problem or solution in such detail that the other person can picture it in their mind.

It is sometimes tough to get what you want in this life, and this forum, and especially its owner, make no apologies. They didn't get what they've got without effort, and they're not going to give their knowledge away just for the heck of it.

HOWEVER, EVERYONE I'VE ENCOUNTERED ON THIS FORUM IS WILLING TO SHARE WITH SOMEONE IN NEED. But if they don't know what you need, it is difficult for them to respond (ask Marlin H.).

Anyway, as a newcomer, the burden is on you to fit in, even though your feelings might get hurt in the process. Hang in there --IT WILL GET BETTER.

Sorry for the shouting (ALL CAPS) I just want to emphasize a few of my points.

Take care, and happy Cubbing.
Joseph, first off, the 1ND that Tom likes to rant about are only about posts in the Classifieds as Jeremiah mentioned. We understand that not everyone is as interested in discussing Cub Cadets as some of us are and that some just need an answer to fix their tractor. We do try to help everyone that has a question. However, if no one knows the answer to your query you won't get an answer. Also sometimes a post can get overlooked. It's not like all of us are here 24/7. Though a few are here almost that frequently... Sometimes we only have a few spare moments at a lunch or coffee break or whenever to log in and see what's happening. Now I'll comment for myself. Sometimes I might see a post from someone asking a question and I don't have time to answer and when I stop back later I forget, darn CRS.
Don't go away mad this is a great place. Please rephrase your query and hopefully someone will be able to help out. Photos do help as Jeremiah mentioned. If you can't post a photo but can email a photo, feel free to email it to me and I will gladly post it for you.
Thanks Jeremiah... My point and I'll make it again is it is an exaggeration to make it sound as though there were repeated requests for help when it was a total of TWO posts... Don't believe me - set up a search with his name, with the AND option and search user names... this will show you all the posts. Read 'em... He had participated and made positive comments that added to the value of the forum, but the specific bitching is about TWO, count 'em TWO messages, not numerous. Heck, I've seen multiple requests presented, several days apart, on the same subject before the right person read it and responded - to expect a response on a first post for help and cry because an answer wasn't there is ............ awww forget it, things never change, do they ??
We are all pretty much nice guys & gals here. My main bitch is, as Jeremiah said, 1Ndoner's gong for the <u>free classified post</u> and never hearing from the poster again. How about a stinkin' Thank you or photos of the finished product you are working on. That is just common courtesy.

On another note go to " IH Cub Cadet Larger Relitives" about the corn planter. That's a very vague question asked. Do you have any idea how many models of IH corn planter there are?? I can now tell you ....IH made lots-o-planters! So to help the guy out I spend some doing some research ........haven't heard a thing. I was just wasting my time <font size="-2">(although I learned some more about IH corn planters)</font>. I surely can find other things to do.
Gotta agree with Tom - the most opportunity you have to learn is when you're helping someone else.. and on the original subject of 1NDone - it's nice to get the equipment on the playing field, but face it, most of the overpriced stuff only gets sold on sleazebay where the buyers aren't as well versed on actual market prices....
If it's because you guy's won't answer my questions all the time I would have quit along time ago. Wha! If its a ligit question someone will answer soon. I have learned alot about fixing these old tractors just by reading.
OK, Here's the deal. I'm sure he has no idea this thread is even here. "I’ve used this tractor for two years until I bought a zero-turn last month", and in that two year span he has NEVER had a problem with that tractor?? That's one hell-of-a Cub Cadet!!! I want one of those. No you show up with a $950 tractor and "NO TRADES, CASH ONLY"
I guess I'm a crabby old man <font size="-2">(And getting more crabby)</font>
Think it was last week after Tom posted something that I figured he was in his late 50's. That ain't old! When you get in your late 60's, that may be older, but not yet an antique !
Tom , I don`t feel sory for you,cause I can get real crabby real fast. I hate it when I get email for my phone number when I have it in the add. I just never answer them back and just grumble to myself lol. All the info they should need I had in my add, they just need to READ THE ADD ! The golf clubs were posted right hand and the shaft length also. My second call was trade for a push mower. I think ,yes I see I had $100.00 obo NO TRADES . I guess I should feel luck, because if he was close enuf I would show him another use for a three wood.I think I need to do what I done to things I don`t need like the old washer dryer we had (3 yo), I placed it at the end of my drive and added a big sign that said. Works, Free, Wife wanted front load . I did have to help a guy load it up. He did ask why I was giving it away !.I did sell my Canoe lol. That was funny,Add said $550.00 for it. got all kinds of calls and no takers. A friend laughted at me and said , Shove the price up to $750.00. Well I did and sold it.When you find the way(method)to sell something (let me know).
Tom Hoffman

how do you like your Z turn ? I have 17.5 hrs on my Toro MX4880 . I hope I never have to buy another.
I thought it looked like a nice 1450, well cared for and a decent price.
Decisions, decisions, decisions:


Same price range.
Same price range? I don't think so, but that crapsman is 1Ndone after a season.